
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Up to no good.

               Someone asked what I have been up to lately and my reply was, “no good”. Although that statement is possibly true, I have a project going on in the “Ford Homestead Garage”.
My oldest son had been given a bunch of wood pieces and some hardware parts that when properly put together would create a “Queen Anne Secretary Desk”.   He had it in his garage for a couple years and decided to unload it on re-gift it to me.  If I remember his comment, “it will give you something to do”. I am retired and as a retired person I am supposed to sit around and occasionally take a nap.
This project lay in the floor of our garage for at least 6 months. After the recent and I might say, “successful” garage sale there is now room in the family garage to do some work.
I have just been interrupted my Molly T, who thinks she should be able to get a free belly rub any time I am sitting at the computer. She is not a lap cat, but she is a key board cat. Molly T will lie on the key board as long as she is getting her body rubbed.
Back to the project;
This project has been difficult thus far to say the least. The instructions must have been written by someone that did not need to follow instructions. If you remember I am a visual and audible learner, so reading instructions and then understanding them can be difficult for me. The fact that the instructions to this project have incorrect information, make it difficult for me to understand. As an example, item 6a should be attached to item 22 with glue and two wood screws. There is an item 6a in the drawing but there is “NO” item 22 to attach it to.
As a last resort I ask my wife of 44 years to read the instructions, she could not find item 22 either.  Although there is no item 22 I have decided where I will attach 6a. I do need to give credit to my present wife; she has help a when I get stumped by the so called instructions.
I have taken a few photos and will post them with photos of the finished project if it ever comes to a state of completion.
               On another subject; this past Saturday I rode my motorcycle and went to Grandview Texas. This was a 90 mile trip one way and the purpose was to allow Glen to trade some parts with another motorcycle owner. We left Hewitt, TX a little after 7:00am and the temp was 81 degrees. I knew it was going to be a hot ride on the way home so I packed 6 bottles of water, some ice and a Bush’s cup. For the non-Texans, Bush’s is a fast food place that specialize in chicken. They also sell a large glass of ice tea for 32 cents and everyone I know drinks there tea. 
               Once we were out in the country I rechecked the temp and at one point it was 77 degrees, which is just about perfect riding temp. Glen was the lead rider and we only made one miss turn before arriving. The trade was made and the fellow offered to install the rear windshield for Glen. This rear windshield is supposed to keep some of the wind from buffeting the passenger.
               We spent a couple hours at this person’s residence while he installed the item. (Note; Glen took the windshield off and reinstalled it after returning home) It was a little after 11:00am when we started the ride home. Our plan was to stop in Glen Rose, Texas for lunch at the BBQ restaurant. They were closed for vacation! I can’t believe anyone would place their vacation time ahead of my eating pleasure!
               The decision was made to ride to Clifton, TX for lunch since it was on our way home. I loaded my Bush’s cup with water and Ice for the 50 mile ride. The temperature was at 100 when we arrived at the Bunk House in Clifton. I believe we may have enjoyed the air conditioning and ice tea more than the BBQ.
               When we started the last leg of this journey I checked the temperature again and it was indicating 102. I would like to point out that riding a motorcycle in the summer while in Texas is kinda dumb. I was sitting in the sun with a helmet on, long sleeved shirt behind a tall windshield which keeps almost all the wind off me. I was literally baking myself.
               Well that is it for now;
I hope you have a good day and better week.
Don Ford 

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