
Friday, July 29, 2016

Critical no, Observant yes 07.29.16

            Out for my normal 30 minute walk this morning I noticed that there were clouds off to the east. That meant I could walk and not be over heated by direct rays from the sun. There seemed to be less noise this morning as I strolled along the avenue, and oddly enough, there seemed to be no cars out this morning. I had begun to drift into my meditation mode, when I heard a single Mourning Dove calling. My thoughts harkened back to when I was a child. I remember my Dad saying, when you here a dove calling like that, it is calling for rain. We need the rain, so Dad may have been correct!
            I continued walking and had went into the meditation state of mind. I have stated this in the past but I will restate this process for the one reader who does not know about meditative walking. This meditation while walking is good in a couple ways. “1”, it allows me to focus on one subject, such as being thankful for all my blessings, or a subject that I might want to write about, and “B”, time seems to pass more quickly!
            As usual, when I turned at the end of the block I picked an object, usually something small to focus on, and I began walking. By focusing on an object, I am able to shut out all outside visual distractions. Note, I said visual distractions as the sound of a car, a barking dog, or someone’s voice will immediately bring me out of the meditation state.
Today it was Tom who lives near the end of the block who said, “You seem to be walking with a purpose”. Surprised, I looked to the left and he was sitting in a chair on his driveway with a cup of coffee in his hand. I had not seen him prior to his statement. I stopped and we talked for a couple minutes. I tried to explain my, as he correctly said, “walking with a purpose”, but…
Walking again, I was nearing the end of the block when I unfocused and observed the neighbor’s driveway. This neighbor likes to hunt deer, which is evident by looking at his driveway. Far be it for me to criticize others, but I am allowed to observe and comment on my observations.
In this so called driveway, where a vehicle could not drive, there is a 30 foot fifth wheel travel trailer, used during deer season. In front of it is a recently constructed base to a deer stand which is approx. four feet tall, five feet wide, and eight feet long. It is painted OD green. There is also a recently constructed deer stand which I assume will somehow be placed on top the base when they are taken to the deer lease.
Behind the travel trailer there are two four wheelers, several large barrows which are most likely use for deer feeders. There is a large john boat on a trailer with a motor attached, which has not moved for several years. There is a canoe which is used occasionally. There are other miscellaneous items stored in this one time driveway, such as lawn mowers. 
As I said earlier, “Far be it for me to be critical of how others choose to use their property”.
Heck I am not even commenting on the small limbs and leaves that were accumulating along the curb in front of their house, which washed down in front of my driveway during the light rain yesterday, which I will now have to clean up.
It is always best to not be critical of others, as they might return the favor.

Do unto others as they do unto you!

Don Ford

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Maintenance Supervisor 07.28.16

            Here at the Ford Homestead, we instructed our outside maintenance supervisor to complete the work on the swing frame. The new frame had been constructed but needed to be painted, which would allow it to fit in with the other units in the play areas on the back 40.
            A friend had recently commented, “It seems as if the back 40 at the Homestead was becoming filled with play areas”! I agreed and noted, “Our lawn care supervisor spends twice as much time with the weed eater, trimming around all the structures, as he does on the riding mower.” 
            The outside maintenance person was less than happy at our request to perform this work. He would need to locate the paint, the paint strainer, the stirring device, the paint spray gun, a couple cleaning cloths (rags), and bring them all to the work site.
            He would need the air compressor to provide the compressed air to activate the paint spray gun. This compressor would need to be brought from the garage area to the work site, but first he would need to move the motorcycle from the garage area to access the compressor. He would also bring the 50 foot air hose from the shed to the work site.
            Our maintenance supervisor would need to bring the generator from the shed to the work area. The compressor draws too much of an electrical load to use an extension cord, so the portable generator would be needed.
Even though the generator has wheels it weighs over 100 pounds and is not easy to maneuver when attempting to drag or push it on the ground. The generator would need gasoline added, the oil checked prior to attempting to start the unit. This unit can be started by pulling the rope, or pushing a button if a battery is attached. The supervisor would need to bring the jumper battery, which is kept in the garage area, to the job site.
            Our maintenance supervisor would also need to bring a ladder from the shed to the work site as some of the painting was too high for him to reach from the ground. 
            With all the equipment in place he would then need to mix the correct amount of paint with the appropriate thinner.
            Everything in place, he would then start the generator, fill the spray gun with paint and begin painting. The painting process would take about 30 minutes, including reloading the spray gun one time.
            After the painting is complete the outside maintenance supervisor would need to first disassemble the paint gun and clean it thoroughly, then begin the process of putting everything back in its place.  Two photos enclosed showing the excellent work of the maintenance supervisor. He is to be congratulated for this outstanding work on a hot day!
Before and after photos, hopefully you can see the difference. Yes the ground looks awful as we need rain badly. (Rain fell two days later, we received almost 1/8 inch, that’s better than nothing)

Thanks to the outside maintenance supervisor!
Job well done!

