
Monday, October 29, 2012

Gecko a lizard, not insurance

Tejas and I were having a coke on the front lawn while discussing today’s children; mostly we were talking about Alex.
            Tejas had just finished his drink and was listing to the words of wisdom that were coming from me to him. One of the reasons he is so intelligent is the fact that he hangs around me and I
am willing to share the massive amount of knowledge that I have acquired over the years.
            One of Tejas’ favorite chew toys is a plastic bottle. I believe he enjoys the crunching sound it makes as he bites it.  He likes to think it is the bones of a bad person that he is crushing. He also likes the cap to be left on the bottle and he will bite the cap until it comes off.
            In the photo below we see that Alex has managed to collect a gecko. I have noticed that Alex isn’t afraid of any of the critters that live around our house.  I hope he doesn’t find a grass snake (they live in the jasmine vines in the front of the house) as I do not like snakes. 
Below is a close up of the gecko. He was almost transparent.
Changing the subject; I was practicing the art of “Wood Butchering” Saturday. A friend had asked if I would cut a low hanging limb that hang out over their drive way. I was able to remove that limb and some other limbs which would rub the tops of pickups and SUVs when they drove onto the driveway. 
            While I was there we decided to remove some other low hanging limbs from a large pecan tree. These limbs were over the sidewalk and hang down in the yard to the point of hitting you in the head as you walked through. We made a good team, I did the cutting and they pulled the limbs to the curb.
            Donna, my spouse of 43 years, came over and she was gathering pecans from the limbs that were being cut1.
            After the work was completed we went to Casa Ole’ for a late lunch. The food was good and the company was outstanding.
From the Sawyer2 mind of     Don Ford
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.
1. Yes Donna had the owner’s permission.
2. Sawyer is a term meaning a person who cuts wood.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Travel use to be interesting

I was recently reminded that in another life (when I worked) I use to travel a lot.

               Traveling was sometimes interesting and other times boring. Sitting in an airport watching people could be interesting such as watching a man dressed as a woman walking through the airport in high hills (he should have had a closer shave)
There were always a few people that had their PJs on and carrying their pillow. I never really understood the pillow thing unless it was their security pillow (blanket). 
What about the people that wanted to be seen as important, they would be on their cell phones talking loud enough that everyone could hear them.
The young business people, possibly just back from a seminar and all pumped up, talking about how they do this or that.
Experience tells me that business people keep quite in public arenas and they don’t have to try to impress others.
There is a group of people that can’t look other humans in the eye so they get their, “smart phone, lap top or tablet” out and read or send endless text messages. Some could be playing a game but whatever they are doing, they are not interacting with other humans.
You may not know this but one of the main reasons the “smart phone” was invented was to provide introverts and social outsiders a way to avoid directly interacting with others.
The smart phone allows those people to never look up. In a national study it was noted that these people have trouble with simple facial expressions such as a smile or a frown.
I am unemployed and on a fixed income so I can’t afford a smart phone.
You might consider purchasing a smart phone with a one or two year paid service plan, as a Christmas present for me.
When I receive my smart phone I promise to look up occasionally.
Travel often has unexpected events such as delayed flights. I was in Montgomery New York which is in Orange County home of “Orange County Choppers” and the forecast was for a couple inches of snow.
I knew 2 inches of snow would not cancel my 1:00pm flight. I left work about 11:00am and stopped at the Prema’s deli to purchase a Turkey Club sandwich (this sandwich is better than xxx). It was snowing lightly when I arrived at the airport and to my surprise my flight was canceled.
I had learned that it did not help to get upset with the person working behind the counter so I politely asked why the flight was canceled. It was due to the foot of snow in Philadelphia which was where I would change planes.
Another time my flight canceled in New York was due to a flat tire. They had to get a tire from out of town and we were grounded.
I was in Montgomery New York when the 911 terrorist attacks occurred. Needless to say all flights were grounded. We were instructed to keep our rental cars in case we had to drive home.
One of the places I enjoyed traveling to was Lexington SC. I flew from DFW direct to Columbia SC, then a short drive to Lexington. Mary (a nice person but don’t tell her I said that) works in the Logistic office at Do it Best Corp. home office; made my travel arrangements.
There was a sea food restaurant in Lexington (Harbor Inn) just one block from the hotel. They had good food, cheap prices and I could walk there. The hotel had free adult beverages in the evening and one would not want to drive after indulging.  
There was a time when Mary was off and the president’s assistant made my arrangements for a flight to Columbia. She routed me from DFW through Memphis then to Columbia. This was not the usual flight but Do it Best was always looking for ways to save money on travel.
Memphis has a large airport and that was my first time there.  As I approached my gate they were calling my name to board the flight. I hurried onto the plane and was seated. Since I was the last one on they close the door and started the motors. They went through the normal info about seat belts and emergency exits. The captain came on the PA welcoming us to the flight and told us how long the flight to Columbia, MO would be.
It was at this point that I took a good look at my ticket and found that I was going to Columbia Missouri not Columbia South Carolina. I commented to the lady next to me that I thought I was going to Columbia South Carolina. 
She suggested that I tell them I was on the wrong plane. I explained that my ticket was for this flight so I was on the right plane going to the wrong place.
She noted that I was very calm about the situation; she said she would be in a panic mode if it were her, in my place. I explained that “it happens” and it would not do any good to get upset.
From the ex-traveler mind of                       Don Ford
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


