
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mid to upper 90s 06.14.16

            To say it is hot and humid would be an understatement. I attempted to go out onto the front porch to sit, just to ponder world situations. It was so hot, I was forced to take a fan with me.
Think about it, where would a senior citizen, wanting to sit on his front porch, who is on a fixed income, whose present spouse has to pick up cans from the highways and bi-ways, in an effort to have enough money for food, get the resources to pay for a fan.
I have three fans that are used almost daily, one at my recliner, one in the computer room, and one by my bed. These are handmade, manual fans, requiring a physical effort on my part, to feel somewhat cool.
One of my fans has a dual purpose. It is used to help me cool off, and it can be used when my senior neighbor wants to come across the street and sit in the shade to discuss world problems.
What? Yes, I said, “it can be used when my senior neighbor wants to come across the street”. Why does that seem to be an odd statement to you?
What? You want me to tell you how it is used to help my senior neighbor, no I will not tell you let me show you. See photo below!
Click on photo to enlarge.
Yes it is handmade! When I see my senior neighbor attempting to walk across his yard, I can take my fan to the street and use it to stop traffic, which will allow my senior neighbor to safely cross the street. Before you comment, yes I can act somewhat like a school crossing guard.
Before someone asks, the opposite side of the fan has the word, “GO”, on it. What else would you expect? 
Being on a fixed income, one can’t afford to purchase fans made at a factory. If you want to donate to help us stay cool send your donations to, “The Ford Foundation to Keep Cool”. All donations are fully non-tax deductible. Letters of appreciation will be sent to all benefactors.

Help your senior neighbor,
If not already,
You will be one, someday!

Don Ford

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Continue please...I enjoy the style of writing!