Hello from the Ford Homestead, we are doing well and hope you are also. We made it through the Holiday week and have settled down to our normal daily routine. Now that I think about it we were settled into our normal daily routine during the holiday week.
Retired people on a fixed income are often unable to enjoy the holidays like those of you that are game fully employed. It is bad when you don’t have enough funding to purchase a brisket for the holiday meal. I know what you are thinking; why didn’t I check for road kill. A nice young deer lying in the bar ditch could have possibly made a nice substitute for a brisket.
For the non-Texans who might read this article; the term “Bar Ditch” is in reference to a ditch alongside any road. It gets the name because many people have ended up in the ditch alongside a road after an evening at the bar.
How did you sleep last night? My night’s sleep was interrupted as usual by my companion and confidant “Tejas” wanting to go outside. It was 1:29am when I felt the wet nose of Tejas on my back. He was informing me that he needed to go outside and see what the other dogs were barking at. I obligingly got up and let him out the door. This happens every night at least once but at different times. While Tejas is outside I usually get in my recliner and kick back for a few minutes. After some period of time I get out of the recliner and go to the door to let him back into the house.
Last night when I opened the door to let him back in Molly T ran out the door and disappeared into the dark. Molly’s gray color makes it impossible to see her at night. I waited a few minutes and went back to the door to see if she was there and would she come in. Molly was near the door but when I went out to see if I could catch her she disappeared into the flowers.
I thought about just leaving her outside all night but soon decided I would catch hell from my wife of 44 years in the morning if I did.
Even though I am retired and considered an elderly citizen, I am occasionally able to out think the cat. I stood there in the back yard cloaked in darkness deciding my approach to apprehending the aforementioned cat.
My plan was simple; I would turn the water on just a small amount and use the hose without a nozzle to make a stream of water. I would place my thumb over the end of the hose and direct a very small stream (about the size of a pencil) into the flowers. Molly has a fascination with running water if it is not directed at her. I expected her to come and investigate the water stream and if she did I would direct it closer to me. If she came close enough I would swoop down and catch the cat.
What do you think happened? I stood there watering the flowers for a couple minutes wondering where she was. There was a slight breeze and the wind chime to my right was sound off very quietly as if to say, “I know everyone is sleeping and I will not be too loud.”
Out of the darkness I could see the dark gray body of Molly T sneaking up on the water stream. When she was within a few inches of the water I moved the stream closer to me and as expected she followed. She was just below me and I now needed to swoop down on her or possibly I could slowly bend over and catch her.
I decided on slowly bending as swooping might have startled her and I would need to begin the capture process again. With one hand under her belly I picked the wayward cat up and proceeded to tell her she was a bad cat. Cats need to be verbally punished and I was willing to provide the punishment.
I had now been awake for an hour, and I knew I would be tired today.
Someone asked how the puzzle project was going (Queen Anne Desk). The project has slowed as I have been consulting with a varnish specialist (my first wife). I have varnished a couple pieces and they did not look good. There were streaks on the wood after the varnish was applied. My consultant attempted to show me how to apply a second coat of varnish, which may have been better than what I had done, but there were still streaks.
After careful consultation it was decided to use a different brush with finer bristles (hair). The new brush made a big difference and the project seems to be back on course.
I had purchased 4 clamps from my past employer, they were 36 inches long. The first one I took from the box was broken. I have asked if they will replace the broken one.
The weather has been very hot and we are expecting 100 plus temperatures all this week. That makes it difficult to work in the garage. I have three fans which help make the work tolerable.
Have a nice week; give someone a nice complement. Say “thank you” to those around you, don’t take them for granted (family and co-workers).
Don Ford