            It was a normal Tuesday morning the weather was warm but cloudy so after some discussion with my Amigos Tejas and Alex it was decided to…

               I have had sun damage to my arms and I cannot work in the sun without a long sleeved shirt or sun screen. Since the day was overcast we decided to attempt to rake some acorns.
As I have explained in the past our red oaks drop acorns at an astonishing rate. In a recent study by the Texas A&M, our red oaks drop 38% more acorns than an average tree and our acorns are 41% larger than average. In the same study it was determined that it would take 217 squirrels working 12 hour days through December 19th to clean up all the acorns.
I went to the shed to get a rake and Alex went with me. I assumed he would get his rake and help me with this chore. I usually bring the wagon to the front yard and Alex cops a ride. Today I did not pull the wagon deciding to get it later if I need it.
Alex loaded the wagon with 4 rakes, 2 shovels and one hoe, all kid sized. Yes he has a lot of yard tool and the word hoe refers to a garden tool (get your mind out of the gutter).   
I was in the front yard when I heard Alex making noises as if he was straining. I checked on him and he had pulled the wagon loaded with his tools to the gate but failed to negotiate the gate opening and the wagon was stuck. I went to his aid and brought the loaded wagon to the drive way.               
I returned to the chore at hand and he brought a rake to help. Alex helped for about 10 minutes and then lost interest. He then went to the back yard to play. I continued raking the grass for acorns. I was getting some dead grass and some of the acorns but the grass is deep and it is hard to get the acorns from the ground up through the deep grass.
It was at this point that I heard a scream. It was not a normal kid playing scream, it was a scream that I would only expect to hear if a pit bull was dragging the kid away or possibly if the kid was hanging upside down with the swing chain wrapped around his leg.
This horrendous scream was coming from Alex and in this screaming voice he was calling for papaw (me). I knew he was in trouble and in my panicked mind I could only think of the worst things that could happen. My grandson was in trouble. I dropped the rake and literally ran to the back yard. I didn’t know I could still run but I can. I could see his head at the swing set and he was still screaming. The adrenalin was pumping when I arrived at the scene.
Alex was standing beside the swing and he was alright.
There was no blood, his arms and fingers were all in place. 
He was upset because he could not get on the swing seat and wanted me to put him on the swing. I put him on the swing and tried to explain that he had “scared me almost to death”.
Being 2.5 years old I don’t think he understood what affect he had on a retired senior citizen.
To add insult to injury, after I put him on the swing seat he wanted me to leave because he is learning to swing alone.
I survived and I now know I can respond quickly to a grandkids call for help.
From the calm, adrenalin free mind of      Don Ford

All rights reserved: any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Flowers and bugs

The photos that follow are from the extensive gardens at the, “The Ford Homestead”.
The first photo is just past the bud stage.
Second photo is taken the next day.
Third photo is of the same flower on the third day.
I know you think I am a, “flowerologists” but I am not. I do have a lot of time to take photos.
This guy (Honeybee) was steeling nectar from my flowers and trying to avoid Tejas. Tejas is a bee killer.
 From the same group of flowers this butter fly was also taking a liquid from the flowers. Tejas doesn’t kill the butterflies but the grand kids do catch them.
From the photographer/gardener mind of              Don Ford
All rights reserved, any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Just a swinging

