
Friday, July 22, 2016

Have you ever 07.22.16

            The title of this wonderful, and should I say, well written article, is the beginning of a question, “Have you ever sat in the sun when the temperature was 97 degrees, with leather boots, long pants, a long sleeved shirt, gloves and a full helmet on?” 

            Yesterday a friend and I decided to take a short ride of about 30 miles to have lunch. At the beginning of this ride the air temperature was a cool and refreshing 94 degrees. Our ride to the Bunk House was direct and fairly quick as the speed limit on the highway was 75 mph.
            For that one non rider in our reading group, 94 degrees at 75 mph is still 94 degrees. Yes there is a little air circulation as one rides, but the Gold Wing’s windshield does what it is made to do, which is to shield the rider from the wind. I did open the vent in the windshield which allowed some additional air movement, and I had all the air vents opened and directing as much air as I could, to this senior persons, totally covered body.
            There were a few other riders at the Bunkhouse, they sat at the next table, so we exchanged barbs with them, as there were Harley riders in their group. Actually, it was all in fun as we know these riders, and have forgiven them for owning non Honda bikes.
            Meal completed, conversations concluded, it was time to return to the Homestead. I asked Wayne if he wanted to take a direct path back to our domiciles, or a less direct path, with a little more scenery. It was decided to take the less traveled path, Wayne lead, and I followed.
            This part of the ride was at a slower pace (60 mph or less) due to the curves and hills in the path less taken, and the temperature was now 97 degrees on its way to 100!
Fully dressed, and with a well-insulated helmet, (the well-insulated helmet is appreciated if you have a wreck or if you are riding in the winter time but not so much in the wonderful summer sun) we enjoyed the scenery of this wonderful path less taken, as our bodies were calling for, “Water, cool, clear, water!” Yes I was thinking of a song from the past that in part states, “He’s the devil not a man, and he’s parched the burning sands, with Agua”.  Come on, you know the word Agua, is water in Spanish.

Quiet often during this ride we were in locations where, we could see for miles in all directions and there were no clouds in the sky! No clouds means no rain and no shade.
The hottest part to this entire ride was when I arrived at home. I pushed the button that opens the door to the Homestead garage and positioned my ride so I could back it into the garage and park it. This is one of the few times that I appreciate having reverse on the Wing. Once in the garage, out of the sun with no air circulation, the heat seemed to be increasing. I immediately began removing articles of protection and clothing.

I have learned that I do not enjoy riding in the mid-summer heat and in the mid-winter cold. There are about two weeks in the spring and two weeks in the fall when the temperature is just right for riding. 

            Yes we are now in the 100 degree temperatures, but as the so called prognosticators have stated on TV, there are others who live north and west of us who have it much hotter. We wish those people, Good Luck!

Stay cool, check on the elderly that lives near you!

Don Ford

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