
Thursday, May 28, 2015

How they started 05.28.15

                Once again, the professional Stinkers “Thinkers” here at, “The Ford Homestead Foundation for Understanding of Creation”, has studied, and may I say, “Answered” one of the most debated topics of the scientific community. Just in case you didn’t know, I, your host for these Blog postings, was the lead Thinker in this terrific study.
Before we get started with the new discovery, I want to show you a few black berries that were recently harvested from the extensive black berry patch (one big plant), on the property of, “The Ford Homestead” of Hewitt, TX. 
There has already been a black berry cobbler made and eaten, my present spouse made black berry jam and jalapeƱo jelly, this past Tuesday from berries and peppers grown here. Gabi would eat all of these berries, if we allowed her to. Alex enjoys helping me harvest the fruit.
Before anyone asks, we believe the BS that is generated by myself and occasionally my neighbor, has enriched the soil causing this bumper crop of berries.
                Back to our subject at hand, “How they started”!
                First we assume that most of you know that we here in central Texas have received an unusual amount of rain. Additionally we have had rain for 22 consecutive days. According to the official rain gage here at, “The Ford Homestead”, in the last 6 days we have received 6.5 inches of precipitation, rain!
                We here at the Foundation for Understanding of Creation, were faced with the daunting question, “how did rain forests get started”. We have learned that the first rain forests sprang up from the flood plains around some rivers due to copious amounts of rain. Was this weather change, “Man Made”?
                A few of you have probably heard or read about a fellow named Noah. Noah was this dude who lived a long time ago. He was informed by God that he should build a big boat because it was going to rain and everything that was not in the boat would be destroyed.
                Noah was told how large to build this boat, known as, “The Ark” and that his family along with a bunch of animals would be safe from the floods, while on the Ark. It might be interesting to know that the acronym ARK means, “Accommodations on a Rainproof Kraft”.
                Before that one person begins to comment, the word Kraft was spelled with a “K” in biblical days.
                Noah had a couple boys and he informed them that they would be working with him in building the Ark. The one son was a little lazy and didn’t like to work. Noah explained that no work, no ride in the boat, and everything that is not inside the boat would drown. The lazy son got the message and help build the boat.
                Ok, I can see you are wanting to know how this has anything to do with the rain forests. I will explain.  It rained 40 days and nights which caused a lot of flooding. Everything in that part of the world was covered with water.
Here at The Ford Foundation for Understanding Creation we have learned that, climate change back in those days was caused by man, they were burning too much wood, and the smoke had affected the weather.
Think about this, 40 days of continuous rain would definitely cause, “the big flood”, and it would wash the atmosphere of all that smoke.
                The normal weather was affected all around the world due to people cooking and heating their huts with wood. In those other parts of the world, there was not as many people burning wood. They received a lot of rain, but not as much as Noah. The rain occurring in those areas now known as rain forests, occurred a couple times daily, but not continuous rain. 
                These munificent rains caused plants to grow very rapidly. There were many red oak trees which produced many acorns, and the prolific rains caused the acorns to sprout and grow. Yes there were other trees that grew but the red oak was by far the most prolific seed producers.
                In the following photo we have an example of how, just a little wet weather (22 days) can impact the growth of trees. We counted 21 baby red oaks growing in this small portion of, “The Ford Homesteads” front yard.  With this prolific growth, Hewitt could be a rain forest in a matter of months. 
                If you would like a copy of the fool report send $31.67 plus $8.00 shipping and handling to the Foundation for Understanding of Creation. This report is in a hard copy version. (Allow a long time for delivery.)
May your day be dry and the sun shine bright for you!
Don Ford

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Facing danger 05.26.15

                The day started out as most do, but this mother of twins had no idea that she would shortly be facing danger. She awoke early and prepared breakfast for the twins. It was not raining, which was a nice change. After feeding the twins she attempted to clean the house. When you have twins, keeping the house clean is an almost impossible task. 
                This all occurred in a quiet neighborhood, not known for violent acts. It seems the unemployed mother was home alone with her two babies, when the suspicious person was first seen. In retrospect, she should have known something was not right when she first saw the meanderings of this perp.
She was later quoted as saying, “I had to do something to protect my babies! I decided to attempt to get his attention, and keep him away from the kids! I had no weapon and no way to call for help! Yes, I put my own safety on the line to keep him away from the babies!”
                She also later explained, “he was just kinda hanging around, not seemingly bothering anything, yet not going anywhere either”.
                Comment; if there is someone in your neighborhood that is not normally there, someone you haven’t seen before, if you just have a feeling that something is not quite right, call the police and ask them to check out this suspicious person. It is better to be safe than sorry.
                The mother had stopped looking outside the house when her babies became upset. What was wrong now, had one of them messed themselves or were they hungry again. These two never seem to get enough to eat.
                Some attention to the babies and they were finally quite again.
                She remembered the suspicious meanderings outside the house and went to the door to see if he had gone. As she quietly peaked out the front door, he was nowhere to be seen. She was starting to feel a little more relaxed, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement.
                He was just a few feet away from her door and attempting to hide in some shrubs. “This can’t be good” she thought, “What should I do”. If he gets inside the house he could harm the babies. She didn’t have anything of value, at least nothing that someone would want to steal.
                She quickly devised a plan, it was in reality the only thing she could do. She jumped out the front door of the house surprising the intruder. He did not respond to her movements until she stopped at the end of the sidewalk.
                He was no longer looking at the house, he was now staring at her inviting body. She knew want would happen if he caught her. Surely, someone in the neighborhood would see what was going on and help. As they faced each other, neither one moving a mussel, she decided, if he made a move for her, she would attempt to evade him. 
She had to get him to chase her, in an attempt to move him further away from the house, hoping to keep the babies safe. 
She took a couple steps toward the end of the side walk when he made his move. Like a flash he was running at her. Instinctively she flew up to a branch on the tree where Charlie could not reach her. She wanted to keep his attention as there was still the possibility that he might attempt to get the two babies from the bird house.
The following photos are dramatic and revealing, exercise caution when viewing.

