
Friday, September 6, 2019

Before and After 09/06/2019

            If you read the title line, you are likely going to be disappointed. I do have an after, but I do not have a before, sorry.
            I had to call the air conditioner people to come out and check the unit. He didn’t really find anything wrong but he did put a couple hours in.
            After the noon meal and a short nap I went to the front yard and removed weeds and Jasmin vines from the blocks that provide a border in the front yard. I used an ole pair of scissors to cut the vines and I now have a blister on my hand. An after photo to follow.             Yes I need to mow, get off my case!
            When I was cleaning up the clippings I found some acorns. One is a single and the other is a twin, photo to follow. Why do the acorns come as twins?
Acorns, are not a blessing, are a curse!
Senior non employed person who must do his own work: Don Ford


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