
Thursday, September 11, 2014

This week's letter is B 09.11.14

                This week’s letter for Alex’s class is, “B”. Yes he is learning his alphabet a letter each week. They have show and tell in which they are to bring something that begins with, “B”.  Alex found a bug, which begins with “B”, and I suggested he take it for show and tell.
 I do not know what he took for show and tell, his mother may have had a better “B” object.
                Staying with the theme of “B week”, I have created another most perfect wood working project.  I had purchased a board (17” X 48”) during a sale to employees at my past employer. I believe I gave a dollar for the board which I immediately saw as a top for a bench.
                The board sat around the garage for a couple months and finally I decided to do something with it. The board is not too large so I decided on a small work bench with a couple shelves. Putting pencil to paper I made a plan and then, “skillfully executed the plan”.
                I purchased 6 boards of various sizes, marked them for the sawyer. You guessed it, I am the sawyer. (Boards and screws increased the cost of this most excellent work bench.)
All boards cut to proper dimensions, I began the assembly process which went without problem and very quickly.
                Since this is a small work bench and not a piece of furniture, there was no finish work needed on this project, which speeded up the construction.
                It doesn’t look like much, but it is solid and should serve for years to come.
                For those of you who are beginning to learn your alphabet, there were several “B words” used in the above story, did you see them, (board, believe, bench, bottom, began, but, bug, bring, begins, better) did I miss any?
May your day be filled with bright, beautiful, blooming, bougainvillea.
Don Ford
                I hope you did not go back and search through the story for that missing, “B word”. If you did you have more time on your hands than I do. Maybe you should volunteer your time somewhere, then you would not be looking for the “B word” in a blog posting. Although these blog postings are some of the most informative on the internet, you should have more to do than look for the “B word”.

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