Mother Sparrow is near the end of the side walk and Charlie is watching.

Ms. Sparrow’s home, is located on the front porch at, “The Ford Homestead”.
                F Y I, Charlie had cat food for supper, not baked Sparrow.
                Later we observed Charlie, “up a tree without a ladder”. Did you get the play on words, up a tree without a ladder, kinda like up a creek without a paddle?
Speaking of up a creek without a paddle, I can’t understand why that is a problem.
Think about it! Why is that a problem?
If someone is up a creek without a paddle, and if they have a boat, the current should carry them down stream.
If they are up a creek without a paddle and don’t have a boat then all is well.
All the creeks I was around as a, “children”, were not deep or large enough to float a boat so we never needed a paddle.
Different subject:
    We had over 2.5 inches of rain Saturday thru Saturday night. My back yard looked like a Lake.
    We received an additional 2 inches of rain, in about 1.5 hours, on Memorial Day afternoon.
All is wet in The Hewitt Triangle.
Don Ford

Monday, May 25, 2015

4 Leaf Clover or... 05.25.15

                I have heard it said that finding a 4 leaf clover is good luck. I can only assume that comment is due to the rarity of a 4 leaf clover.
                If you want to look at it from another point of view, a home owner, who has put a lot of time and effort into his yard, doesn’t want to find clover growing among his ST. Augustine. Clover in a well-cared for yard, is nothing but bad luck.
                Before Mr. Smarty Pants asks, no I do not have any clover in my yard. I do however, have plenty of other weeds.
                With that well written, lead-in behind us, let’s get to my story!
                Let me think for a moment. Ok, I remember now, this fascinating short story is about me and my pecan tree! What more could you ask for?
                It was one of those lazy Fridays at this retired senior citizens, home. I had taken my morning walk, and worked on some notes at the computer. I had even studied a Spanish lesson (not a lot of progress). Lunch had been served and eaten. I was able to watch some of the Fox News “Outnumbered”, yes the one with the ladies that wear the short skirts. I had even taken my after lunch nap.
                Awake and somewhat alert, I was pondering what I could do that would not be too strenuous yet somewhat interesting. Outnumbered was off so that was out of the question.
                I decided to get a glass of water, take my tablet and go sit on the front porch. In doing so, if it rained, I would not need to move. I also decided to crack and pick some pecans.
                Everything in place I selected an app from the tablet, and listened to some old-time rock and roll from satellite radio. It is amazing how quickly time can pass, when you are listening to oldies.
                What is your question! Ok, I am getting to what this has to do with 4 leaf clover. If you had some patience, you might be a happier person. 
                As I was cracking the pecans, I found one that instead of having two equal halves in the shell, there were three equal thirds. I thought about what the chance of that happening was. It must mean good luck, kinda like a 4 leaf clover.
Having never seen or heard about three pecan parts being in a shell, I decided to give it a name. A pecan that has three eatable parts is named, “Tri-con”. I wished I had not already broken them apart. A photo would have been proof.
                Continuing on with my labors and listening to the oldies, I was astounded with a second Tri-con, which had three eatable parts. This one was not equal parts, there were two larger parts and one smaller, but there was three in one shell. Both of those Tri-cons came from our little tree.
You don’t have to believe me, but it happened just that way.
I have more pecans to crack and I will attempt to be gentler when cracking them, in hopes of finding another, “Tri-con”.
                What does finding a Tri-con mean? It is obviously good luck for, “The Ford Homestead”, times three!
                Why did I name it “Tri-con”? I should just say, “Because I wanted to”, but I will try to be more politically correct and answer your question.
In my world, pecan is pronounced as pe-con, so I decided to spell it the way I was going to say it, “Tri-con”. 
                Also, Alex and I use the word, “con”, when referring to a pecan.
Tri-con, truth can be stranger than fiction!
Don Ford

