
Thursday, February 6, 2014

$12.00 Bicycle... 02.06.14

$12.00 Bicycle…                02.06.14   
                Being retired and living on a fixed income, I am continually waiting for the Social Security check to be deposited. For those of you who are working, please continue to work as long as you can. When you work you are keeping my little SS check coming.
          My spouse of 44 years 10 months wanted to purchase a bike for the grandson. Our finances being what they are, only allowed us to purchase a used bike.
          The bike looked good but it had a few problems. The front tire was flat so I was required to fix it. During the tire repair process I noticed a few other items that would need my attention.
          The outside air temp was 20 this morning, it rose up to 34 for a high but with the wind that did not cease if felt much colder. I tell you about the cold weather so you will understand why I was working on the bike in my, “use to be” office.
The garage is not heated and it did not take more than a minute in the unheated garage to make me come into the office. My work bench was my desk and I placed the small bike with training wheels on the desk so I could get to all the bolts and screws.
I adjusted the hand break so it will now work.
The front tire was on backwards, at least the tread was backwards from the rear tire so I fixed that.
The seat was very loose, I tighten that.
I noticed the training wheels did not seem to be tight so I investigated and they were not only loose but put on wrong. I corrected that situation and properly tightened them.
I checked the bike’s peddles and one was unscrewed and about to fall off. I tighten that peddle and checked the other.
I am not sure how much to charge the grandson for this work on his bike. The motorcycle shop get about $50.00 per hour.
Even though it is cold here in the heart of Texas and I do complain often about the cold weather, we are better off than those folks who live in the snow and ice covered states.
I have a project in the garage that I started approximately two months ago. I work on it when the weather is warm and it sits when the weather is cold. It is almost finished with the exception of a few layers of varnish; I am hoping for a couple warm days which would allow me to complete the project. If the project turns out fairly nice I will post some photos and brag on myself (no one else does).
I guess that is all from the Ford Homestead.
I hope your day is warm and your friends are nice.
Don Ford

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