Just a swinging

               He fly’s through the air with the greatest of ease, that daring young man on the yellow swing seat. Alex has found that belly swing is fun.
Alex has a drink every morning when I have my coffee, he calls it his coffee. It is a yogurt drink and it smells bad to me but he likes them.  Yes he has a hat like his papaw.
               You probably noticed that Tejas is guarding the perimeter.
Alex sometimes gets in places he shouldn’t be. He likes to pull the darn acorns of the limbs and bring them to me calling the pecans.
I will be hauling these limbs off tomorrow (Saturday).
               Have an outstanding and restful weekend.
From the mindless wonder wonderful mind of      Don Ford 
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Alex and me I

            Today is the first day of the Garage sale so Alex and I had the day together.

               Donna left, “The Ford Homestead” this morning at 7:30 taking Gabi to school. From there she went to Waco for the garage sale, where she stayed all day. Claire also left at 7:30 for work.
               Alex and Tejas were unhappy because they did not get their usual ride to school.
Alex and I stayed outside for a while after they left. The wind was blowing and it only took Alex a few minutes to decide he wanted to be on my lap for the extra body heat.
               We decided to venture inside and play cars on my desk. Alex allowed me to check my emails while he played cars. It was much warmer and less windy inside.
               Later in the morning (after the sun came out) we went out to get the mail. We decided to play cars in the drive way. Being the artist that I am I drew a parking lot and a road to play cars in and on. Yes I am the artists who drew the sale boat.
Kids can still have fun without a computer.
A little later we went in to the back yard to swing. Alex gets to swing and I get to push him (you would think he would push me occasionally).
What did you say? “He will get to push me in a wheel chair in the future”. I don’t think that comment was funny!
               As I was pushing Alex in the swing, my mind drifted back to the playground at the May Green grade school. I remembered the swings seats were wood and chains connected the seat to the frame. Most of the time we would swing alone without help.
Occasionally one kid would push the other kid. When you were pushing the other kid we would go under the swing.  Pushing from behind you would push and run under the kid/swing you were pushing.
There was a way for two people to swing in the same swing at the same time. One kid would sit in the center of the swing and the other kid would stand on the swing, facing the opposite direction, his feet to the outside of the swing seat.
Another lost art in swinging is standing up while you swing. Today’s swing seats are not made of wood and it is almost impossible to swing standing up.
Modern day swings made from a flexible strap are probably safer that the swings of old but for this old man not nearly as comfortable.
Back to my day; I prepared lunch for the two of us and we ate at my desk while listening to Rush Limbaugh (another good ole boy from Cape Girardeau, Mo.). Eating mac and cheese at the desk may have been a bad decision. There was a cheesy mess on my desk where Alex was seated. MY side of the desk was spotless.
The rest of the day was kind of normal, we watched some cartoons and at 2:00pm Alex and I took our afternoon nap.
From the swinging mind of          Don Ford       get your mind out of the gutter
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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bursting out...

            I really do not say, “Bursting out”.  Since I am originally from Missouri, I say “busting out” which has a totally different meaning.

               Saturday afternoon in Hewitt, Texas was very cloudy and there was the occasional sprinkle of rain. I had noticed, earlier in the week, that our neighbor was planning a wedding to be in their back yard. They had put together an arch and Saturday afternoon they brought in chairs.
               There were predictions of rain and possible thunder storms for Saturday evening and the clouds left us with the impression it could rain anytime.    
               I checked on the process several times and even took a photo. I can only assume the
view was better from the other side.
At one point the neighbor between the Ford Homestead and the wedding party was cutting tree limbs in his back yard with a gas chain saw. I asked if he would be sawing during the wedding and he replied, “what wedding”. I pointed at the neighbor’s back yard. Luckily the wedding was not in progress. (I believe that is the first time I have typed the word luckily.)
The wedding was well attended and it did not rain. I wasn’t invited, that would have been a good opportunity to get a free meal for a retire person on a fixed income.

