The day isn’t over yet maybe the world is still going to end today…
December the 21, 2012 and all is well.
Darn I went and screwed up. I was thinking that the world was coming to an end so I took our life savings out from under the mattress. There was $823.16 in cash under that mattress. I wanted to be in good graces with the man above when the world came to an end so I decided to do something good with our life savings.
It is Christmas time so I got a small box and put all the money inside and taped the box shut. I even put some Christmas wrapping paper on the box and it looked nice.
My wife of 43 years and I decided to donate our life savings, all $823.16 to a deserving charity. Believing the world was coming to an end we thought a generous gift from us to a deserving organization would help our chances of going up instead of down on judgment day.
There are many deserving organizations to donate to such as the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, so we decided to pick one that might impress the man above.
We took the package to the post office and told the “postal worker” that we had our life savings in this package and we were donating it. The nice postal worker was impressed with the fact that we would donate $823.16, so he said he would put it inside a shipping carton and put the address label on it for us. He said, “We could leave it to him and he would take care of the package”. He also said, “We didn’t need to pay postage”.
My wife of 43 years and I were impressed with how nice postal workers can be.
We gave him the name of the Radio Preacher that we wanted to send the money to but we didn’t have the street address. The postal worker said, “I will look it up for you, just leave the package with me”. I am sure glad we have such nice, friendly and honest employees at the post office.
* * * * * * *
You know the old saying, “it is better to give than receive”; well that may be a true statement but there are some good points to receiving, especially now that we know the world did not end and our life savings is gone.
Since we have no savings I guess I can start picking up aluminum cans from the road side and looking for road kill again. I hope the radio preacher uses the money for something good.
From the “I have no lifesaving” mind of Don Ford.
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For that one person that might actually believe this posting, it is a joke.
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