
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

North end of a... 04.15.15

                The title for this well written and definitely opinionated article, came to me as I was driving on Thursday afternoon. I observed things that made me wonder why some drivers had a license or, if they had a license.
                The entire title is,
North end of a south bound horse.
Yes, that makes them a horse’s butt.
The first thing I noticed was a truck (eighteen wheeler without the trailer) that pulled up behind a car at a stop light. This tractor was just a few inches away from the back of the car. I questioned why he is that close to the car. Then I observed the car driver was looking into his rear view mirrors as if he was wondering what the truck driver was doing.
This truck was one of those that had a huge living area, not just a sleeper cab. Looking at the truck it appeared to be one that was used only as an over the road vehicle and it popped into my head that this driver has probably not lived in a house for years.
I don’t know if the car driver had cut the truck off or it the truck drive was just a, “north end of a south bound horse”. 
At the next stop light, where I was stopped, I observed a car with a female driver coming from my right and turning to drive down the street that I had just came up. This driver had her cell phone (which had a pink case on it) in her hand looking at the phone as she made the turn. That is distracted driving and she is, “the north end of a south bound horse”.
I was on my way home driving in the right hand lane when a car driving along side of me pulled ahead of me, a little. This female driver then pulled in front of me almost hitting the front end of my car. She did not indicate that she was coming into my lane “no turn signal”. I assume that she either didn’t care that I was there, or she had no idea that I was there. I think she had her head up, “the south end of that north bound horse”.
I may be somewhat like my mother. I remember when she would drive she was always pointing out the errors that other drivers were making.
When driving;
“One should only be distracted by good looking people!”
Don Ford  

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