New subject

               We have been collecting pecans daily and now believe we have enough for a couple pecan pies. We have noticed that a few of our pecans were splitting open (see photo).
At “The Ford Institute for the preservation of Nuts” we have a noted Pecanologist , Professor J. R Walnut who answers all our questions about pecans and pecan trees.
Professor J. R Walnut teaches Pecanology at the local junior college.
If you would like to book the professor to speak at a club meeting, you can contact him through “The Ford Foundation of Hewitt, TX.”
               We showed the above pecans to Professor J. R Walnut and he explained. The actual nut inside the shell had continued to grow after the shell had stopped growing. This caused the shell to split open slightly exposing the fruit of the pecan. 
               Professor J. R Walnut determined that these nuts had received and unusual amount of fertilizer. He investigated the matter further and discovered the source of the fertilizer was from two retired people sitting on the drive way near the pecan tree. The two retired people were myself and our neighbor Glen.
It could be true that at times there may be an excessive amount of BS (aka fertilizer) that flows from the two of us.  
From the well fertilized mind of   Don Ford   
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Grand Kids

I guess we could say, “Miss Gabi is up a tree without a ladder”. Did you notice the play on words? You didn’t? The saying is similar to “up a creek without a paddle”, get it now? I don’t know why I try to share my witticisms.  If you don’t know what that word means you can look it up. (Remember if you click on the photos you may be able to see a larger version.)
Not wanting to short change you, I have included two photos of, “The Alex”. Notice the innocent look on his face as if he had not climbed on the chair then onto a trailer where he is not supposed to be.
      Tejas has turned his back to the boy not wanting to be responsible for the kids transgression.
Alex is the only kid I know that rides the rocking horse so hard that the front and back frame comes off the floor.
From the baby sitting mind of       Don Ford   
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Verbal Contrasts are Legal and Binding

            If a used car dealer tells you that he will fill the gas tank of a car that you are purchasing that is a verbal contract and he is required to execute the verbal contract. 

               Verbal contracts are more enforceable when there is a witness.
               If the above is true, why can’t “We The People” see that verbal contracts put forth by politicians are executed. 
When a politician states anything such as “I will cut the deficit in half in my first term” and he says this on national TV (lots of witnesses) why isn’t that a binding contract?
Why are politicians allowed to make statements (AKA verbal contracts) and not be expected to keep their word (agreement)?
We the people put up with a lot of Crap from Politicians.   
From the “I will keep my word” mind of   Don Ford
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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Master Mechanic

            For those of you who have read my biography, “Ford the younger years”, you know that I have a high mechanical aptitude.

               It is true, when I was tested in high school I scored very high in mechanical aptitude. That is why I was placed in the Auto Mechanics Class my senior year. I was one of two students that were offered a job when we graduated, at the local Chevy dealer.
            Since I had the mechanical aptitude and was offered the job when I graduated I went to work for the local newspaper, “The Southeast Missourian”. I know, it doesn’t make sense to me either. Perhaps it was preparation for my blog.
I was in the distribution part of the paper. We took the bundles of papers to the paper boys. And before you ask, yes there were boys who delivered papers every day to your house.
               I also ran advertisements to the customer for their approval and then brought them back to the type setters so the ads could be put into the paper. As an example, Sears was one of the customers that I took proofs to.
               I should get back on the subject; mechanical work.  I had noticed that the gas shut off valve on my number two backup generator was not shutting the gas off.
Before you ask, I had the generator running and I shut the valve off which should have cause the generator to stop running in a couple minutes. The generator ran for a couple hours.
Why did I let it run so long? I needed to get the gas out of the tank so I could work on the shut off valve. If you stop asking questions I will continue my story! I try to keep the articles short and someone has to ask questions.
I almost forgot what I was writing about.  Now I remember; I needed to remove two screws from the shutoff valve to see the internal working. Since I am on a fixed income I don’t have a nice work bench with overhead lighting like working people do, so I was sitting on the floor in the doorway of my shed. I needed to be in the door way to have the light to see what I was doing. Seniors should not have to sit in the doorway of a shed to work on things.
The first screw was removed and placed in the magnetic dish. The second screw was removed and I dropped it. Where did it go? I look all over the floor of the shed using a flash light. Then I used a magnet and found nothing. I then swept the floor and used the magnet on the sweepings and nothing.
Being somewhat frustrated but keeping my cool, (Fords are known for being cool in difficult situations) I decided to look for another screw to put back in the shut off valve. I want through all my secret places that screws might be kept finding one screw with threads that almost matched and one that was a little short.
I decided to not use either screw and to continue to look for the original.  I started taking the generator apart hoping to find the screw stuck between some parts. As luck would have it I dropped another small part, a clamp that secures the gas line. Now I am missing two pieces of the generator. I had a strong suspicion that the clamp had bounced out the door so I took the magnet and started moving it across the grass slowly. I heard a click; something was drawn to the magnet. I look at the magnet and it was an old nail.
Continuing the search I found an old screw and another bent nail. Then I struck gold; it was the gas line clamp. I continued searching with the magnet and I also found the missing screw.
Less frustrated I carefully began to put the #2 generator back together.
Before you ask, I did start it and it run. Yes the shut off valve also works. The only problem with the valve was the two screws needed to be tighter.
On another topic:
Alex and my Amigo Tejas were in the back yard this morning. It was still cool so we had out jackets on.
The boy (Alex) rides his four wheeler, speeding around the trees and other obstacles in the back yard.
From the Master Mechanics mind of                        Don Ford 
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Monday, October 8, 2012