Friday, May 22, 2015

Saga of The leaky Faucet 05.21.15

                “Leaky faucet”, is defined as, a method of removing funds from a retired senior citizen, while producing the emotion that they are doing the right thing.  Yes, there are other definitions, but for this soon to be well written and informative article, we will use the above definition.
Chapter 1
                The subject of this article is a device, found in most kitchen sinks known as the faucet. I had been aware for some time that the faucet was leaking. This leak was not a pressure leak but occurs at the base of the faucet. The water that was left in the faucet (from the end down to the valve) would slowly leak out and run into the sink.
                Not an emergency, I thought, water that drips into the sink is not hurting anything, and I can fix this at my leisure. Fortunately, my present spouse was in a cleaning and organizing mood and she discovered that some of the water was getting under the sink.
                Now I had my orders, “fix the faucet or else”.  I did not want to know what or else was, so I went to the local hardware store (not affiliated with my past employer) to get some repair parts. Returning home I proceeded to turn off the water and attempt to dismantle the faucet. 
                Usually, a faucet repair is not difficult. After turning the water off you remove the handle, remove the top of the faucet, remove a couple rubber gaskets, and springs. Look everything over and then place the new parts in, and reassemble the faucet.  If all went well there will be no leaks when the water is turned back on. 
                The first of many challenges began with the removal of the faucet handle. There is a screw that requires an Allen wrench. I can only assume the screw was originally installed by a machine and cross threaded at installation. To say it was difficult to turn the set screw would be a gross understatement. After many attempts I was able to loosen the screw enough to remove the handle. I was not able to get the screw completely out of the handle.
                Using a large adjustable wrench I removed the top nut exposing the inner workings of the faucet. There was a couple rubber caps, each covering a spring, this is where the water comes into the faucet.
                The second challenge was now apparent, I had purchased the wrong repair kit. No, it wasn’t my fault, the fellow at the non-Do it Best store said it was what I needed. Take a little advice from me, “when repairing a faucet, determine the brand, then take the faucet apart so you are sure of what you need when you go to the Hardware store”.
                I had to return to the unnamed store to return the incorrect part and get the correct parts. I must say the young lady at the checkout counter is very pretty,           and helpful.
                Finding the correct repair parts, I returned to The Ford Homestead.
                With a little effort and a lot of knowledge, I installed the repair parts and replaced the large nut on top of the faucet. Not bad I thought as I reviewed my work. All I need to do now is to replace the handle, oh the handle.
                I attempted to take the Allen screw completely out wanting to see if it was cross threaded or why it was so difficult to turn. In my attempt to loosen the Allen screw the head was stripped.
                Now what to do, I guess I will need to get a new handle for the faucet. I put the handle on the faucet even though it was extremely loose and turned the water on. Not surprising, there was no leak, I had fixed the faucet, or had I!
                I activated the handle to turn the water on and, “water came forth from the faucet”, not unlike Biblical accounts of water flowing forth from a rock.
                I turned the faucet off and the leak came forth from the base of the faucet. I had evidently repaired the wrong part of the faucet.
Chapter 2

