
Saturday, January 4, 2025

January 4, 2025

            We are having a good Saturday morning here at the Homestead, we hope you all are too. Saturday is a day of rest for us here at the Ford’s homestead, so we will get our yard man Alex to come over and do some work for us. We have some Christmas lights that we will allow him to remove from the house and yard, we want to allow him to take the manger apart. Some of the boards on the ole manger may be used to create some bird houses. If there is any time left, we may allow him to remove some leaves from the front yard.

            My favorite wife and I did sit outside with a friend yesterday afternoon, the weather was nice until the sun started going down, then it cooled down.

            I assume that Alex will need a drink from the Star coffee company when I go to pick him up this morning, and we will likely take him out to lunch with us after the work is completed.

            Different topic: I started going through some of the things I had written in years past and I found several that are interesting. There is one that is titled “Hell on Earth”. I read through it, and I got to the third day, and I learned the story was not complete. The story is a fiction story, but it could be a real event and if so, we would all agree that hell was on earth. Before you ask, it is not a bible story.

            Other thoughts: have you ever thought about feeling lonely, well I have a photo of what I think might be considered as lonely.


            Now if might be difficult to see, but there is a black bird on the top limb of that tree and he / she is all alone, aka lonely.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have an interesting and fun day, please stay safe in all you do.

Saturday workload.

Senior ole person who needs to go get the yard man Alex, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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