Don Ford

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

In the back yard 07.26.16

            The following account is from and afternoon at The Ford Homestead. Events included water sports, eating watermelon and the birth of triplets. Let’s get started!
            It was on a sunny, Sunday afternoon, when my spouse of 47 years suggested we cut the watermelon and invite the grandees over to first swim and then eat. I must say, the swimming seemed to be hectic. Lots of splashing and doing handstands. At some point the idea of eating, outweighed the idea of swimming. 
            We can say, “Alex enjoyed the watermelon”, that was not his first piece! We did hose him down after he finished eating.
            Gabi also enjoyed the watermelon, but did not get into it, like Alex did!
            We have a new family living on the Homestead Grounds. I noticed that they had moved in a couple weeks ago! I was filling in for the grounds keeper, watering the flora. I was at the black berry vines when I observed a nest. Upon further investigation I learned that there were three eggs in the nest, (photo to follow).
A couple days ago I reviewed the nest and found the eggs had hatched and there were triplets waiting to be fed.
            They are mocking birds. I think they are safe from cats as they are in the blackberries, and I can attest to the fact that these vines will hurt you.

New subject:
            Today I am going to attempt to repair the faucet at the kitchen sink. I am waiting on my first wife to leave the Homestead, as I will need to turn the water off to the entire house. Hopefully it is just a washer that can be replaced, and hopefully I can replace it myself! Being retired and on a fixed income, it would be devastating if we had to purchase a new faucet.

New Subject:
                They have predicted a 40% chance of rain today and tomorrow! We haven’t seen rain in over two years, at least it seems like two years.

Stay cool and be nice to retired people on fixed incomes!
Don Ford

As usual, I was able to repair the faucet! It did not rain yesterday, even though it literally rained all around us. It sprinkled a few minutes but the side walk under the trees did not get wet.    Maybe someone in Hewitt, is not in good graces with the man upstairs.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Mysterious 07.24.16

It was a morning like most at the Ford Homestead, I had a cup of coffee and was enduring the so called news program on TV. My spouse of 47 years was properly positioned in her recliner, reading the Sunday newspaper. That means she was looking at all the advertisements, hoping to find a way to spend money we don’t have.
I had finished my cup of coffee, and had casually strolled into the kitchen area in order to procure a second cup of hot water with a brown color in it (coffee). I now wonder why I would do such a thing, when the outside temp is already 80 degrees on its way to 101 again.
As I made my way back to my assigned seating area, I noticed an imprint in the rug that is located near my old recliner. Somewhat startled at this sighting, I quarried my first wife as to how this enormous indentation had gotten there. She ignored me as usual, assuming I was up to some childish prank, again.
Receiving no acknowledgment of my request, I decided to take action on my own. I reached for the old cell phone to take a photo. You probably noticed that I did not refer to the old cell phone as a smart phone, even though it is probably smarter than me, it is too old and cheap to be classified as a smart phone. I hope it doesn’t read this posting, as it might get its feelings hurt, and stop working all together.
As you might know, my present spouse and I usually go out for brunch on Sunday. In the past I have had meals which had corn on the cob. Corn on the cob can be hot and messy, when one is trying to eat the corn from the cob.
Last evening I had requested of my wonderful spouse of 47 years, if she would locate a couple of those devices that one screws in the end of a corn cob, which allows one to eat the corn without holding on to the actual cob. I could then take them with me to Brunch on Sunday and use them when I eat the corn from the cob. This morning there were two of these devices on the cabinet in the kitchen area! J 
Back to my original account, there was this large and easy to see imprint in the rug near my recliner. I did take a photo and that is when my present wife looked up from her reading. She demanded to know what I was doing. I restated my previously ignored question, “How this enormous indentation had gotten there”. She looked at it momentarily, then looked at me. Without a response she shook her head and went back to reviewing her newspaper. 
No respect! I get no respect!
In an attempt to be transparent in my presentations, (the words transparent and breaking news are used so much in the political speak and so called news that I now enjoy using them in an effort to make fun of those who do use them) I will provide a photo of said imprint.
            The question now is, was big foot in our house last night as we slept? One can tell that whoever left this imprint was enormous in size, and probably had an enormous imagination too. We will keep you advised of our progress in the unraveling of this mystery.