                I decided to purchase a new faucet for the kitchen sink and replace it myself the next day. After all, wasn’t it me who put the present faucet in several years ago?  I had also replaced the entire sink at the same time.
                Being a computer savage savvy person, I decided to go on line and see where I could get a good deal on a faucet. This on line search provided me with an additional challenge. I noticed that faucets needed either 3, or 4 holes, in the sink, for installation.
It was stuck in my head that my faucet needed 2 holes, one for the spray and one for the water lines. What was the reason for all the holes? I searched through multiple web site’s trying to find a faucet that needed 2 holes. Finally I found one and it was out of stock. I was stressing over the holes needed to install a faucet.
I took a break and drank a cup of instant coffee. People on a fixed income can’t afford to make an entire pot of coffee and let some go to waste, so they use instant.  
After my coffee I decided to get under the sink and look at the faucet from the underside. There was a hole for the water lines and a hole for the spray nozzle. The only other thing I noticed was the two bolts the held the faucet in place. Could that be the reason for 4 holes?
My almost, all knowing brain, began cyphering the situation and I decided that I would get a faucet that required 4 holes in the sink for installation. The stress was now leaving my body, I had solved the mystery of why 3 or 4 holes are needed for faucet installation.
If you need to know why some faucets need 3 and some need 4 holes, send me a note and I will explain.
Had I have known what laid ahead, I would have called for a plumber to come and put the new faucet in.
Stress free and believing all the challenges behind me, I jumped into my pickup and drove to the nearest big box Home Center. Arriving at the home center I observed this elderly couple looking at riding mowers. Elderly is defined as people older than me.
Being the helpful person I am (sometimes thought of as sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong) I approached said couple and suggested that if he was considering a riding mower he should consider getting one that allows the mower blades to continue to run when the mower is in reverse. He thanked me and noted that his present rider would not mow in reverse and it is a pain.
Having provided information to an elderly person (his wife walked away when we were discussing mowers) I proceed on with my task of finding a faucet. At this home center most of the employees are knowledgeable, so I allowed one to help me.
Faucet in hand I headed for the check out.  Why do stores have self-checkout lanes, don’t they know I don’t use them? There was one lane that had a person doing the checking out and there were two lanes of self-checkout which no one was using.
Standing in line that had an employee who was checking customers out, I was behind a lady who was behind a couple with several items. An employee signaled me to come to the self-checkout lane. Being a gentlemen, I offered the opportunity to the lady in front of me and she declined my offer. I proceed to the self-checkout lane and the store employee did the check out of my new faucet.
As I was walking away from the checkout I commented to the lady who had been in front of me, “I beat you”. She looked at me and smiled, as if thinking, “Silly old man”.
Driving home I began to think about the work that was ahead of me.
Chapter 3
                Back at The Ford Homestead I began to gather the tools and supplies I would need. It was 9:30 am when I started this project. This project would consist of working in cramped conditions under the sink, removing an old water filter that I had installed many years ago, it had been under the sink out of sight out of mind all that time. Disconnecting the water supply lines and unbolting the faucet.
In the standing position I would remove the faucet, clean the area, install the new spray nozzle and hose (I actually read the instructions before I started and the spray nozzle was to be installed first) install the new faucet.
Then get back under the sink and bolt the faucet in place, install the new water supply lines, double check everything and turn the water on looking for leaks.
It is bad enough for a large person to get under a sink and work but when the large person is a retired senior citizen, it is many times worse.
The water filter was difficult to remove due to the mounting screws I had used but that was nothing compared to what was to come. Yes the filter was full of water and I did spill some.
I removed the two water supply lines and was very happy that I had two in the shed that I was going to use (save a few dollars and that means, less aluminum cans my present spouse would need to pick up from the highway).
I started to unbolt the faucet, this was the big challenge of the day, when I noticed one bolt was rusted and the other was not. I sprayed some WD40 on the bolts hoping that would help in the removal. The rusty bolt broke off on my first attempt which was ok with me. The non-rusty bolt would not turn. I was using a ratchet several extensions and a deep socket to no avail. It was not moving.
I decided to stop and have a sandwich for lunch. How do you wash your filthy hands, when the water is turned off to the house?             
What?   Why was the water turned off to the house? It was because the shut off valves under the sink had not been activated in years and were frozen in the open position.
I use bottle water to wash my hands.  I them made a sandwich and poured a glass of milk. I took about 10 minutes to eat and rest. Before someone asks, no I did not get a nap after lunch, I immediately returned to work.
I again tried to loosen the second bolt holding the faucet onto the sink. The nut finally turned or so I thought. It wasn’t the nut turning but the entire bolt was turning. I worked with this for some time. There are too many details to tell so I will jump ahead a little.
Being unsuccessful at getting the bolt loose, I took another approach, I got out from under the sink and tried to pry the faucet from the bolt but I could not. I was able at last to pry the faucet up above the sink enough to see the bolt. I then got a hack saw blade and started cutting the bolt. When the bolt was cut about half way through I again got under the sink and using a pair of vice grips I was able to break the bolt. Free at last, I removed the faucet.
All I need to do now was clean the sink and begin the install.
Chapter 4
                Have you tried to clean an area of the sink without water?  Did you know, Windex will work in a pinch?
Sink cleaned, spray nozzle installed, supply line from the new faucet connected to the spray nozzle hose, I was ready to quickly complete this install, I thought! 
                Faucet in place and the two supply lines from the shed in hand, I again crawled under this sink. As you may have guessed, the water supply lines would connect to the faucet but not to the water inlet line. That means I needed to go to the hardware store, again, and get two new supply lines (more money more time).
                Returning from the unnamed hardware store, tire and dirty I again got under the sink. I installed the supply lines and reviewed the work to be sure I had tightened everything.
                I was able to drag my tired body out to the water meter and turn it back on. As I began the seemingly long journey back to the house I was wondering, would there be any leaks. As I opened the door I could not hear any water spraying, which made me happy. I got under the sink and checked all the connections, no leaks. Out from under the sink, I activated the handle to the new faucet and it worked.
                I began putting the tools away and cleaning the area. When the job was completed it was 2:00pm, four and a half hours to replace a faucet.
                Did I say, I found a leak in the P trap, yep I will attack that project tomorrow?
Too much fun for a dollar.
Don Ford

