
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Put away 01.19.15

            Now I understand that you might think that I should have been put away, and there are possibly several others that agree with you on that point. Fortunately for me, what was put away was the Christmas decorations. Everything inside the house has been put away for some time now, and most of the outside decorations have been removed from the yard. Our garage has had many boxes, some filled with decorations waiting to be put away, with some of the cartons empty waiting to be filled.
            Saturday is the first real warm day we have had for a while, supposed to be in the high 60s to low 70s.  My first wife was removing the remaining decorations and putting them in boxes for storage.
Here is how this was all supposed to go down:
I have to remove many things from the shed like the garden tiller and other items which is a lot of work for this elderly retired person, and being on a fixed income I can’t hire someone to do this exhausting work.
Then I plan to take the cartons that my first wife had already packed, and place them on the trailer. I also planned to take the rest of the cartons as she packs them, and put them on the trailer too. When the trailer is totally loaded I would back the trailer to the shed and then properly place them in the shed, no small feat.
Having worked in a warehouse and loaded a few trucks I am an expert at stacking and storing boxes.
After placing all the cartons in the shed this elderly citizen will be tired and hardly able to move, but I will still need to return all the items that I have taken out of the shed, and place them back in the shed.
All the above went as expected except for one little thing. Since I had put new tires on my utility trailer, I decided that I should put new light bulbs in the trailer, basically making sure it was road worthy. The first light was fairly easy but the second light just will not work as expected.
I should note at this time that my allergies were in full force and I was sneezing, coughing and my nose would not stop running.
Allergies are bad enough when you are not trying to work, but much worse when you are trying to constipate concentrate on something but all you can think about is the mucus coming from your nose.
Is it better to say,Mucus dripping from your noseor, is it better to say, “Snot dripping from your nose?”
Needless to say, I was madder than a mashed cat, and as we know, that is very mad.
I did not get the second light to work properly, but I did throw a few things, and kick some other things, which surprisingly did not make me feel any better.
As I lay in my bed last night, hardly able to move, my tremendous mind wondered back to the trailer wiring. Like a flash it came to me, I think I know how to fix it now.
I will tell you later when I get it fixed, but if I say nothing about this again, you will know I failed.
For the first time in my life, I might fail? That is not going to happen, I will get the darn thing fixed.  
May your day be filled with fun!
Don Ford
                        PS        I have fixed them, all the lights work, I still have not failed!
Well, truthfully, I am still having trouble with the Spanish classes, it is possible I might not learn the language, is that a failure? 

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