No I didn’t spill a glass of milk, at least not recently. I hope that delays the questions from that one person who always feels the need to ask some silly question, before I have had a chance to complete my explanation.
In today’s lesson I want to tell a story of a bogus person (for that one reader I want to explain that bogus in this setting means, not real) who became upset when they spilt a glass of milk. Instead of saying, “Darn it” and cleaning up the milk, this person became very upset! In this upset state they began snapping at everyone around them, causing the children to become very quiet, almost afraid to say anything.
Let us consider the situation.
1. The glass of milk is spilt, that can’t be changed.
2. The milk needs to be cleaned up, that doesn’t change.
3. Becoming upset, raising your voice, and snapping at those around you, will not clean up the spilled milk.
Why did this person lose their cool? There are many excuses for one losing one’s cool, but they are just excuses. The reasons are most likely, (1) that they have through most of their life observed others popping off any time anything went awry, rather than approaching in a controlled manner, (2) they have never taken the time to consider the effects of their ranting on others, or their own health.
Life’s lessons, are not always easily learned, and are difficult to teach, as some people don’t believe they have a problem, or, just don’t want to listen.
Sometimes we don’t see the need to change our habitual bad actions. Most likely we consider our actions normal, and if someone attempts to point them out to us we become defensive, and refuse to listen or consider the advice that is being offered.
The most effective method of creating change is when we ourselves, realize the need, either through self-evaluation, or considering a comment from someone, which is basically self-evaluation.
It may be hard to believe, I use to explode at almost anything, then one day as I was working on a project in the garage I dropped a handful of nuts and bolts. They hit the floor and spread out over the floor. It just happened that I was in a very good mood for some reason, and dropping the nuts and bolts did not trip my trigger. I looked at the bolts on the floor, I smiled and said, “If that is the worst thing that happens today, it will be a good day!”
Later in the day, I thought about my positive reaction to dropping the nuts and bolts. I remembered smiling and saying, if that is the worst thing that happens today, it will be a good day! I thought it actually felt good to have smiled and made a positive comment, compared to becoming upset and blowing my stack.
I considered that I should react positively to situations that have often tripped my trigger. I had come to this self-realization without outside intervention. In other words, “It was my idea, and since I thought of it, I liked it!”
Just in case you have read this entire article but have not grasped the point;
That lesson is, “when faced with a negative and upsetting situation, smile and take a positive approach”. Although I am not always able to stay positive in upsetting situations, I find that a smile and this simple phrase, “If that is the worse that happens today, it will be a good day!”
Now on a different subject:
I was sitting all alone on my old worn out rocker, in the shade near the garage door, the temperature was 96 degrees, and I did have a fan running, attempting to keep me somewhat cool.
The neighborhood was quiet, as it was too hot for anyone other than me to be outside. That is when I heard it! This sound was coming from behind me, and the sound was of something falling through the tree limbs. I quickly turned to see a large rusty red colored hawk, falling like a rock, and then spreading its wings just prior to hitting the ground. He flew up to the top of the power pole and adjusted what he had in his talons, as several mocking birds flew at him in protest.
After a few seconds this big hawk flew away with the bird in his claws.
Smile and be positive about situations!
Don Ford
What, who has a question? Oh, it’s you again. What’s the question?
You want to know how anyone could be positive about the hawk story.
Smile, be happy that you are not the bird!
I guarantee the hawk was smiling and happy that lunch was at hand!
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