
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

I tried it 09/04/2019

            I popped out of bed and headed for the boy’s room, that part of the morning over I began the dressing process. For that one reader, I will explain the term, “dressing process”. Dressing process does not mean I was going to be making dressing to cook with a turkey, it means I was going to put my clothes on.
            When I got to my socks, I started with my right foot, which by the way for me is the wrong foot! Then the left foot. It felt completely odd. When I started to put the shoes on, it was actually difficult for me. I did it, but I don’t think it is anything I want to continue. I like my old habit.
            That brings me back to, “being thought of as being annoying or silly”. I tell the grand kids that I want them to remember me as being silly. You might think that is odd, but I do not!
            What do I remember about my grandpa?
 He was old.
 He had hair growing out of his ears.
 When we would pick him up each Sunday morning to go to church, he would get into the car, passenger side of the front seat and as he got in he would knock his hat off.
 In his home, he sat in a rocking chair next to the pot belly stove.
            I have no memories of him telling me anything, or even talking to me, which I assume he did. When I am gone I would like for my grandkids and others to have a larger memory of me.
            Consider the memories of your grandparents.

            Different subject; yesterday a neighbor lady as she was walking down the street said to me, “You look like Poppa Bear sitting in the rocking chair”. She went on to say “The chair is large and you fit into it well”. I thanked her and she continued on with her walk.
            She is correct, the chair is large and I fit into it well. I guess we could say, “She has a larger memory of me”. Wow, it is working and I didn’t even do anything special other than sit.

            Different subject; yesterday as I sat at the fords ole computer I happened to notice movement on one of the security cameras. I clicked on that camera view and it opened to full screen. The lady next door had moved her trash cart onto the drive way. She had a hose and was attempting to clean the trash cart.
            When I cleaned mine, I took it to the curb so that any of the disgusting crap that came out would be on the street and if it ever rained, or if I wanted to, it would be washed down the street in front of someone else’ house.
            I went on with my computer time but I check back a couple times to see how she was doing. At one point the trash cart appeared to be full of water. I then got up and went to the window for a better look. She had filled the cart with soapy water. I also observed that she was at the end of her hose, so if the hose had been longer she might have taken it to the curb.
            The trash cart is large and I estimate it would hold about 50 gallons of water. We all know that water has a weight of 8.3 pounds to the gallon. Rounding the 8.3 off to 8 and multiplying it times 50 would give us…     Ok I know math is not your strong point so I will tell you, there was approx. 400 pounds of water in the trash cart.
            Have you ever watched a 130 pound woman try to push a 400 pound trash cart over to drain it, I have. The cart is made of a strong plastic, it did bend some when she pushed it. Some of the water was out when she tried again. This time the cart went over with a loud noise sending a bunch of water down the drive way.

            My last comment is true, and then I will close.
            The neighbor on my south side has a 4 door Ford 4 X 4, his name is Steve.
            The neighbor on my north side has a 4 door Chevy, 4 X 4, his name is Steve.
            If I change my name to Steve would I get a 4 door Dodge 4 X 4

Be known as something, even if it is Silly!

Silly and annoying Grandpa; Don Ford


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