
Monday, May 20, 2013

Just take over and never ask

               All is well at the Ford Homestead but the heat has come to Hewitt. It has been hitting the low 90s the last couple days which has caused the grass to grow. The doctor told me to not lift or bend over longer than to tie my shoes. Basically not too much exertion which has been fairly easy for me…
               At my last doctor visit I asked if I could mow the yard if someone started the mower for me.  He said “no”, it is the dust and other air born items that might get into your eye.  Well, the yard really needed to be mowed and they are predicting rain for the next couple day. I started out by mowing around everything in the back yard then my wife of 44 years got on the riding mower and mowed the rest of the back yard. It was the first time she had mowed with the rider. She did a good job.
               I mowed the front yard with the walk behind mower; I had goggles on to keep the dust out of my eyes. The goggles would steam up when I got a little hot but I finally got the yard mowed. I don’t think I did any damage to my eye.
               I was surprised with some fresh vegetables from Keith’s garden. We will be eating fresh squash this evening.  He also brought a couple bags of onions. We will tie some of them in bunches and hang them up to dry, others we will eat. I guess Keith knows we are on a fixed income and doesn’t want to see us eating road kill.
               I was surprised by a phone call from a good friend today. We had not talked or seen each other for quite a while. It was very nice to hear from a good friend.
This photo is supposed to show Molly T Ford (the T stands for trouble) so do not look at my fat belly. Molly is not a lap cat but she is a desk cat. She will walk on the key board and try to drink my hot coffee. As you can see, this cat is nothing but trouble.
Well I guess that is it for now, I hope you have a nice day.
Don Ford

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