HWI / Do it Best Corp. 05.22.15

            This article may be a little history, and a memory or two.
It seems that Do it Best Corp. is celebrating 70 years in business this June, way to go DIB!
            A few years ago (1971) I went to work for HWI. As it turned out, I was one of the few initial Cape employees that had actually worked in a warehouse. I remember my first day at HWI, after completing the new employee paper work, the manager asked if I would go help an employee who had been working on a shipment of pipe fittings for 2 days. I was told that Mike was in the back of the building. I found Mike and told him I was sent to help him.
            Mike explained that he had been working on this for two days and it was all messed up. I looked his work over and said, “We need to start over”. Mike almost panicked, as I wanted to erase everything he had done.
            In those days the receiver had paper copies of the PO with the packing list and freight bill attached. The checker would use hash marks on the PO, above each line item checked, to indicate how many he had checked. I erased all the hash marks from about a ten page PO.
            Then, I unknowingly, began to teach Mike how to properly check a truck load shipment. We went to the first pallet and check in each carton, identifying them with location numbers. Then I asked Mike to move the pallet away from the checking area (once moved we will not attempt to check the same items twice which Mike had previously done).
            We went to the second pallet and checked it, then moved it away. It took about 2 hours for us to correctly check and move the shipment.
            I started with HWI in June of 1971. I was called to start on the first day of June but being in the National Guard I had a two week summer training to go to. I started Jun 14th, 1971.
            HWI celebrated their 25th anniversary in 1971 and I will post a photo of the item presented to each employee and their guest at the profit sharing meeting. I don’t remember the exact amount of my first profit sharing check but it was about $2.00. Not bad for two weeks work.
            Looking at the photo of the gift, you may notice that the dates are 1946 to 1971 which equals 25 years in business.
            Time passes quickly when you are having fun and another 25 years passed. HWI celebrated again, this time it was the 50th anniversary and the photo below is of a Coke bottle that was given as a keep sake, or one could just drink the soda. 
            If you will allow me to point out something, the dates on the Coke are 1945 to 1995. At some point the beginning date of HWI moved from 1946 to 1945.
            I also have a knife celebrating the 50th anniversary, I am not sure if it was given to me or if I purchased it, but I believe it was the latter. I noticed it is numbered and it is 0076.
I look forward to the 70th celebration.
* Odd the 7 in 70th looks like the way I write an F as in Ford.
Don Ford

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 30th 05.18.15

                I am updating my mailing list, and will begin to use the new list after May 30th. If you want to stay on the mailing list please respond to my email address prior to May 30th.
                If you want to be added to the list, or know someone who wants to be added, send me a note at asking to be added to the list.
                For those who want to be removed from the mailing list, do not respond, and you will be removed from the mailing list.
                I understand that some people feel bad about asking to be removed from a mailing list, this allows them to be removed without having to ask.
                Anyone may read the blog posting by going to;
                If you find typing the address to be time consuming or a pain, you can put the address in your favorites list and access the site with a click of the button.
Thank You
Don Ford               

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Liberal Effect 05.15.15

As I sit here on the front veranda of, “The Ford Homestead” with a hot cup of coffee, I have been considering many things. First, I am having to sit in a different rocking chair today, here on the veranda, due to the continuous rain fall.
As I was seeking a dry location, outside of the Homestead, to write this message, I decided to take a photo, dry, not hardly.
The old rocker on the drive way has been washed many times over, in the past months, due to the almost continuous rain. Yes, you might say all the, “BS” has been washed off the old rocker. That might be another reason why the yard is so green.
Although I have never live in a rain forest, I am beginning to get the idea of what a rain forest is like. I have lived in the state of Washington, between Seattle and Tacoma for about half a year. You know that little place called, “Fort Louis”, a military reservation, which for a while was considered the jumping off place to go to Vietnam.    
The entire time I was stationed there we would carried our rain gear everywhere we went, and sometimes we carried a gun.
To say it rained frequently in the state of Washington, would be understating how often the precipitation fell to earth. Truthfully, the rains were usually short lived, just enough to get everything wet and humid.
However, if we were to compare rain in the state of Washington with the amount of rain we have been receiving in Texas, one would say Washington has a dry climate.   
In a recent study authorized and funded by, "The Ford Homestead Foundation located in, “The Hewitt Triangle", it has been learned that the copious amount of rain that we have been receiving, is being caused by the liberals! It is now evident that these liberals have wanted to, "dampen" the Texas spirit for many years. 
(Did you get the play on words when I used the word dampen?
You see I was writing of rain and then I said dampen. Why do
I even try to provide you with some frivolity, {silliness or foolishness}
it doesn’t seem as if you appreciate any thing I do.)
Back to my original thought:  How did the experts at, “The Ford Homestead” determine that the Liberals were responsible, you ask. Allow me to enlighten you with just a few excerpts from the study; which is available in book form for $27.65 plus shipping and handling. We are making a special offer to our readers, this week only, a second book absolutely free, just pay additional shipping and handling (allow 8 years for delivery).
As you may know, California is full of liberals (believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change). Anywhere these liberals are located the weather will eventually change. As an example, California has been needing rain for a couple years now. Why, could it be the liberals?
You are probably aware of the "El Nino Effect” which use to occur in the Pacific Ocean along the Western Coast. The system when present, would provide large amounts of rain. “El Nino” hasn’t formed in the last few years, could it be due to the Liberals?
Would you believe that nature does not like liberals so the, “El Nino effect” moved inland producing rain for New Mexico, Texas and even some of the northern states? 
If you don’t believe that nature dislikes the liberals, consider all the snow that Boston received this winter. Could it be Nature’s way of saying to a liberals in Boston, “Change”?
Would you believe that the rain may not return to the state of California until some, “devout, hardcore conservative’s move into the state? What is the chance that will happen?
I don't want to be complaining about the rain, although it would be nice if we could have a day or two break between the rains. Yes I know, we will want the rain this summer.
If you have noticed any unwanted or unexplained weather changes in your area, consider it, “The Liberal Effect”.  If the weather changes are good then consider it, “The Conservative Effect.  
One of the many good things that has come from the rains, it washes the street in front of everyone's house. Why is that good? Some residents don't take care of the street in front of their homes leaving grass clippings, broken sticks from their dyeing tree and other litter lying on the street. I wonder if they are Liberals.
I thought a photo of “The Alex” might brighten your day. I just noticed, this is one of those rear times when Alex doesn’t have a fake smile for the camera.
                It was taken weeks ago, before El Nino came to Texas. 
The Conservative Effect is good for everyone.
Don Ford

