
Thursday, May 30, 2013

"Things change and stay the same?"

               How can things change and also stay the same? Well I am about to tell you and show you how.
               The words “show you” should indicate to those of you who are alert, awake and or paying attention, there will be a photo in this message. For that one person that isn’t aware of your surroundings let me state, there will be a photo in this message.
               Message; wow I am in the process of posting messages. That would indicate that I have some amount of information that is worth passing on, but is it?
               David and Clair have move into their new home which has left the Ford Homestead “an Empty Nest”.  Alex and Gabi no longer have to share a room. Alex was excited that his room had a closet and his own window.  
               My wife of 44 years has moved some of the furniture in the room that Gabi and Alex used. Now that Alex no longer uses the bed, Molly T has decided to take over and use it for her naps when she doesn’t want to be bothered by humans. That is how things change and stay the same.
I ask you, does this cat have the life or what. Not only is she using the bed without permission but she has her head on the pillow. I would expect her to have her paw around one of the stuffed animals next time she naps.
Today, Thursday is house cleaning day for my wife of 44 years.  Alex often helps with the dusting and I most often try to stay out of the way.
               Well I guess that is about it for now, I hope you have an outstanding day!
Ford’s Place

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