
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ford's Gardener 04.21.15

                This professionally written and expertly edited article about, “The Ford Homestead’s” gardener, is due in part to questions and comments from readers that have nothing better to do than to critique a comment made by yours truly (me) in the 04/17/15 posting, Voice of Thunder.
                You might remember (if not, go back and read the article) that I commented to the effect, our gardener had been doing an excellent job. That is all it took to start a couple of you asking, how, being on a fixed income, could “The Ford Homestead”, afford a gardener.
                First of all, I think the person asking this question was being somewhat rude and nosey. Whether my present spouse has to spend an extra day picking up aluminum cans from the side of the interstate or not, isn’t any of that person’s business.
                No, I have not hired an illegal alien that I will pay less than minimum wage.
                Is our gardener a professional? No, he isn’t a pro, but that does not mean he isn’t good at what he does.
                Let’s change the subject and give me some time to cool down.
                On a somewhat lighter subject, Alex, my grandson of five years and I, had walked to the front porch in an effort to sit down and discuss world events. We were only there for a minute or so when Alex decided that, “we should sweep the porch and walkway”.
I must admit, there was lots of those brown hanging things, from the Red Oak trees that are full of pollen, on the porch and walkway. 
Alex went to the garage and secured two brooms (darn it, he brought me one) allowing us both to enjoy sweeping the porch and side walk. If you know Alex, there is almost always an ongoing conversation. He often surprises me with his thoughts and today was no exception.
We had completed the porch and were working on the walkway when Alex said, “If we were the boss, we would tell Granny to do all the work.” Surprised at that comment, I began to listen closely to this wise young man. He continued, “If we were boss, I would tell her to get you a cup of coffee, and she would do all the work!
Wise beyond his years, this young man must learn to keep some thoughts to himself, as it is Granny that gets him and ice cream cone in the afternoon, and that could come to an abrupt end with comments of that nature.
Back to the subject of this article.
Even though I do not feel obligated to explain how we can afford a gardener here at, “The Ford Homestead”, and even though we are on a fixed income, I will provide the information in an effort to be totally transparent.
How do you like my, politically correct lie comment about being, “totally transparent”? I am learning to use some of those lies that politicians use all the time.
The gardener at, “The Ford Homestead” is a relative. He works because he enjoys it. He does not charge anything for his labor, and he does excellent work.
In the photos above and below we see Alex trimming some of the large shrubs on the north end of the property.
                Let’s hope he has this same work ethic when he becomes a teenager.
Enjoy what you are doing… 
Don Ford

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