
Thursday, May 28, 2015

How they started 05.28.15

                Once again, the professional Stinkers “Thinkers” here at, “The Ford Homestead Foundation for Understanding of Creation”, has studied, and may I say, “Answered” one of the most debated topics of the scientific community. Just in case you didn’t know, I, your host for these Blog postings, was the lead Thinker in this terrific study.
Before we get started with the new discovery, I want to show you a few black berries that were recently harvested from the extensive black berry patch (one big plant), on the property of, “The Ford Homestead” of Hewitt, TX. 
There has already been a black berry cobbler made and eaten, my present spouse made black berry jam and jalapeño jelly, this past Tuesday from berries and peppers grown here. Gabi would eat all of these berries, if we allowed her to. Alex enjoys helping me harvest the fruit.
Before anyone asks, we believe the BS that is generated by myself and occasionally my neighbor, has enriched the soil causing this bumper crop of berries.
                Back to our subject at hand, “How they started”!
                First we assume that most of you know that we here in central Texas have received an unusual amount of rain. Additionally we have had rain for 22 consecutive days. According to the official rain gage here at, “The Ford Homestead”, in the last 6 days we have received 6.5 inches of precipitation, rain!
                We here at the Foundation for Understanding of Creation, were faced with the daunting question, “how did rain forests get started”. We have learned that the first rain forests sprang up from the flood plains around some rivers due to copious amounts of rain. Was this weather change, “Man Made”?
                A few of you have probably heard or read about a fellow named Noah. Noah was this dude who lived a long time ago. He was informed by God that he should build a big boat because it was going to rain and everything that was not in the boat would be destroyed.
                Noah was told how large to build this boat, known as, “The Ark” and that his family along with a bunch of animals would be safe from the floods, while on the Ark. It might be interesting to know that the acronym ARK means, “Accommodations on a Rainproof Kraft”.
                Before that one person begins to comment, the word Kraft was spelled with a “K” in biblical days.
                Noah had a couple boys and he informed them that they would be working with him in building the Ark. The one son was a little lazy and didn’t like to work. Noah explained that no work, no ride in the boat, and everything that is not inside the boat would drown. The lazy son got the message and help build the boat.
                Ok, I can see you are wanting to know how this has anything to do with the rain forests. I will explain.  It rained 40 days and nights which caused a lot of flooding. Everything in that part of the world was covered with water.
Here at The Ford Foundation for Understanding Creation we have learned that, climate change back in those days was caused by man, they were burning too much wood, and the smoke had affected the weather.
Think about this, 40 days of continuous rain would definitely cause, “the big flood”, and it would wash the atmosphere of all that smoke.
                The normal weather was affected all around the world due to people cooking and heating their huts with wood. In those other parts of the world, there was not as many people burning wood. They received a lot of rain, but not as much as Noah. The rain occurring in those areas now known as rain forests, occurred a couple times daily, but not continuous rain. 
                These munificent rains caused plants to grow very rapidly. There were many red oak trees which produced many acorns, and the prolific rains caused the acorns to sprout and grow. Yes there were other trees that grew but the red oak was by far the most prolific seed producers.
                In the following photo we have an example of how, just a little wet weather (22 days) can impact the growth of trees. We counted 21 baby red oaks growing in this small portion of, “The Ford Homesteads” front yard.  With this prolific growth, Hewitt could be a rain forest in a matter of months. 
                If you would like a copy of the fool report send $31.67 plus $8.00 shipping and handling to the Foundation for Understanding of Creation. This report is in a hard copy version. (Allow a long time for delivery.)
May your day be dry and the sun shine bright for you!
Don Ford

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