Observations and imagination will enlighten you,
or, at least give you something to do!

Don Ford

Friday, July 22, 2016

Have you ever 07.22.16

            The title of this wonderful, and should I say, well written article, is the beginning of a question, “Have you ever sat in the sun when the temperature was 97 degrees, with leather boots, long pants, a long sleeved shirt, gloves and a full helmet on?” 

            Yesterday a friend and I decided to take a short ride of about 30 miles to have lunch. At the beginning of this ride the air temperature was a cool and refreshing 94 degrees. Our ride to the Bunk House was direct and fairly quick as the speed limit on the highway was 75 mph.
            For that one non rider in our reading group, 94 degrees at 75 mph is still 94 degrees. Yes there is a little air circulation as one rides, but the Gold Wing’s windshield does what it is made to do, which is to shield the rider from the wind. I did open the vent in the windshield which allowed some additional air movement, and I had all the air vents opened and directing as much air as I could, to this senior persons, totally covered body.
            There were a few other riders at the Bunkhouse, they sat at the next table, so we exchanged barbs with them, as there were Harley riders in their group. Actually, it was all in fun as we know these riders, and have forgiven them for owning non Honda bikes.
            Meal completed, conversations concluded, it was time to return to the Homestead. I asked Wayne if he wanted to take a direct path back to our domiciles, or a less direct path, with a little more scenery. It was decided to take the less traveled path, Wayne lead, and I followed.
            This part of the ride was at a slower pace (60 mph or less) due to the curves and hills in the path less taken, and the temperature was now 97 degrees on its way to 100!
Fully dressed, and with a well-insulated helmet, (the well-insulated helmet is appreciated if you have a wreck or if you are riding in the winter time but not so much in the wonderful summer sun) we enjoyed the scenery of this wonderful path less taken, as our bodies were calling for, “Water, cool, clear, water!” Yes I was thinking of a song from the past that in part states, “He’s the devil not a man, and he’s parched the burning sands, with Agua”.  Come on, you know the word Agua, is water in Spanish.

Quiet often during this ride we were in locations where, we could see for miles in all directions and there were no clouds in the sky! No clouds means no rain and no shade.
The hottest part to this entire ride was when I arrived at home. I pushed the button that opens the door to the Homestead garage and positioned my ride so I could back it into the garage and park it. This is one of the few times that I appreciate having reverse on the Wing. Once in the garage, out of the sun with no air circulation, the heat seemed to be increasing. I immediately began removing articles of protection and clothing.

I have learned that I do not enjoy riding in the mid-summer heat and in the mid-winter cold. There are about two weeks in the spring and two weeks in the fall when the temperature is just right for riding. 

            Yes we are now in the 100 degree temperatures, but as the so called prognosticators have stated on TV, there are others who live north and west of us who have it much hotter. We wish those people, Good Luck!

Stay cool, check on the elderly that lives near you!