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Don't look Ethel 05.13.15

                But it was too late, she’d already been mooned…
Of course, those are lyrics from the song, “The Streak” by Ray Stevens.
                The song (for those of you who don’t know) had to do with a streaker. You know, a person, usually a male, who enjoys running nude through places where people can see them.  Why is it, when someone exposes their rear end to another, it is considered as being, “mooned”? 
                Well it happened to me early Thursday morning as I was standing in my own drive way, minding my own business.
                Yes, you are correct, many things seem to happen to me while on the drive way of, “The Ford Homestead”.
                I don’t think it is due to aliens, you know, the aliens from outer space, not those that come from other countries. Everyone, even readers of this Blog knows there is a place called,  “The Bermuda Triangle”, were all types of odd things have happened over the years. Now there hasn’t been any ships sink or air planes disappear around, “The Ford Homestead” but we may be in, “The Hewitt Triangle”.
                It was about 7:30 that Thursday morning, with what has become normal weather for those of us in central Texas. The sky was gray, filled with low clouds that were in reality a fog but not at ground level. Yes I know, all clouds are the same as fog just not at ground level. I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to tell this story, my way!
The clouds were very low and moving quickly with the breeze. I had noticed that the clouds would go from thick to thin and then completely break apart providing a clear view of the blue sky, then as quickly as they opened, they were back together again.
                As I stood there pondering what I might do today, I was mooned.
                I wonder who coined the word, “mooned”.  What does the south end of a north bound human have to do with the moon?
                That just reminded me, (true story) last week when my present wife and her friend were having their yard sale, there was a guy that flashed two of the women, fortunately my spouse was not one. I guess it is always a surprise when someone exposes themselves.
                Back to my story, after the first quick glance I found that I could not stop looking. It is odd how something could get my attention like that.
I decided to get the camera and see if I could get a photo.
When I came back outside I had the camera turned on and ready to take photos, but as luck would have it the subject was covered, nothing showing.
I sat down in my rocker, camera in hand, ready just in case there was another opportunity for a quick look, and a photo.
                The low clouds cleared just long enough for me to be mooned again and get a photo.
If you have to be mooned, this is the way to do it!
                Now we see a totally different situation here in, “The Hewitt Triangle”. Sir Charlie is doing his thing as he observes a squirrel, hoping to have the squirrel for supper invite the squirrel to join Charlie for supper.
Our neighbor has suggested that we might want to paint Charlie with camouflage colors, which could help him get closer to his new friends.  
These photos were shot from the drive way of, “The Ford Homestead”. Charlie seems to do ok with his white and tan colors as seen in the photo below.
                Many things seem to happen while in the drive way of, “The Ford Homestead”, in, “The Hewitt Triangle”.
The saga of Sir Charlie making friends with the Squirrel will be continued. Stay tuned for the final results of the encounter.   
Enjoy time on your drive way!   
Don Ford

