
Monday, September 16, 2019

Tres photos of me 09/16/2019

            The Company party was nice. I got to see some ole friends, there was even a couple retiree’s other than me, present. The VP presentation was good, the entertainment was good, the food needed help.
            I have Tres photos (that means there are three photos, and not photos of my dog named Tres). In the first photo notice I had a tie on, and the tie pin is an HWI pin, which I wore to the DIB party.
            The next photo is of a shadow, it is from a mighty man, who had just finished watering the birds!     Me?                I like to keep the birds happy so they do not poop on my vehicle.
            The last photo may be of an angel, there appears to be wings.
Do shadows tell stories?                          

Story teller; Don Ford


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