            I have been called a dreamer but this was a real dream that I can’t explain.

               It has been my experience that most dreams have something to do with daily happenings such as reading a book, watching TV or hearing a story.
               I should start out by saying my dreams for several years now, have been somewhat like a TV show. I believe I have been able to direct some of my dreams. They continue even after I have woke up and go back to sleep.
               I should also explain that I have dreams that are often silly, not creepy but silly.
               Now I will relate to you the dream I had last night.
               Visualize a parking lot and I was standing on the pavement facing a tour bus. This bus was about 30 feet from me.  It had glass all around so the passengers could easily see out and I could see in. One of my sons was standing about 20 feet behind me (I don’t know which one I just had the feeling it was one of my sons).
               There were 6 to 8 people on the bus. The bus was stopped and someone from the bus made a comment to me. I remember thinking the comment was a threat. I turned sideways to the bus and put my right hand into my pocket. I had a gun in my pocket; my hand was on the gun.
               One of the men on the bus showed me the gun in his pocket.  I turned and looked at my son then immediately turned to look at the bus. The bus and people were gone, they had disappeared.
               I shouted to my son I can’t see them, he said over there to your right. I again said I can’t see them. I had my gun raised and was ready to fire. My dog Tejas was standing in front and to the right of me and he was wagging his tail as if he was wanting someone to pet him.
               I assumed there was an invisible person was standing there and I fired 3 shots.
               I woke up.  
               I am not sure I want to know the meaning of that silly dream.
From the dream filled mind of      Don Ford
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pecan Harvest Reports

            We have found another use for the harvested pecans; Alex and I have been practicing counting (I need the practice more than Alex).

               After returning from taking Gabi to school Alex and I checked for pecans on the ground and ready to fall from the tree. Today we acquired another 15 or so pecans.
The squirrels for the most part have been leaving my pecans alone. I have seen two squirrels in the neighbor trees and yesterday I thought I saw one with an almost black tail. That is very odd for two reasons.
First, I have seen gray and red squirrels but never seen a black squirrel.
Second, a friend had recently told me about seeing a black squirrel during a trip to Ohio.
Did I imagine that I saw a squirrel with an almost black tail or was it real? I can’t say for sure but I will keep my eyes open and report back to you possibly with a photo.
I was sitting here at the key board when I noticed Alex run out of my security camera view. I immediately got up to see what was up. There is a person mowing the neighbor’s yard and I thought that Alex may have been heading that way. I was out in the back yard very fast. Alex was heading toward the person who had been mowing. I explained to Alex that he should not talk to strangers unless I was with him. I don’t think he really understood (he is 2.5 years old) but it doesn’t hurt to tell him.
Alex came in to the house and there was a knock at the door. It was the fellow that was mowing next door. Tejas and I went outside to greet this person. The man looked at me and asked, “What is your call sign”? I replied “KJ5OD”. He told me his call sign but I do not remember it. He noted that he had seen my tower and antennas and wondered if I was someone he had spoken to on the radio.  He is a ham radio operator who lives in Woodway. We talked about radio a little and explained that I had not used a radio in several years.  He told me went the local nets were, so I might give them a listen.  He returned to his mowing and I came back to the key board.
We have now harvested enough pecans to make a pecan pie with a few left over. We will continue the harvest until the last pecan has fallen.
Today is Friday and we are looking forward to the winter weather this weekend. It is predicted to get down in the low 40s, winter weather. I have started looking for my coats and gloves prior to the cold front arriving.
This should be the last posting until this weekend.
From the weathered mind of                       Don Ford
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Feeling Good...