Don Ford

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Remodeling 07.20.16

Breaking News  
I am so tired of hearing those words, “Breaking News”, that I am thinking about turning off the TV and Radio and abstaining from any, so called news.
In all truth, the following is actually, “Breaking News!
Darn, now I am doing it!         
Remodeling         07.20.16
            It was decided at a recent Board Meeting, here at The Ford Homestead, that we should remodel a part of one of the many structures on the property. Now this particular structure was built possibly 30 years ago, and has served us well over the years. It was first used as a place to relax for me and the first wife. Before I get that question, a porch swing was attached. It was later converted in to a play area for Gabi, and then we altered it so Alex could also use it.
            The other day I noticed when both of the grandees were participating on the unit, the main board holding the swings was flexing somewhat, when they were both swinging in the same direction at the same time.
            It was decided we would replace the main board and continue to use the same legs and supports. When I took the frame apart Monday morning, I decided to replace the entire structure. Some of the parts are shown in the photo below. Yes, I occasionally work in the seated position, but I never just sit in the shade contemplating. 
            I made a list of items needed and then hooked up the trailer to the Ford’s Chevy and headed for the home center. Purchases made, and $48.00 spent, I returned to the homestead and backed the trailer into the back yard under the shade of a tree, and began working.
            Not counting the time spent taking the swing set apart, or going to get the new materials, I spent 5 hours in the afternoon heat (98 degrees) measuring, cutting and drilling the new wood.
I was a tired puppy that evening, I even took a shower before I went to bed, and it wasn’t even Saturday!
            Next morning (Tuesday) I entered the back yard as soon as the shade covered the work site, about 8:00am, and began to work. I did stop for lunch but re-entered the work area immediately following the noon repast. It was about 2:30 when I finished, or almost finished. All the bolts will need to be retightened in a couple days, and I need to paint the unit. I have brown paint but Alex has requested blue and green paint.
In the above photo the frame is assembled, but it is too large for one person to move in to position as the 4x4s are 8 foot tall. It will need to be moved just a few feet, so I can re-attach the unit to the ground anchors. We have scheduled OSHA to visit the job site to inspect the structure this Friday.

           Alex will not likely get his way with the painting (blue and green), as I do have the brown paint on site.

Work not, lest ye be tired!
Don Ford

Friday, July 15, 2016

Skinny dipping 07.14.16

            For that one person that does not know what skinny dipping is, it is an event that can be enjoyed in water such as a pond, creek, lake and even a kid’s swimming pool, in your back yard. 
            I also would like to avoid that question, that you know who, will ask. It is no one’s business whether I have indulged in the joy of skinny dipping in all the above locations.
            Some of you may think this is an odd topic, but if most of you were totally honest, most normal people have participated in the sport, at least one time in their life. For those of you that may have never participated, you should read this and learn what some say about the subject.
            Here at the, “Ford Homestead Institute for the Understanding of all Sports”, we have studied and polled those in our neighborhood on the subject of, “Skinny Dipping, best during Day or Night, best in a Creek, Pond, Lake  or Pool?”
            There were 9 adult males and 9 adult females who participated in the study and polling.
            17 of the participants said, Skinny Dipping was a freeing and a very enjoyable event, which was more fun, when the event had more than one participant! One participant in our polling, had never participated in the sport!         Some participants noted; when there was only one participant, it was somewhat like taking a bath alone at home.
            42% of the participants said night was the best time to indulge, while 58% said anytime was ok.
            25% said they had invited the neighbors, while 75% said they would not invite the neighbors, but would likely invite a friend.
            During this study we learned, this wonderful sport is not illegal, but you should be careful where and when you participate, as someone might report the event to the local authorities.
            We looked into the origin of the name, “Skinny Dipping”, and learned that the phrase was coined by an eight year old kid, who asked the neighbor lady where her sons were. Her sons were both rather slim, maybe you could say they were skinny, and they were in the pond near the house taking a badly needed, bath. The mother told the neighbor kid, her skinny boys, were taking a dip in the pond. The eight year old boy hearing the mothers comment replied, “Are they Skinny Dipping?”   Now you know how the phrase was coined.   

Try it, you may like it!

Don Ford

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Glowing presence 07.13.16

                As the old saying goes, “A word is worth a thousand pictures”, I had planned to attach a thousand pictures to this posting but as I thought about this, I knew it would take a long time and might interfere with my naptime. If in fact, “A word is worth a thousand photos”, then one photo is worth 1,000th word!  What would a 1,000th word look like?
   Click and enlarge.
Charlie has a glowing presence in the above photo, and there is nothing else that needs to be said.

Napping and glowing!

