
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Take a little time 09/19/2019

          There is a good chance that many of us never take time to smell the roses. By that I mean, we go through our normal day doing normal things never seeing all the nice things that are there. For that one person who reads my posting (if someone actually reads it), I am saying, people should occasionally break or change our habitual ways, and just see how nice we have it.

          The above statement applies to those who are employed, and those of us on a fixed income.  

          This morning after Tres and I went for a walk, I procured a cup of real coffee and went outside sitting on the ford’s kind of new swing. Sitting outside in the morning, rather than sitting in front of my ole computer and having the Fox TV on, is a break from my habitual actions.

          At first I was just sitting there taking an occasional sip of the coffee. Then I began to notice how nice and relaxed I felt. My spouse was exercising in the garage with the ole time religious music on. That ole music takes me back to the good ole days in church, when I was a kid.

          Molly had come up and found a place to lay just inside the garage door. She was stretched out on the garage floor, not a care in the world. Then Charlie assume the prone position in the middle of the drive way, he also seemed very relaxed. Tres was laying in the grass near my feet and he was zonked out.

          The sky was changing from a very dark gray to a very light gray, as sunrise would occur in a few minutes.

          It was obvious to me at that moment that we have it pretty dog gone good, and the best part, I was actually aware of it!

          I suggest you break a habit, look around, and take a little time to enjoy! This can also be done at work.


Take time to see and smell the roses!


Senior rose smeller; Don Ford


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