            This morning I jumped out of bed bright eyed and bushy tailed (truthfully, I drug myself out of bed and moped into the kitchen to make coffee).

               This morning I had a dentist’s appointment, I had to clean up and get dressed in nicer clothing, no faded blue jeans and a T shirt. 
After a couple cups of coffee I was ready to take Gabi to school. Tejas always rides in the passenger seat and Alex rides in his car seat. The drop off went as expected except there was a lot more people dropping students off at school.  Today is picture day; I assume that is why they were bringing the kids to school and not having them ride the school bus.
I dropped Alex and Tejas off at home and drove over to the dentist’s office. The young lady that cleaned my teeth was a pleasant person and we talked a lot. I was feeling very good. which is unusual when visiting the dentists. I no longer have dental insurance so I had to pay the entire bill.
As I was leaving there was a fellow sitting in the waiting room who asked if I use to work at Do it Best Corp. I learned that he works at DIB part time and also at UPS. I sat down and we talked until the dental hygienists came out and ran me off. It was time for the other fellow’s appointment.
I got into the truck to head for home. I decided to get a cup of coffee since my teeth were clean. As I drove to Star Bucks I noticed I was in very good spirits, for some reason I was more happy than usual.
Arriving at the coffee shop I decided to also have an oatmeal raisin cookie. I went through the drive through and I noticed that everyone inside Star Bucks seemed to be happy. Was it them or just me?
Driving toward home I was enjoying the coffee and the oatmeal raisin cookie. I was still in a good mood. I arrived at home and was welcomed but Alex and Tejas. Donna came outside and I offered her a bite of my cookie. You should know that Alex doesn’t like raisins; but he liked the oatmeal raisin cookie.
I explained to Donna that I was in a very good mood and I believe I knew why. When I got up, got dressed and left the house it was similar to going to work.  Going to work was a pleasant situation for me.  Today I have talked with people about various subjects, also similar to work. 
I know that you think I am always in an upbeat mood, but the truth is, “I am not”.
Maybe I will attempt to find a job.
On a different subject, today is David and Claire’s wedding anniversary. They have been married 9 years! 
As a side note, I stopped using tobacco the weekend they were married.
        From the jobless and nicotine free mind of             Don Ford              
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Agreement between me and Tejas

            As you possibly know, Tejas is my constant companion and amigo.

               Today I was looking for pecans under our little tree and I found 3. One of the three had been chewed on by a squirrel but he had not penetrated the shell. 
I had a discussion with Tejas asking how he thought this had happened. He thought the attack on this defenseless pecan may have been executed possibly by a rancorous squirrel. He went on to surmise, this attack probably occurred just after sun rise.  That would be the time when no one is outside and a squirrel would go unnoticed.
Tejas has volunteered to go outside early morning the watch the tree instead of lying on the comfortable warm carpeted floor inside the house.  He knows I am typing about him that is why he is looking at us over his shoulder.
I just noticed; Tejas is just a littleleftof Center. Is it possible that he is a Liberal?
               Changing the subject slightly I would like to speak of a study that I have recently completed here at “The Fords of Hewitt Homestead and Nature Studies Observatory”.
I have been very interested this year in protecting the pecans on our little tree which has lead me to do an in depth study of the “Pecan Tree”. To summarize my exhausting studies I would point out; the Pecan tree tries to protect its Pecans by having them grow at the very end of each branch. These branches are very small making it more difficult for the squirrels to attain the forbidden nut.
FYI: did you know the pecan tree is a tall hickory tree, of the southern U.S. and Mexico?
Changing strides, (that means I am changing the subject) Yesterday I was taking the kids swimming pool down and I noticed that some of the flowers and other plants were flourishing after the recent rain.
The grass and flowers are growing and blooming. I will now need to mow the yard which means work for this retired senior, “Naturalized Citizen of Texas”. (Look it up if you don’t know what naturalized means). 
Yes even the Peppers are growing like weeds. You can see two peppers on the plant but there are many more. I don’t know what kind of pepper this is; I just water and pick them.
Yesterday was cool with the high temp of about 84 degrees. It was a breezy day and the flags were flying in the breeze all day long.
If we do not get the “right president, I will be flying the American flag upside down showing that we are in distress.
          Yes the word “right has a political connotation.
From the wind-blown nutty mind of                          Don Ford
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