
Monday, July 11, 2016

Against City Ordinance 07.11.16

            There are just too many of them, and I can’t be expected to follow all the silly rules (ordinances) made by some want-a-be career politicians.
            As I understand in the town of Hewitt (I call it a town because Hewitt isn’t large enough to be a city) citizens who have lived at the same Homestead for 37 years, are not allowed to park their vehicle in their own yard. Now I do understand that we do not want old junk cars parked in yards. My vehicle is not yet junk, or old, but I am still not allowed to park it in the yard, even for a short period of time.
            Saturday afternoon, when there was enough shade in the back yard, I decided to voluntarily disobey the local government rule! I parked the Ford’s Chevy in the back yard! Yes I consider this as a civil disobedience! There was no rock throwing, no tear gas, and no arrests made during this protest.
            I am a believer in peaceful protests.       
            I must have a long talk with my grandson, as I have found his chewing gum in the bed of the Ford’s Chevy. Before you ask how I know the gum was his, I will provide the answer. As he was crawling through the window on the back of the truck cab, he said he was going to throw his gum in the yard. I suggested he toss it in the trash can. He and I will need to discuss two things, not following instructions, and not considering my truck as a trash can!
            Have you ever tried to pick up a hunk of gum that has been sitting in the sun for several hours? No, well I have! When you attempt to pick it up, it is like soft very sticky glue. This substance will not come off your fingers easily! I tried paper towels and they became attached to my fingers. I then tried soap and water to no avail! I thought about it for a few moments and came up with a plan, I will try my spouse of 47 years, glass cleaner. It is mostly alcohol and it removed the glue, I mean gum!
            Back to my peaceful protest at the Fords Homestead. With the truck parked in the shade of the back yard, I began to washed this vehicle, allowing the water that drips off the vehicle to enter the parch grass. We haven’t had any rain for several weeks so any water that could be applied to the yard would be helpful. Can you believe that the local government would make an ordinance that would keep you from watering your yard, during a drought, as you wash your vehicle?
            I will post a photo of the vehicle in the yard after the cleaning. Yes, I cleaned the inside also. Do not look at the grass that needs to be mowed, I was hoping it would rain before I mowed the yard. Yes, one of the neighbors has commented that I have not mowed.
            If you are wondering about the garden, it is almost finished. I am still watering it and if you look behind the vehicle you will see that there are weeds and a couple sun flowers in the garden.

            After completing this total interesting article, I decided to do something about the grass in the yard. I instructed the grounds keeper to get his lazy body outside and mow the yard. He actually did a fair job of manicuring the estate. He also used an old technique for picking up the grass along the curb, after my first wife chastised him for not sweeping the grass off the street. He used an old trash can with one side flat. This allows one to sweep the clippings into the container and then pick it up and carry it to the next pile (see photo below).
            As an extra incentive to the Gardner, I will attach a photo of his work at the front of the Homestead. He did a fair job of manicuring.

Protest peacefully!

Don Ford

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