
Friday, November 13, 2015

Not a Bow 11.13.15

            As you may know, today is Friday 13th. I have been looking through some of my old notes in an attempt to help a friend find his work notes on a particular subject from a few years back. 
            I looked through some notes and old power points that were created by me for my employer. It was kind of a trip down memory lane. I noticed that there was several safety related items that I had pointed out which needed attention. Then I thought, was I totally negative during my visits and reviews? Possibly, the management team thought I was too negative, but I also found notes that were complimentary of the Centers. No I was not too negative. 
            Anyway, I was able to help a little.
            I am not superstitious about Friday 13th, but I will be cautious today, and I will tell you why.
            This morning as I was in my walking while meditating exercise program, I noticed a female subject walking on my street at this early hour. I recognized the person and wondered why she was walking alone, as she usually walked with her mother and father.
She walked up to her parents’ home, and opened the garage door, got in the car and drove away. I then began to thing, were they all three walking and someone had gotten hurt?
About 10 minutes later the vehicle returned with three people inside. Two of the occupants got out of the vehicle but the third had to be helped out. It was the female subject’s mother that needed the help. She was hopping on one foot, apparently having hurt her leg or foot.
Remember it is Friday 13th, was this injury due to Friday the 13th?
I will leave the answer to that question, up to you.

Different subject:
            I was talking with a friend yesterday afternoon. Yes, I do have a friend, don’t start asking those silly questions. As we were discussing world events, I noticed a phenomenon and quickly retrieved my cell phone to get a photo.
            Did you know you can also make phone calls on today’s smart phones? I don’t think I have seen anyone make a call lately, they mostly text, read email, and take photos with these devices.
            Anyway, I took this amazing photo that I want to share with you.
            At first glance one would think it was just a photo of the sun shining through a cloud. What was neat, but hard to see in this photo, there was a rainbow effect just to the right side of the sun. Bright and pretty but no bow in this view.
            Different subject:
Gabi went on a field trip to a museum were she was the news person (above photo, she is sitting at the table).
In the photo above, she is blowing a large bubble.
They had a lot of fun, photos by Granny and her smart phone.

I hope your Friday (the 13th) is good!

Don Ford

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