
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Rock Paper Dog 07.08.15

                The day started as a normal Texas day. The temp was a cool 79 and the humidity was a sticky 89%. This combination of heat and humidity would have been daunting to many seniors who were wanting to get some exercise in, prior to the heat of the day.
                Yes I know there is such a thing as mall walking but one has to get to the mall before they can participate, and gas is too expensive for a person on a, “fixed income”, such as me!
                I began my walk with a few stretches, as I don’t want to injure this well-formed, and should I say, nicely preserved body. Starting my stroll at a normal pace, I walk at this speed for about a minute, then I increase the speed to a point where my respirations and heart rate or elevated. I maintain that pace through the entire walk, with the last minute or so, at a normal pace as my cool down.
                You do know that after exercising a race horse, they walk them for a while to cool them down. I may not be a race horse, but I have been called the south end of a north bound horse, so I am entitled to a cool down walk.
                This particular morning as I began my walk, I was thinking of all the things that happen on a schedule or, are the same every day. As an example there is a fellow on Texas Street that keeps his Harley in his back yard behind a wood fence. About 6:30 each day he opens the wood gate, which is about 4 foot wide. He then starts the bike and rides it very carefully through the open gate, stopping on the drive way.
                As with many Harley owners, his bike has very loud exhaust pipes. I am one of those people that wish the police would enforce the noise ordinances related to loud exhausts on all vehicles.
                It is a proven fact, street legal vehicles that are fast, do not have loud exhausts, while vehicles that are not fast often attempt to make up for their inability to accelerate with loud exhausts. 
                As I continue my walk I often observe the same items lying on the street. As an example there are two rubber bands in front of 421 Oklahoma Ave.  These rubber bands are small and one is twisted into three circles while the other is in four circles. The bands appear to be from the so call newspaper that are tossed onto a few yards up and down the street. These rubber bands will stay there until the next rain, at which time the rain water will wash them away.
                Speaking of paper, there is what appears to be a newspaper next to the drive way at 418 Oklahoma. That paper has been there for better than two weeks. One should pick up litter from their yards but if you didn’t put it there, do you have to pick it up?
                Another item that I often review during my morning stroll is a smooth, roundish rock, less than three inches in diameter. One would assume that the rock has been taken from a stream where it has been exposed to running water for years which has cause the rock to be very smooth.
                This rock is on Arkansas Street and lately has been covered with several inches of dead grass clippings. The people who live there do not cut their grass on a regular basis, allowing it to grow about knee high to a giraffe, and when they do cut it they blow the clippings onto the street.
                Did I state that these people rent this house, which may be why they do not seem to care what their house or the neighborhood looks like.
                In a recent study preformed at, “The Ford Homestead Institute of Home Maintenance”, it has been learned that households which have the traditional husband and wife, often have a better outside appearance than those that do not have the husband and wife.
                Why, would this be, you ask, I will explain. Typically, the husband does most of the outside work while the wife does much of the inside work. In our study we learned that, “men will work outside for longer periods of time, when the wife is in the house”. Now we have not concluded that the husband will stay outside to avoid the spouse, but…
                Let me get back to the rock that I see during my morning stroll. For some reason this morning, I had this feeling that I should pick up the rock and take it with me. I can’t explain why I just knew I should.
                This rock is a dark brown, rather smooth, and it filled my hand. I tried putting the rock in my pocket but it was too heavy and uncomfortable. As I strolled toward the Homestead, I thought I might want to leave the rock at the end of my driveway. Nope, I continued carrying it in one hand and my walking stick (cane makes me sound old) in the other.
                I had completed another lap when this barking dog that was behind a wooden fence, was able to get his head through a gap between two boards. Now I could tell, this dog was set on getting out and doing bodily harm to me.
                I stepped up the pace a little and in a few seconds was moving away from the barking and likely vicious dog. Not thinking about the dog I was again constipating concentrating on my style and pace. Yes, there is a style in my walking which I am told is, “inspirational to the onlooker”.  
                I was now on my last lap for the day. I was again approaching the barking dog compound when it happened! That darn dog got out of the enclosure and was heading my way. Can you imagine a pit bull, coming at you, intent on taking your leg off, or worse?
                This dog was vicious and I needed to act quickly. My brilliant brain went into over drive deciding what to do. I remember it is best to not make direct eye contact as this is said to be a direct challenge to the species.
                I am attempting to look away but watch the monster out of my peripheral vision. He was still barking but not advancing at this time. I still had the rock in my left hand and my walking stick (cane) in the right hand. I decided to slowly move the rock and cane into different hands, thinking I may need to throw the rock at the dog in defense of my well-formed body.
Each time this canine barked his body would bounced and he would be an inch or so closer to his intended target, me!
I decided to stand my ground. I would turn and face the canine, I will throw the rock and if I hit him, I may have a few seconds to evacuate the area. If not, I will use my walking stick to defend myself.
I turned quickly and the dog seemed to become more agitated. It was at the exact moment as I drew my arm back, readying myself to launch a counter attack, when I heard it! This female voice calling, ”Susie, Susie come here”.
The dog lessened its attack mode but stood its ground. I lowered my arm to my side. Again the female voice was calling for Susie. The dog retreated toward the voice around the end of the fence.
A moment later the old lady came around the end of the wooden fence carrying Susie. This old lady was apologizing for Susie’s aggressive behavior. She asked if Susie had bitten me and I replied, “No”. She said these Chihuahuas are small but they do often bite.
I smiled at the old lady, and walked home knowing that I had faced danger and won!
Always be prepared, never give up!
Disclaimer: Did this really happen, no it did not? Did I make it up because I do not have a lot of excitement in my life, maybe? Do I like telling stories, true or not, yep?
Don Ford

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