I was sitting in my trusty rocking chair near the garage door on the drive way as I considered my thoughts. It would be impossible to relate all the thoughts and or ideas that flow through my head. Some may say, “it is easy for an idea to flow through Ford’s head because there is nothing in his head to slow the idea down”.
Obviously that is not a true statement; if my head were empty it would not weigh as much and would not need to be as big as it is. Truthfully, it is difficult to get my T-shirt off at night due to my head being so big.
What kind of thoughts go through my head when I am pondering? For that one person that doesn’t understand the word pondering it has nothing to do with a pond of water, it basically means thinking about something.
Darn, now I have used a word that Texans don’t understand and that word is pond. For some reason here in Texas a pond of water is referred to as a “tank”. When we first moved here a new friend invited me to go fishing with him at his grandpa’s farm. He explained that his grandpa had a big tank on the farm and there was some big cat fish in it. In my mind a tank of water was a metal or cement circular container, used to store water for the livestock to drink from.
Back to my original thought; did I even have an original thought for this article. As I was sitting there allowing thoughts to fill my head I noticed our cat Molly-T. She is the color of an old blue haired lady. Come on, you have seen old ladies with that blue gray hair, that is Molly’s color.
I also had a thought about “pinky swears”. As I thought about the meaning of a “pinky swear” I realized, even though I know what they are I had never made a “pinky swear”.
It rained yesterday afternoon, my rain gage indicated about ¼ inch. I can’t be sure that the rain gage was empty so I am not sure of the amount.
We had fall like temperatures yesterday, it was only 94 degrees. We appreciate any cool weather that comes our way.
I guess I need to rest after all this exertion (typing) so I will stop and try to do something relaxing like driving over to the Whataburger for a breakfast sandwich.
Have a thoughtful day.
Don Ford
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