Don Ford

Monday, July 11, 2016

Against City Ordinance 07.11.16

            There are just too many of them, and I can’t be expected to follow all the silly rules (ordinances) made by some want-a-be career politicians.
            As I understand in the town of Hewitt (I call it a town because Hewitt isn’t large enough to be a city) citizens who have lived at the same Homestead for 37 years, are not allowed to park their vehicle in their own yard. Now I do understand that we do not want old junk cars parked in yards. My vehicle is not yet junk, or old, but I am still not allowed to park it in the yard, even for a short period of time.
            Saturday afternoon, when there was enough shade in the back yard, I decided to voluntarily disobey the local government rule! I parked the Ford’s Chevy in the back yard! Yes I consider this as a civil disobedience! There was no rock throwing, no tear gas, and no arrests made during this protest.
            I am a believer in peaceful protests.       
            I must have a long talk with my grandson, as I have found his chewing gum in the bed of the Ford’s Chevy. Before you ask how I know the gum was his, I will provide the answer. As he was crawling through the window on the back of the truck cab, he said he was going to throw his gum in the yard. I suggested he toss it in the trash can. He and I will need to discuss two things, not following instructions, and not considering my truck as a trash can!
            Have you ever tried to pick up a hunk of gum that has been sitting in the sun for several hours? No, well I have! When you attempt to pick it up, it is like soft very sticky glue. This substance will not come off your fingers easily! I tried paper towels and they became attached to my fingers. I then tried soap and water to no avail! I thought about it for a few moments and came up with a plan, I will try my spouse of 47 years, glass cleaner. It is mostly alcohol and it removed the glue, I mean gum!
            Back to my peaceful protest at the Fords Homestead. With the truck parked in the shade of the back yard, I began to washed this vehicle, allowing the water that drips off the vehicle to enter the parch grass. We haven’t had any rain for several weeks so any water that could be applied to the yard would be helpful. Can you believe that the local government would make an ordinance that would keep you from watering your yard, during a drought, as you wash your vehicle?
            I will post a photo of the vehicle in the yard after the cleaning. Yes, I cleaned the inside also. Do not look at the grass that needs to be mowed, I was hoping it would rain before I mowed the yard. Yes, one of the neighbors has commented that I have not mowed.
            If you are wondering about the garden, it is almost finished. I am still watering it and if you look behind the vehicle you will see that there are weeds and a couple sun flowers in the garden.

            After completing this total interesting article, I decided to do something about the grass in the yard. I instructed the grounds keeper to get his lazy body outside and mow the yard. He actually did a fair job of manicuring the estate. He also used an old technique for picking up the grass along the curb, after my first wife chastised him for not sweeping the grass off the street. He used an old trash can with one side flat. This allows one to sweep the clippings into the container and then pick it up and carry it to the next pile (see photo below).
            As an extra incentive to the Gardner, I will attach a photo of his work at the front of the Homestead. He did a fair job of manicuring.

Protest peacefully!

Don Ford

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

More proof 07.06.16

                Before we get started on today’s mesmerizing article, I would like to spend a few sentences explaining a word, which is kind of two words, and to the trained mind (me) doesn’t make any sense at all.
            As I was out for my morning stroll, a word popped into my head. That statement is not totally true, I had thought about this word early this morning while lying on my new mattress, meditating. It continues to amaze me how the, “word people”, get things so messed up.

            Acute, would mean serious or severe!
            A cute, could be a puppy!

            Here at, “The Ford Homestead Institute for The Study of, and Decoding of Grammar”, we have learned that a so called doctor, many years ago at a renowned school of lower learning, was teaching a student about serious illnesses. He told the student, “Never tell the patient that their condition is serious, always come up with a word that means serious to you, but not to them”.
The student asked, “What word should I use”? The doctor suggested that the student think of a cute puppy and he would come up with a word. The student thought about what the doctor had told him and Wala, the word “Acute”, came into existence!
You are correct, it is a strange world we live in!

Now to a more serious situation. I had recently posted evidence in the form of a photo that the aliens are watching me. I can only assume they want to learn from the Master, me. In today’s photo, (it is not a photo from the pecan tree), you will see the alien that has been watching me for the past three days. I decided to take a photo this morning, as evidence of this invasion at the Ford Homestead.
                If you look at this photo and can’t see the forehead, eyes and nose of the alien that has been watching me, you will never know when they are watching you. If you click on the photo you may even be able to see the alien’s mouth.
            My granddaughter thinks I am imagining these aliens, what does she know, she’s only nine years old.
            During my last session with my psychiatrist, I had told her about the aliens and asked if I was crazy. She explained that a person can have a good imagination and not be crazy, as long as this person does not believe these imagined aliens are real. On the other hand, if one imagines that aliens are watching them and they believe they are real, then that person is crazy.
            I explained that I did not believe they are real, my psychiatrist then declared, “I was not crazy”. I then told her I would like it if the aliens would stop watching me when I am sitting in my rocking chair every afternoon. 
Look around you, they are watching!

