Out for my normal 30 minute walk this morning I noticed that there were clouds off to the east. That meant I could walk and not be over heated by direct rays from the sun. There seemed to be less noise this morning as I strolled along the avenue, and oddly enough, there seemed to be no cars out this morning. I had begun to drift into my meditation mode, when I heard a single Mourning Dove calling. My thoughts harkened back to when I was a child. I remember my Dad saying, when you here a dove calling like that, it is calling for rain. We need the rain, so Dad may have been correct!
I continued walking and had went into the meditation state of mind. I have stated this in the past but I will restate this process for the one reader who does not know about meditative walking. This meditation while walking is good in a couple ways. “1”, it allows me to focus on one subject, such as being thankful for all my blessings, or a subject that I might want to write about, and “B”, time seems to pass more quickly!
As usual, when I turned at the end of the block I picked an object, usually something small to focus on, and I began walking. By focusing on an object, I am able to shut out all outside visual distractions. Note, I said visual distractions as the sound of a car, a barking dog, or someone’s voice will immediately bring me out of the meditation state.
Today it was Tom who lives near the end of the block who said, “You seem to be walking with a purpose”. Surprised, I looked to the left and he was sitting in a chair on his driveway with a cup of coffee in his hand. I had not seen him prior to his statement. I stopped and we talked for a couple minutes. I tried to explain my, as he correctly said, “walking with a purpose”, but…
Walking again, I was nearing the end of the block when I unfocused and observed the neighbor’s driveway. This neighbor likes to hunt deer, which is evident by looking at his driveway. Far be it for me to criticize others, but I am allowed to observe and comment on my observations.
In this so called driveway, where a vehicle could not drive, there is a 30 foot fifth wheel travel trailer, used during deer season. In front of it is a recently constructed base to a deer stand which is approx. four feet tall, five feet wide, and eight feet long. It is painted OD green. There is also a recently constructed deer stand which I assume will somehow be placed on top the base when they are taken to the deer lease.
Behind the travel trailer there are two four wheelers, several large barrows which are most likely use for deer feeders. There is a large john boat on a trailer with a motor attached, which has not moved for several years. There is a canoe which is used occasionally. There are other miscellaneous items stored in this one time driveway, such as lawn mowers.
As I said earlier, “Far be it for me to be critical of how others choose to use their property”.
Heck I am not even commenting on the small limbs and leaves that were accumulating along the curb in front of their house, which washed down in front of my driveway during the light rain yesterday, which I will now have to clean up.
It is always best to not be critical of others, as they might return the favor.
Do unto others as they do unto you!
Don Ford