As you may know, the red oak trees in our yard produce an unusually large amount of acorns annually. I have over the years used various methods to remove the acorns. One year I attempted to rake them in to piles, while another year I got on my hands and knees and picked them up. I now have a pecan roller which picks up either pecans or acorns, and the occasional snail.
There was this one year the neighbor came over and asked if he and his family could pick up acorns from our yard. Being a good neighbor I allowed them to pick up as many acorns as they wanted. The reason they wanted the acorns was for their deer lease. They said the oak trees on the lease were not producing that year. I would like it if they wanted to pick them up every year.
I have noticed that acorns have caps on them when they are in the tree but sometimes the cap comes off when they hit the ground. I was considering why acorns have caps and I have formed an answer. You will see in the photo below why acorns have caps.
If you are absorbent observant, you should notice the unhappy acorn has his cap off and he has no hair. Now you know why they wear caps.
What was that comment? You say I have nothing better to do…
The next photo is of me and my brother and sisters. Two brothers and two sisters are no longer with us.
In the photo it looks as if I have not missed a meal in over 20 years. Now that I think about it I haven’t missed a meal. I am sure it is just the way I am sitting and we all know the camera adds 10 pounds to a person. I am sure I could not be overweight.
Do not look in the mirror to see who was taking the photos. This photo was taken with my tablet and I think it has a fat lens on it. Also I was setting a little more forward on the couch than the others.
How much weight can a couch hold? How do you know when it is overloaded?
If you take a photo of a mirror with no reflection of the photographer, can you see yourself in the photo of the mirror? You say you can’t. How do you know, have you tried it?
Enjoy being with your family,
and don’t exaggerate the olden days, too much.
Don Ford
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