Don Ford

Monday, July 4, 2016

Four July, Twenty Sixteen

4th of July, 2016
            One of the good things that happened years ago, was the banning of fireworks inside the city limits of Hewitt, TX. It stopped all those bad people from setting off the fireworks and possibly causing the older generation to miss some of their required, and may I say, well deserved sleep.
            The police will issue a fine to anyone participating in the practice of igniting any type of firework. In the following photo the two male subjects are not related to me in any way. No, it is not David and Alex, and they were not participating in the act of igniting fireworks.
Thank goodness I did not participate in this act of defiance against the Hewitt Government!

Be safe over the fourth!

Don Ford

            For that one observant person,
the above article was written on July 4th,
and the illegal actions were taken on July 3rd.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

It worked 07/02/16


Connected to a tree, not the internet, they like the tire swing!


Have a good 4th of July holiday!

Don Ford

Friday, July 1, 2016

Spilled Milk 07.01.16

            No I didn’t spill a glass of milk, at least not recently. I hope that delays the questions from that one person who always feels the need to ask some silly question, before I have had a chance to complete my explanation. 
            In today’s lesson I want to tell a story of a bogus person (for that one reader I want to explain that bogus in this setting means, not real) who became upset when they spilt a glass of milk. Instead of saying, “Darn it” and cleaning up the milk, this person became very upset! In this upset state they began snapping at everyone around them, causing the children to become very quiet, almost afraid to say anything.
            Let us consider the situation.
1.  The glass of milk is spilt, that can’t be changed.
2.  The milk needs to be cleaned up, that doesn’t change.
3.   Becoming upset, raising your voice, and snapping at those around you, will not clean up the spilled milk.

Why did this person lose their cool? There are many excuses for one losing one’s cool, but they are just excuses. The reasons are most likely, (1) that they have through most of their life observed others popping off any time anything went awry, rather than approaching in a controlled manner, (2) they have never taken the time to consider the effects of their ranting on others, or their own health.

            Life’s lessons, are not always easily learned, and are difficult to teach, as some people don’t believe they have a problem, or, just don’t want to listen.
Sometimes we don’t see the need to change our habitual bad actions. Most likely we consider our actions normal, and if someone attempts to point them out to us we become defensive, and refuse to listen or consider the advice that is being offered.
The most effective method of creating change is when we ourselves, realize the need, either through self-evaluation, or considering a comment from someone, which is basically self-evaluation.
It may be hard to believe, I use to explode at almost anything, then one day as I was working on a project in the garage I dropped a handful of nuts and bolts. They hit the floor and spread out over the floor. It just happened that I was in a very good mood for some reason, and dropping the nuts and bolts did not trip my trigger. I looked at the bolts on the floor, I smiled and said, “If that is the worst thing that happens today, it will be a good day!
Later in the day, I thought about my positive reaction to dropping the nuts and bolts. I remembered smiling and saying, if that is the worst thing that happens today, it will be a good day! I thought it actually felt good to have smiled and made a positive comment, compared to becoming upset and blowing my stack.
I considered that I should react positively to situations that have often tripped my trigger. I had come to this self-realization without outside intervention. In other words, “It was my idea, and since I thought of it, I liked it!”
            Just in case you have read this entire article but have not grasped the point;
That lesson is, “when faced with a negative and upsetting situation, smile and take a positive approach”. Although I am not always able to stay positive in upsetting situations, I find that a smile and this simple phrase, “If that is the worse that happens today, it will be a good day!

Now on a different subject:
            I was sitting all alone on my old worn out rocker, in the shade near the garage door, the temperature was 96 degrees, and I did have a fan running, attempting to keep me somewhat cool.
            The neighborhood was quiet, as it was too hot for anyone other than me to be outside. That is when I heard it! This sound was coming from behind me, and the sound was of something falling through the tree limbs. I quickly turned to see a large rusty red colored hawk, falling like a rock, and then spreading its wings just prior to hitting the ground. He flew up to the top of the power pole and adjusted what he had in his talons, as several mocking birds flew at him in protest.
            After a few seconds this big hawk flew away with the bird in his claws.

Smile and be positive about situations!

Don Ford           

                What, who has a question? Oh, it’s you again. What’s the question?
You want to know how anyone could be positive about the hawk story.
            Smile, be happy that you are not the bird!
            I guarantee the hawk was smiling and happy that lunch was at hand!