
Friday, November 20, 2015

Government employees 11.20.15

            I wanted to say government workers in my heading, but that might be a misnomer. As I was motivating into the city this morning I observed one of many time wasters provided by the City.
            Imagine, if you will, there is a City owned pickup truck, parked on the side of the highway with its flashing lights on. I assume the pickup cost between 30 and 40 K.
            Inside this pickup, there was a person who appeared to be a city (AKA Government) employee. I could be wrong, this person might have stolen the pickup.
            About 100 foot in front of the pickup with the government person inside, there was another person. This person appeared to be picking up litter from the grass medium between the highway and the service road.
            Let’s review, there is a pickup purchased with tax money, there is a person sitting in the pickup paid by tax payers, and there is another person walking in the grass medium also paid by tax payers.
            It is my opinion that a government supervisor has no ability to plan for an efficient work process and probably is not required to plan an efficient work process. Possibly, those who work for the government, are not qualified to work in the real world. Someone said, those that can, do, those that can’t are government people.
            I would suggest that the city could instruct their litter picker-uppers to both get out of the pickup and they could get done in half the time or do twice the work.
            You ask how, it is simple. The pickup with two personnel in it, would drive to the starting point. One person would get out with his litter picking up tools (a sack and a stick with a nail in the end) and start picking up litter.
The truck with the second person in it, would drive about 100 yards and stop safely on the medium. The second person would get out leaving the truck sit and start picking up litter. When the first person gets to the truck, he would dump his litter, get in and drive it past the second person about 100 yards. He would then park it and pick up litter.
When the second person gets to the truck he dumps his litter and then drives the truck past the first person and parks it. This process would be repeated until the road side was cleaned. 
            You now see, an old retired person can see how to improve the process. Maybe, they need to allow old retired persons, to evaluate all the Government employees’ jobs, and then show them how to be more efficient. 

On a different subject, my present spouse who has left me home alone, is allowing me to get the Christmas decorations out today. She said I could also bring in all the delicate plants as the temperature is supposed to get close to freezing this weekend.

Different subject, the people with the German Sheppard puppies sent me a text offering me first choice of puppies. I explained that I was on a fixed income and since it is so close to Christmas I could not pay their price for a puppy.
They said they understood what it is like to, “not have a job” and “be on a fixed government income”.  I offered them less for one of the male pups, but they could not help an “old retired person living on road kill and a government check”. 

Have a happy and productive day,               even though I am so sad, mistreated and over worked!

Don Ford

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