
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Postal service 01.08.15

                This morning after dropping Gabi off at school, I ventured to the United States Post Office in Hewitt, Texas. As I approached said post office, there was an older man and a female companion (also older) preparing to back out of a parking space. After surveying the parking options, I came to the conclusion that I did not want their space, as I saw one closer to the door. Since it is very cold and windy this morning, the spot closer to the door looked good.
                Being the careful and observant driver that I am, I decided to proceed with caution as this older man, who, if he had a driver’s license, should not have had, backed out without looking left or right. He may have looked into his rearview mirror to see if there was anything directly behind him, but he did not look left or right, did not know, and I believe he did not care that I was approaching from his left. I stopped and allowed said older man to back out and drive away. I did have a few choice words that I mumbled under my breath as they passed.
                I was now on final approach to the choice parking space near the door. Carefully and flawlessly I positioned my vehicle in the space.
As I disembarked from the vehicle, I noticed a young lady sitting in the car next to mine. In the olden days I would take this opportunity to see if the female subject had a short skirt on, and if so, how much of her legs could I see?  This young lady had slacks on (no leg shots) and had a lap top computer opened in her lap and was typing. Really! In the post office parking lot she just had to type a message.
I went inside where I was greeted by a nice postal worker. She asked how I was doing and I said I was pretty. She kinda laughed and I asked why are you laughing? I went on to ask, “Do you think I am not pretty”? She did not respond. I continued with, “I am pretty ugly and pretty apt to stay that way”. I think she agreed with that statement.
The envelope that I was mailing was going to my sister in Missouri. The cost was $1.40, which is a lot of money to us people on fixed incomes. I was able to gather that amount of coins and paid for the envelope (first class).
Now all the above information may seem like a roundabout way for me to get to my point about the United States Postal Service.
Leaving the building I was walking in a lively upbeat manner after accomplishing my task of mailing a letter. As I approached my vehicle, a 2005 Dodge ½ ton Pickup Truck, I observed that the same female subject was still typing into her lap top. I carefully climbed into my vehicle, buckled the seat belt, checked the mirrors, and started the engine.
There, in front of me, for everyone to see, were two postal employees attempting to clean out the mail trucks that are used to deliver our mail. One man had a leaf blower and the other had a broom. The subject with the leaf blower attempted to blow as much as possible from the vehicle. I must say, there was a cloud of dust stirred up when he pointed the leaf blower inside the vehicle. After the dust settled, the subject with the broom attempted to sweep the vehicle. Neither person entered the vehicle. If anything was blown or swept from the vehicles it was allowed to blow away, it was a windy day.
Two (I assume well paid union people) attempting to do one minimum wage person’s job.
Visualize for a moment with me, if one person were to take a shop vacuum to clean these vehicles.
This one person, would not stir up all the dust allowing most of it to re-settle on the dash, seat and other areas in the vehicle, instead he would remove the dust from the vehicle.
One person doing this cleaning, would save money for the Postal Service.
Save money, what an unusual idea!   
A different subject:
                There have been several Crows in the area recently. I have observed that we get these visitors a couple times each year. I do not know why they are here, but I kinda assume it has something to do with mating. Whatever the reason, there is a lot of very loud cawing that goes on. 
                I observed three Crows in the neighbor’s tree, they were not fighting but they did seem to be attempting to intimidate each other by flying close and making excessive noise.
                That all being true, why is it said that a Rooster Crows, but a Crow Caws? Does that make any since to you?
Always look around before you back out.
Don Ford

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