
Monday, September 23, 2013

My most magnificent ride. 092313

               Thursday and Friday we had a little rain here at the Ford Homestead. Did I say, “a little rain”? We had 6.25 inches of needed rain. Yep, that is a lot of rain and it was standing in the back yard for a couple hours then, like a sponge, the yard absorbed all the water.
               A friend and I had been talking about a ride to San Antonio for lunch if the weather ever cooled off enough. The weather people were predicting cool temperatures for Saturday. My concern was the rain; would it be gone or still hanging around.
               Saturday morning came the temp was mid 60s and the sky was clear. It was a perfect day for riding so I called a friend to see if he was ready to ride. Unfortunately he was unable to go. I had emailed another friend earlier in the week but received no response.
               What should I do? I decided to ride alone.
               The ride was cool and fun with lots of nice scenery. The rain was no problem as the roads were dry and clean. I did run into a couple places where there was road work but that was not going to lessen my fun.
               I was riding some side roads and I expected my GPS to take me more directly to the Sea Island but it didn’t. There was traffic and road work near the Sea Island but after a few reroutings I arrived.
               May I say, the food was excellent, and I enjoyed every bite.
               After eating and a short break I headed for home. The trip was a total of 390 miles and before you ask; “No I do not think that is too far to go for lunch.”
I hope your day is as good as my ride!
Don Ford
               (The eye operation this morning seems to be a success)

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