Monday, May 11, 2015

Devine intervention 05.11.15

                Whether you believe or not doesn’t make any difference to me, I believe.
                It began when I dismantled and then installed a new barrier around the jasmine bed in the front yard. This was presented in an excellent posting titled, “Yard work again”, dated 05.07.15.
                I had previously decided to get three landscape timbers, and use them as a border around the blackberries. The three timbers would have provided me with a 4 X 8 foot area around the blackberries. I wanted to expand the area as the blackberries have a tendency to have new shoots pop up around the main plant. In our situation the new shoots were outside the old barrier, in an area where I mowed.               
The blocks that were removed from the front yard were loaded into my trusty wagon, and laboriously moved to the back yard where they remained for a couple days.
I eventually decided that I should unload the wagon and store the blocks. As I began the process, I looked at the blackberries and wondered if I should use the blocks rather than purchasing the landscape timbers. Everyone knows that landscape timbers would be easier to install, but they have a tendency to warp (aka bow) which may make them unsightly.
I them took the blocks to the blackberries and lay them on the ground in what would be an approximate location for the stones. It didn’t look too bad, so I then removed the blocks that were already in place and finished the outline. I wanted my present wife’s opinion before I started the work.
The next day I asked if she had reviewed the suggested border for the blackberries. She hadn’t but said she would. Later in the day, I received an ok to proceed with the project.
We received a half inch of rain over night which obviously made the ground somewhat wet.
The day was a cloudy and humid day. I like the idea of the clouds which would keep the sun off so I decided to start the project. I gathered the needed tools. Most of the work would be done from a kneeling position, which meant I needed hand tools. I have a new garden claw which I used to loosen the ground, and it also pulled up the grass.
I was able to dig the needed trench to place 3 of the blocks before it began to rain. Thinking the rain would just be a light shower I got under the grandkids tree house, which has a 5 X 7 tarp over the top. After a few minutes of rain I decided to run to the shed and wait the rain out. It rained for another few minutes and then ended as quickly as it started.
The rain ended the work for the day. We received a quarter inch of rain in that short downpour.
The next morning was cloudy and very humid but it wasn’t raining, yet.
I ventured fourth determined to get more of the barrier installed in the very wet ground. It wasn’t muddy, not a liquid mud, but the wet earth did stick to the tools.
As I worked on that Friday morning, I was again thankful for the clouds and the nice breeze which help keep me cool. The clouds and cool breeze were provided just for me, from the man up above!
The work was difficult as I crawled around on the ground digging with the hand tools and trying to remove all the grass from the new area. If you have ever tried to remove ST. Augustine grass you know how difficult it is, and you never get it all. I wished I could use grass killer but then I would likely kill the Berries. 
Over a three hour period I had placed all the blocks but two (there were a total of 12 blocks). It was at that time I was getting tired and it had sprinkled a little. I thought about stopping and cleaning up for my well-deserved lunch, but I decided to continue. The last two blocks seemed to be the most difficult but I was able to install them.
Finished, I got up from the ground and tried to straighten up. I then walked around surveying my work. Not Bad I thought, I need to put the tools away, dump the wagon load of grass. I also want to get a photo of the completed project.
As I finished dumping the grass in the trash container, it began to sprinkle. I went into the house and that is when the rain began in earnest. It was another downpour. That is another part of the divine intervention, the rain was kept away until I had finished and was inside.
Nothing else to do, I disrobed and headed for the shower. I scrubbed the dirt and sweat off my aging, but still beautiful body, the warm water felt so good!
As I began to dry off, my mind began to process what I might have for lunch. After working that hard I would need a very nutritious meal.
Meal completed (leftovers from last night’s meal), I wondered out to see how much rain was in the rain gage. It again had almost a quarter inch of rain.
My body indicated that I needed to have a nap, so I headed to my recliner where I zzzzzz for a while.
The following photos were taken the next day. One shows the new barrier (I added a bag of mulch after this photo was taken) and the other photo shows the hand of the Maestro (me) pointing at the first Blackberry that is starting to ripen.
Yes there is a small injury at the base of my thumb, thanks for noticing.
It is nice to have divine protection and guidance!
Don Ford

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Free Food 05.09.15

          Speaking of being blessed, today my first wife was able to gather enough food to feed us both for a month!
You see, she was in town at a garage sale when she saw this bag sitting next to a mail box. Being inquisitive, she walked over to see what was in the bag. You know, there could have been an entire bag of empty aluminum cans.
To her surprise the bag was filled with can goods. She thought this was kind of odd, so she looked at the labels and they were not out dated.
A bag of free food, sitting next to a mail box, she said, “it couldn't get any better”, so she took the bag. Yes, she looked around to see if there was someone who could claim it, she saw no one.
For a family on a fix income, this was a God sent.
As she drove down the street she found other bags of can goods which she picked up.
When she arrived at the house, I had to unload all these bags of can goods. Her van was almost full of bags with all kinds of can goods.
I didn't even mind the work, getting all this food for free is one big blessing.
What a day!
May all your days be as good as this one was for us!
Don Ford
*        For the one person that actually reads this well written, yet fictional article, it is a joke! She did not pick up the bags of can goods!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Yard work again 05.07.15

