Today, Feb. 2, 2014 is Ground Hog Day in the northern states. Some of you understand that Ground Hogs Day is the day that an animal is use to predict whether there will be more winter or if winter is over. Yankees come up with so really unusual processes.
The so called news this morning talked about the Ground Hog seeing his shadow and six more weeks of winter. The news also talked about a football game that is supposed to be on TV today. Heck, it’s Sunday, there is always a football game on TV on Sunday.
We now understand that the northern states will have six more weeks on winter due to the Ground Hog. This will likely include several more snow storms with many days of subzero weather.
Here in Texas we do not have “Ground Hogs” and we don’t have adult people dressed up like people from the olden days in top hats telling everyone, “winter is not over”. Come on folks; that is a bunch of crap.
Texans do not need all that, “hoop de do” we are more straight forward in our weather predictions. We do listen to the weather man/woman from the TV for short term forecast.
If we want to know whether we have more winter on the way or is winter is over we here in Hewitt, TX consult with “Cedrick”. Cedrick has never been wrong in his weather predictions. Cedrick lives three houses down the street so we can just walk down to their house to request a prediction.
Cedrick’s prediction this year is, “there will be no more winter in this area this year”.
I will answer a question from a previous posting. The question is, “what is the meaning of Three Dog Night”. I must apologize; I thought everyone knew what a “Three Dog Night” was. For that one person who did not know about a, “Three Dog Night” the term refers to the number of dogs you would need on your bed to keep you warm while sleeping on a cold night.
I better answer this question before you send me an email asking; “who is Cedrick”?
Cedrick is a Chiwawa. Yes he is one of those little dogs that often bark and bits. Cedrick did not see his shadow when he came out to do his business today because it is cloudy and light rain.
I hope you winter weather is finished and all your days are pleasant.
Don Ford
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