
Friday, July 10, 2015

Why do they do it? 07.10.15

                The following article is a true opinion of mine.
                This morning as I was dutifully exercising (walking) many things eased through my mind. I used the word eased, because my enormous brain absorbs my thoughts better when the thoughts are moving more slowly. A thought preceding like a flash of lightning, no longer seems to stick in my brain.
                I was thinking that, “We the People” need to get rid of a bunch of politicians and elect some true leaders. If you know anything about politics, you understand that, “We the People” no longer have any say in who will be candidates, for any of the important positions. The politicians, along with the elite upper crust, (rich donors) decide who will run and who will not.   
                “We the People” get to vote for, or against, the politicians that the political groups place on the ballot.
                Enough information about the corrupt political system, and the entire thing is corrupt, let me get back to my original thought.
                Why do they do it?
                The question is why do politicians want to be in office. If you were to ask one of them, they would say, “to serve the people”. As you should know, that is a line of BS a mile long. I do not doubt that some people go into politics wanting to serve the people, but they soon find that they must bend to the will of the political system or they will basically be kicked out of the good ole boy club. (The comment good ole boy, also applies to the female politicians.)
                Let’s think about any political position for a moment. If the person in that position, were to be required to do their job in anonymity, no recognition by the press, and if they were not allowed to take gratuities during their time in office and after, do you think any of them would even consider being a politician?   
                It is the recognition they receive, the thought that they are somehow better than others, some probably think of themselves as royalty. They make decisions while in office, that will help their wealthy supporters, and they hope their decisions help them to stay in office.
                What other job allows the workers, to set their own pay, and benefits? Only politicians!
                There must be term limits on all politicians and they should never get any type of benefits after being in office or retirement. Then and only then, would you have leaders that are in office to serve the people.
I feel a little better now!
(Politician is in gray, due to my perception of the dirtiness of their position.)
Don Ford               

1 comment:

Mary Yunker said...

Amen, and again I say Amen!
What is it going to take?