                As the title proclaims, I have been forced in to laboring in the yard again. The worse part of this is, it was in the front yard so all could see me on my knees, laboring in the dirt.
                At one point a passerby stopped and commented, “I use to think you worked in the yard because you like it.  I now believe that your spouse of 46 years had placed you in timeout, but you didn’t obey and sit still in the corner, so she forced you into yard work.” It was alarming how this passerby could be so knowledgeable of my circumstances.
                The block retaining barrier that had been installed, did not stand up well, so it was decided that I could remove the old barrier and install a more substantial barrier. Professional quality photos will appear later in this document.   
                After careful review of our inventory of previously use blocks, it was determined that someone (me) would need to go to town and purchase 15 each of these blocks. There was also a suggestion that since someone (me) was going to town I could purchase 8 each 12 inch by 12 inch flat blocks to finish the new bench project.
                Heck, if someone (me) was going to town anyway, why not get the 9 each small blocks that will be needed for the grandkids treehouse. One block under each of the 9 post that will support the tree house.   
                All those blocks totaled 32, which is a lot of weight for a 10 year old pickup. I was hoping that it would carry this load. If I weren’t on a fixed income, I could get a new vehicle but that is out of the question for people who live entirely on social security.
                Being a senior citizen, and not wanting to strain my body any more than necessary, I loaded the blocks as close to the rear end of the pickup as possible. Yes that puts all the weight right on the tail end of the truck.
Before you ask, I first loaded each block on the cart, then after paying, I pushed the cart out to my vehicle. I then removed each block from the cart and placed them in the vehicle.
                After accurate placement of each block, I carefully climbed into the cab of the vehicle and started the motor. I noticed as I drove away from the home center, fifty dollars poorer, that the front of my truck seemed to be much lighter than usual, the steering was as if I had power steering.
                Now that I think about it, the reason it felt like power steering is, I do have power steering!
Arriving at home I immediately dismounted the vehicle and began to gather the tools that I would need for these projects. I was now ready to begin the strenuous work, when I noticed the time. I would need to postpone the start of these projects as it was time for lunch and outnumbered on Fox News, and those ladies with the short shirts are very intelligent. 
I kept the lunch break short, and only looked at the hosts of the fox news a few times.
Returning to my labors in the yard I got on my knees and after some prayers, I started removing the old retaining blocks. 
                As everyone should know, I am in superb physical condition which made the work surprisingly easy for this senior citizen.
In the above photo we see all those heavy blocks in place, the workmanship is unquestionably, “professional quality”. The double stacked row was from previously forced labor, the single row was from this week.
                Even though I was tired from my laborious efforts, I still needed to complete the new bench project by installing 6 additional blocks. This would mean that I would need to remove huge amounts of soil, while developing a level sub soil for the installation of the blocks.
                I believe the work performed on this project, could not have been done any better by a younger person.
                For your information, I had previously put the bench together and positioned 10 of the blocks. The 4 in the front and the two in the back were the last to be installed.
                Now to address a question from a past commentary. I had previously stated that I do mow the front yard twice each time I mow. I also use the walk behind mower on the front yard and the rider on the back yard. The question was, why I mow the front yard twice.
                The answer is simple, I want the front yard to look properly cared for, and I do not want it to appear as if a professional mowing company had done the work. Most professional mowers have one goal; cut the grass and get to the next job!
          I first cut the grass at an angle, either 45 or 90 degrees to the street. The second time I cut the grass parallel to the street leaving straight lines in the grass. If you are wondering, the second pass through does cut more grass and it helps shred the clippings from the first cut.  
                Work completed, I put my tools away and proceeded into the house for a shower and a nap, in that order.
If you are put in time out, I suggest that you be quite and listen.
Don Ford

Monday, May 4, 2015

Multi topics 05.04.15

                In the beginning was the winter and the beginnings of our garden.
As time passed, the warm weather came along with a copious (do you like that word), amount of rain. The garden is growing like weeds (and I need to get the weeds out of the garden). There is a rabbit or two that likes our back yard because we do not have a dog to chase them.
The onions have been rather hot, which may be due to the rapid growth.
One afternoon I was sitting in my favorite rocker, alone with a cold drink in my hand, when I observed the moon rising early. I could see it through a gap in between tree limbs. Being an enthusiastic photographer, I spring from the rocker almost as if I were a gymnast, and like a flash I ran in the house to get a camera. I hope you can see the image I saw, when I was taking the photo.
This photo was taken as the sun was going down early evening, “Fire in the sky”.
The following photo shows a junk sale I mean a yard sale that was presented by my first wife and her friend. It is amazing that so many people will go to these sales. Some go looking for that item that is worth a small fortune that they only pay a dollar for, while others may be looking to add to a collection. Some are looking to purchase items for resale at their own garage sales, while many enjoy meting and talking.
                 I only spent a short time at this sale when it became apparent that some people are regulars, my spouse knew some of these people by name, which makes her a regular too.
Having a garage sale is safer for my spouse than picking up aluminum cans from the highway.
I thought a professionally executed photo of a white rose would be nice.
                I do not have a photo for the next topic, but it should suffice to say, “They do exist”.
I was standing on the driveway contemplating what I might do the rest of the day, when I observed what appeared to be, a female subject walking down the street. My first thought was this female was not from our neighborhood. She also, at first glance, appeared to be pregnant. She continued walking, arriving at the corner she waved at me as she turned right to walk down Arkansas Street.
                At this point I determined two things. First she no longer appeared to be pregnant but she did have big lungs. Second she had a brown blouse, the sleeves that appeared to be frilly at the hand, covered her hands completely. The brown blouse at this distance, look like hair. This female subject walked in an unusual manner.
                Have you seen the video of big foot in the forest, which was taken years ago? The video showed big foot walking and the big foot swung its arms in an odd manner. This female swung her arms in the same manner as big foot. I believe this female is a big foot, disguised as a human, living near our neighborhood. “They do exist”!
Our grandson Alex always has something to say such as Papa you have a big belly, or Papa you are old and I am new.  The comment I like best is when he says, “Papa we are best friends”.
The other afternoon I was resting in my rocker when I saw either a large hawk or an eagle gliding overhead. I occasionally see this bird but never have a camera available when it is around. This time the hawk circled overhead as I watched. This hawk suddenly folded his wings and descended like a rock into the neighbor’s tree.
I heard this hawk hit the tree limbs and thrash through the leaves, then he dropped down below the tree limbs and flew away. I could not tell if he had anything in his talons as he flew away, but there was a cloud of small feathers, resembling those from a dove’s breast, raining down under the tree. If the hawk didn’t get the bird, it surely hurt the bird.
May the Ford be with you!
                Do you like the play on words? You know, from Star Wars, “may the force be with you”! I would like to say I made that up but I didn’t, I heard it on the so called morning news.
Don Ford