
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Home invasion 09/17/2019

            This is a true story of a home invasion, nothing is made up! This is not one of my ideas for a blog posting this really happened.

            One doesn’t usually think about things like home burglaries or home invasions, and even though there is a lot of talk about guns these days, we normally do not think that we will be involved in a situation where a gun is needed.

            I personally listened to the news reports about robberies and break-ins in Waco, but we don’t usually have a lot of crime in Hewitt. Let me tell you this, and you should consider what I am saying. If you don’t have a gun and there is a home invasion you will want to get one. There is a, “Stand your ground law” which in part says, you don’t have to retreat from anyone who may be threatening you.

            Our home invasion happened during the night around mid-night. My wife stays up until midnight most nights and when she starts turning the lights off and shutting down everything she will let the dog out the back door, leaving the door open until she gets him to come back in. He is usually outside for a few minutes while my wife tries to round up the cats and get then in the house for the night.

            On this particular night my spouse was at the garage door calling the cats. The home invader came in through the back door, Tres never barked, so we believe Tres must have known this invader.

            He made his way into the house and we believe he may have hid in the dining room. My spouse let Tres back in the house, unaware that we had company, and she locked the back door and was coming to bed when she saw something on the floor.

            What was that and why was it there? She hadn’t noticed it earlier, where did it come from? She walked over to it and when she started to pick it up it moved. Surprised she more or less stepped back. Imagine if you will, having an uninvited frog in your house. When and how did this invader get in?

            Now that she was no longer surprised she attempted to catch the frog but this little rascal was fast and he got away.

            The next morning as I was getting dressed, I observed the uninvited frog going into our bathroom. I had him cornered. Captured, I removed this invader from the Homestead and turned him loose outside the back door. As I turned to come back in the house there was a second frog about the same size on the door step, ready and willing to enter the house. 

The names have not been changed as there are no innocent.


Senior invasion analysts and responder; Don Ford


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