
Monday, March 3, 2014

A good night's sleep. 03.03.14

A good night’s sleep…            03.03.14
                For a senior one of the best things can be a good night’s sleep. I should note that finding the best location for a nap or to sleep all night is important.
                The couch is good for the occasional short period of sleep (30 minutes to an hour) and my recliner is good for the 15 minute nap. A bed is good for a full night of sleeping experience.
                Why am I enlightening you as to the best places to sleep, I will tell you. This morning I rolled out of the bed early and it was not easy as it was cool in the house and about 18 degrees outside. I strolled into the front room and observed my constant companion and confidant sleeping. I decide to get my camera and take a photo of him for posterity.  
                My wife of 44 years found this photo a little disturbing as this is her recliner. A few nights ago I observed this, “Pot Hound” in this same chair but he was on his back with all 4 legs up in the air. It is difficult to believe this “Pot Hound” could sleep laying on his back curved like a horse shoe, but he did.
                *             *             *             *             *             *             *            
It is 10:30 and only 21 degrees. We had sleet and freezing rain last night. They are predicting the same thing again tonight, hopefully it will miss us and warm up.
I need to get out in this cold weather today to pick up a prescription. I will wait until noon as it is supposed to warm up to freezing (32 degrees)
I hope your day is warm and pleasant.
Don Ford

1 comment:

Mary Yunker said...

He probably likes the smell of your wife's chair better than your chair!

-4 this morning, warming up to a high of 14. This is March.