
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Forgetful, me? 01.05.15

                Now it is hard for me to believe that I have forgotten anything, but it seems as if I may have forgotten some things.
                As I sat in my chair staring happily into the monitor, I was contemplating how to start this article. It came to mind that I had not yet written the date in this New Year. The month and day don’t seem to be a problem but I still want to make the year 2014. One could say I am set in my ways, or more likely, I have formed a habit of writing 2014 and I will need to break this habit.
                Is it, “old habits are hard to break”, or is it, “old people find habits hard to break”? Speaking from experience, it is both!
                As you may know I wanted to get a retractable air hose reel, but you may not know I did get it and it is installed and it works. Why do you seem to be surprised that it works? Yes I can see you, I am using a secrete skype app, do not make those faces when reading my wonder filled articles.
                The 25% discount was very nice, and my gift card was excellent (thanks to the benefactor) I was able to get a couple accessories to use, including a new tire air chuck with a gage attached. Being on a fixed income it is very important to have the discounts but there was one small problem in the transaction, I failed to get a free item with my purchase. I cried for hours after I realized what I had forgotten. One should always get a freebee at harbor freight.
                Wow, I have forgotten what this article is about. They are test firing a rocket motor at Space X and it has a tendency to vibrate the house. That test firing was about 15 seconds.
                The rain has stopped for now and the sun is supposed to come out today but it is going to stay cold and get even colder Sunday night. A hard freeze that say is heading our way. My spouse of 45 years purchased a new faucet cover for the outside faucet and I have not yet put it on. It was in the garage, but now seems to have been misplaced. I hope it turns up today as we will need it Sunday night.
                Let’s get back to the article, I have brought my old HF radio (ham radio) into the house. I made and connected a power cable to see if it still worked. It had been stored in our shed and not turned on for at least 10 years. The radio came on and I began to review the buttons and switches, I soon realized that I no longer knew what all the knobs and buttons did and or what the settings were for each of the switches. I will need to get the manual for this radio and re-learn what I have forgotten.
                I have been trying to decide whether I want to become active in amateur radio again. I will need to relearn many things which, might be good and keep me busy.
                I have been working with a Spanish program from “Rosetta Stone”. I am not sure if I am learning anything. The program shows and speaks a word along with a photo, then I try to determine which photo goes with the word. As an example the word “Nada” is spoken then I decide which photo it goes with. I have always thought “Nada” was more or less, “Nothing”, but the program shows someone swimming.
                I got to a part where the program wants me to type the word, rather than say it. Heck if it weren’t for spell check I couldn’t spell anything, and they expect me to spell words in Spanish. 
The program does indicate how many I get right or wrong and allows me to go back over my errors.
                I have learned that in “Word” I can have the program to translate anything I type into Spanish.
                I have heard it said, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Would you think that applies to old men senior citizens?
I hope learning is easy for you!
Don Ford

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