
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tejas, friend, companion, confidant

Tejas, friend, constant companion and confidant.

                 Tejas was a good natured dog, most strangers assumed he was mean.

He had a tendency to always be laying where we had to step over him, he didn’t care if we stepped over him as long as we didn’t step on him. He was a big dog and steeping over him wasn’t always easy.

                He usually listened when I told him not to do something, but he did have my permission to chase any cat (other than Molly) that ventured into our yard.

                He enjoyed getting hosed down (bath) and shampooed during the warm months. It was easier if two people attempted to wash him, he often paid us back by shaking the soap and water off while standing close to us.

                He got a treat every afternoon about 5:00pm. His treat was a dried pig ear. Tejas knew where I kept the ears and about 5:00 he would stand looking at the container in an effort to remind me it was time. We believe the hard pig ears kept his teeth clean. He and I both enjoyed eating peanuts.

                Tejas stopped eating and didn’t want to do anything.  The vet found serious problems and the decision was made to put him to sleep.

                Tejas had a very healthy and good life up to the last two weeks.

                Tejas is missed.


Don Ford

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