
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

I cannot believe it 09/25/2019

            This happened to me yesterday, and I will sit here and say to you, “It will never happen to you”! The big question is, what is the Senior Fellow at the Ford Homestead referring to?
            I had given in to my spouse of half a century’s request, for me to go to the tax office and renew her license for her vehicle. Going to the tax office is similar to going to the motor vehicle office to get a new, or renew, your license. They both have a machine that you enter your info in, then it gives you a number. You then sit or stand in line for an hour or so before anyone will help you.
            I arrived at the Tax office at 10:00am on a Tuesday. I went to the machine and entered my info and received a number. My number had an “r”, for registrations, and I was number 1998, “r1998”! I took the number and walked into the office area and there was no one waiting! There was no line. They got me in and out in about 2 minutes. I say that only happens once in 2,460,000 times. It will never happen to you. J
Let us change the subject!
          My security camera DVR (digital video recorder) has stopped working. I had purchased it, along with 5 new cameras and new wires in June. It had worked fine until a message popped up, indicating there is an update. I did not down load anything, I went to the menu of the DVR and clicked on update. The unit stopped working. I have went back and forth with the ZOSI people. They have suggested several down loads with updates, none have worked. I sent them requested information today and have not yet heard back (Tuesday).
          I use the security cameras a lot, to observe the goings on outside while I am here at my desk. Not having the security cameras working, is kind of like, not having your smart phone! I hope they find a fix, I don’t want to try and find the money, to purchase another. If I must purchase another I will look at different vendors.
          Wednesday morning, I have another suggested update, from the vendor, for the DVR. It did not work. They have indicated they would exchange the DVR it that update did not work.
Changing the subject again.
          I have a photo of flowers blooming, the photo isn’t real good as the flowers were supposed to be blue, and the sprinkler had ran, so the flowers were wet. The white flower is a fungus, but it looks pretty dog gone good. Photo to follow.

          Fungus or not, it looks as good as the flower blooms.

Change the subject again.
          After a grueling morning walk, The Tres and Molly were taking it easy on the drive way. Photo to follow, yep we walk before the sun gets up.
The ole red rocker is the best we have, being on a fixed income isn’t easy!

May your day be filled with someone as nice as me!

Senior nice Fellow at the Ford Homestead; Don Ford


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