Yesterday as Alex and I were heading to the playground, we had stopped, as all good citizens do for the octagon shaped sign. My Grandson of 3 years commented from the back seat of my pickup, “space ship”. Somewhat surprised I asked where. Alex pointed and I looked. He noted that it was a fat space ship and I agreed. He was looking at the water tower which was about 100 feet above the ground.
A few days ago, during one of those nice days when it was not too hot nor too cold I removed several large limbs from a tree in the back yard. As these limbs lay in the yard they looked as if they would fill a trailer. When I had removed the small branches and bundled them “per the City of Hewitt’s edict”, and cut the limbs into logs of about 2 foot in length I had a small pile of wood. A cord of wood is supposed to be 4’ X 2’ X 8’. That is four feet high, two feet wide and 8 feet long. If you purchase wood to burn in the fire place check the 2 foot measurement it is easy to cut everything a few inches short and you get less than you pay for.
I think I may continue to cut some limbs in the back yard today. I have one tree that needs to come down completely and I like to work on days when it isn’t windy. There are several reasons for wanting a calm day including saw dust in the eyes, yes I have safety glasses but I don’t always wear them. I don’t like to climb on ladders especially when it is windy.
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That is it for now, have a nice day! Don Ford