This morning I did not attempt to procure a rocker on the front porch of the restaurant in hopes of having a conversation with, an interesting stranger. You may be wondering, why did he skip this part of his Sunday morning ritual? The answer is very simple, which leads me to believe, most of my following will be able to understand the answer. The weather was rainy and the temp was 40 degrees. When it is that cold I do not loiter outside. Also, there was no one, not one person on the porch to talk with!
Inside the building, there is a shopping area conveniently located to allow the customer to shop while they wait to be seated in the eating area. I do not enjoy shopping, in fact, I usually try to stay out of the shoppers (female of the species) way!
We were seated near the windows but not in front of the windows, on the south side of the restaurant. Experience has taught us to avoid the windows on cold days. Last year we complained about the cold air that was coming from the windows and we were told they were going to be sealed that very evening. I somehow doubt that the windows were ever sealed, as the people sitting in front of them were complaining about the cold air.
Donna and I ordered our drinks and then waited for a while for the wait staff to return to our table, to take our food order.
Now we know why they are referred to as wait staff. They occasionally make the customer “Wait” to be served. I observed our wait staff talking to the manager about someone’s bill. I assume there was a problem which kept us from ordering.
Another little known factoid, all wait staff are trained to stop at your table and ask, “How is everything”, just after you have taken a bite of food. They know all you can do is to nod your head, and they assume you will not attempt to make a comment with your mouth full. This is the “Wait Staff’s” way, of doing no more than absolutely necessary.
At some point another wait staff person (a male of the species) stopped at our table and asked if we had been helped. I explained that we would like to be visited again, by our wait staff person, if he could find her.
He returned after a short period and explained that our wait staff person was busy with the manager, and he ask if he could help us. I noticed that his name was David, so I explained that we had a son named David. I asked if he was related to our son. He looked at me as if I had two heads! I guess he didn’t know whether he was related or not.
We placed our orders and it wasn’t too long until the food arrived.
As we were partaking in the brunch repast, I noticed an odd group of people enter the eating area. This group was seated at a round table in the corner of the room. I don’t think they were seated there because they were different from others in the room, there were several of them and the table, large enough to accommodate the group, was located in the corner.
My present spouse was unable to see them, they were seated a distance behind her, so I had to try and explain what I was observing. Their clothing was not unusual and to the untrained eye, they would have appeared to be normal people.
I, being trained to understand body language, found it interesting that this group of people which consisted of three adults and three young people, were not following accepted protocol in the dining area. I don’t want to say they were freakish in their actions, they just did not seem to be from this century.
After the adventure at the restaurant, my first wife and I headed to Atwood’s Farm Supply. They had an item on sale that I do not need but I have wanted one for some time now. It was still raining when we arrived at the store. I went one way and my spouse of 46 years went the other way.
I found the item, but the sign on the product indicated regular price. I should have asked but I assumed it was on sale only on Green Friday. Green Friday means the same as Black Friday, you know, when the stores take our hard earned money.
I cried all the way home, I felt so let down. I had the $7.99 in my pocket. Do you know how long it took my present wife to pick up enough cans to give me $7.99? Well it took her a whole day, and in the rain too!
December is almost here and my present spouse is erecting Christmas trees in the house. No, I am not allowed to participate in this venture (thank goodness).
I have noticed no one has asked about the next chapter in the, “Understanding Time Travel” saga.
May all the sale items be priced properly for you!
Don Ford