
Friday, February 14, 2014

Finish with a suggestion 02.14.14

                Hello from the Ford Homestead of Hewitt, Texas.  We are getting better but not yet 100%. 
Getting better from what, you ask.  My spouse of 44 years and I have both been sick this week. My first wife began the week throwing up and she had the “out house trots”. She basically spent two days in the bed room because she was sick and did not want to share the illness with the grandson.
I, not wanting to be outdone, developed a low grade fever and the trots which lasted two days and two very uncomfortable nights. We both are ok now, but still kinda weak.
Enough about our health status, let’s get to the two photos and a couple notes.
Today I put the handles on chest 001 which is a gift for Gabi. I needed a way to mark the chest without leaving marks on the chest.  I decided to use some Masking tape seen in the photo below. This suggestion may be used by you in your projects and you do not need to send donations (unless you want to) for the suggestion to, “The Ford Homestead, of Hewitt, Texas”.
If you are observant, you will have noticed the two round holes at the top of the photo. They are actually small round knot holes in the wood not drilled holes.
I placed the tape, marked the drill spots and drilled the holes through the taps. When I remove the tape there are no unwanted marks on the chest.
Above we see the final part of the chest project. It is loaded in the pickup and ready to be delivered.
Hope you are healthy and happy.
Don Ford           

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