
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year New Ideas

            Hello from the Ford Homestead of Hewitt, Texas.  We are now into the New Year and I hope some of us have new ideas and new experiences.

               As I was lying in bed last night I came up with a new idea that I will be happy to share with you.
First, I should explain this morning after finding that I had no cereal to eat with my morning coffee I was despondent (yes I know what that word means) that I went into the front room aka living room aka TV room and sat in my chair.  The “so called news” was on the TV with the usual crap. We are not supposed to say “crap” out loud around the grandkids but I think it is ok to write it.
I am sure you have noticed at the end of the year that many of the morning shows and so called news programs are talking about what happen this year. I am sure there are a lot of you out there that need to know what happened last year.  Some of you are enthusiastic about learning what happened last year.  Then there are those of us that actually paid attention during the year and don’t need to be told of past events. We are the same people that were able to listen to our school teachers and learn we are able to retain information.
It might be that I don’t have enough to do during these cold winter days so I listen to the radio or watch TV just to pass the time. “Retirement sucks”, on those days when it is too cold or too hot to go outside.  I digress; I was sitting in my chair half listening and half watching the TV when I thought how boring it was.  I decided if I was going to be bored I should come in here to my computed and be bored while I put a few thoughts on paper the screen.
Back to my original thought; as I lay in bed wishing that the cat (who was sleeping near my feet) would move, and since it was somewhat cold in our bed room, I began thinking about keeping warm.  I have an idea for a new clothing item. 
I assume we all have seen the glasses that are clear when they are worn inside but when worn outside in the sun they darken becoming sunglasses.
For a few of us that have actually worked outside in the cool or cold weather we understand that dressing for the cool temps is easy but shortly after beginning our work we get hot and start removing some of the clothing.  I have experienced this and usually find that within a couple minutes of removing a jacket I need to put it back on because I have stepped out into the wind or the sun went behind a cloud.
Don’t get ahead of me, this is my idea. I think someone should invent a material that could be used in jackets and other clothing, which monitors not only the body of the person wearing it but the weather conditions. If the person gets cold the material would increase its insulation value to preserve body heat. When the body gets warmer it could reduce the insulation value.  Also when the person steps out into a cold breeze or rain the outside layer would seal itself and become a wind breaker. When the wind breaker was no longer needed the material would become more pours and breathable allowing the persons perspiration to evaporate.
I am giving this “New Idea” to the world and I hope someone gets to work on it soon.
Changing the subject, I purchased a toy for myself just before Christmas.  I purchased a tablet.
No it is not a “Big Chief Tablet”.  You must be old if you thought of the Big Chief Tablet. Do they still make the big chief tablet? 
I just got another fascinating idea! It is difficult to keep the ideas out of my head.
Someone should make a cover for the electronic tablets, which appears to be a Big Chief paper tablet.  Then when you are at the Star Bucks enjoying a coffee and you go back for a refill, the person sitting at the next table may not want to steel a paper tablet.  Your iPad would be safely inside the cover which appears to be a Big Chief.
I do expect 1% of the profits from this idea (being on a fixed income I need it).
If you have purchased or received as a gift one of these electronic tablets, you now understand that you will want accessories such as a screen protecting film, a stylist pin, a cover that opens like a book and possibly a keyboard.  All of these are expensive especially for those of us on fixed incomes.
I should now stop with this posting and get back to some “New Ideas”.
From the mind of “The Idea Man”                             Don Ford
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.

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