
Thursday, April 16, 2015

What I saw 04.16.15

                It was one of those days when nothing much was happening. I had taken a nap, or at least I think I did. My naps are kind of unusual, in that they can be from 5 to 20 minutes in length and when I wake up I am not sure I have been asleep.
                That being said, I have developed a method of knowing whether I have napped or not. When I find myself in the reclined position and becoming relaxed to a point of possible sleep, I look at the clock. After viewing the clock, I am occasionally aware that I have closed my eyes before the nap begins, but not always.
                I suddenly become aware that I am in the reclining position with my eyes closed and I wonder if I have been asleep. I again look at the clock and if it is later than it was when I previously looked, then I have been asleep.
                The amount of nap time doesn’t seem to matter, I am refreshed and ready for the rest of the day whether it was 5 or 20 minutes.
                Exception: If I am woken from my nap by an outside source, I am not refreshed and ready to meet the rest of the day. It may be hard to believe but if I am woken by an outside source I may be a little cranky. 
                Back to my story; I had decided to go outside for some fresh air. It had sprinkled and my rocking chair was damp, so I dried it with an old towel. I then positioned myself in the chair and listened to oldies rock and roll on my tablet.
                It was a cloudy day with predictions of rain off and on all day. I have decided to expect the opposite of what the weather people say, as they have been wrong more than right, lately.
                The sun was starting to shine through the clouds so I procured my sun glasses and continued relaxing in the rocker. A few minutes passed and I noticed that the sky was almost completely blue. The clouds were gone and the sun was shining brightly. I then noticed two small puffs of cloud moving from the south to the north at what seemed to be a very quick pace.
                Thinking the small puffs of clouds that were moving at a quick pace was unusual, I continued to observe. The two puffs joined and formed what I saw as a rough looking horse, possibly an old time war horse. The cloud then morphed into what appeared to me as a person with a sword, then it changed into a person without the sword, finally the cloud again divided into two and moved quickly out of sight. 
                Within just a few more minutes the sky was again cloudy and the sun was hidden.
                I continued to rock and observe the neighborhood.
We probably see, what we want to see, in the clouds!
Don Ford

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