
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Focused while walking 09.24.14

                Although you may find it difficult to believe, I often find it challenging to stay focused at times. I have learned to be focused during my morning stroll.
                I did not walk yesterday morning, I did however drive to Round Rock, TX because my daughter-in-law was having surgery.
                This morning I crawled out of bed about 30 minutes late. I, being a wise manager of my time and my movements, was able to get through all my morning practices in half the time I normally use, and that did include throne time. Yes, you are correct, I am astonishing at times.
                I entered the outside world right on schedule and decided to constipate contemplate concentrate on my morning walk. I have found that being focused on my morning walk increases the exercise value and keeps me from being so critical of others. Yes, even though it may be hard for you to believe, it is true I can be somewhat critical of others.
                This morning the temp was 55 degrees as I began to walk down the street. “Fall has fell” and we actually have a fall like day.
                I focused on a triangular shaped street sign at the cul-de-sac and began to walk. I have noticed that I do not change my stride and I walk in a more direct line by staying focused. I do not take my eyes off the focal point at the end of the street but I am aware of my surroundings. Peripheral vision allows me to know that there was a flock of birds flying overhead. I was also aware of the light coming from a window at the front of one of the houses.
                At one house I smelled the odor of someone smoking. Even though I did not turn my eyes toward his house I knew the fellow was standing there watching me walk down the street. This person has told me he enjoys a smoke as he picks up his morning newspaper and then he likes to sit on the patio and read the newspaper with a hot cup of coffee.
                Arriving at the end of the street I made my turn and headed toward the other street light. My stride today is faster than usual and I am beginning to breathe through my mouth, “a mouth breather”. In this cool air, it just seems right to step up the pace. As I pass under the street light I became aware that I was being stalked by an ankle biter (Chihuahua).
                (Factoid; this so called dog, is named after the state of Chihuahua Mexico)
                Yep the neighbor had left their so called dog outside. There was a lot of barking and it came running at me. I stopped and looked that the “miniature pot hound”, he immediately broke off the attack, and headed toward the house still barking.
                As soon as I began to walk he again engaged in this “terroristic threat” to bite my ankle. Being the brave individual that I am, I continued my walk ever mindful of the stalking presence in that yard.
                I was close to the end of my 30 minute walk and I was aware that my pace had slowed somewhat. This may be hard to believe but I could see my breath, just a little when I exhaled. I also noticed that I was not sweating today and that felt good.
                I am always energized when I complete my walk, too bad it doesn’t last all day.
                I want to pull some weeds from my back yard so I have strategically placed my lawn sprinkler to water an area of the back yard.
Why would I water the weeds before I pull them? It is the humane thing to do, after all, they give the convicted murder a last cigarette before the hang him, so why not give the weeds a last drink before I pull them. (It is easier to get the roots out if the ground is damp) 
I now find myself tired after telling this story and in need of a nap. It isn’t nap time and I can’t sneak a nap in because my spouse of 45 years is still here at the house.
Stay focused on the goal and you will be a winner.
Don Ford

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