Well, it is still dark outside as I begin this soon to be uninteresting article about things I do, don’t do, or have thought about. But first I would like to wish everyone a good morning and an interesting day.
Now, allow me to comment on the retirement meeting that happened at my ole past employer. Both of the people retiring were people that started while I was manager, and both seemed happy that they were retiring. When a person retires from my ole employer the company gives them credits for each year they worked. Now the credits are for purchases from the distribution center after they retire, and these two received $50 for each year they worked, so 25 years equals $1,250.00. Things have changed; when I retired, they credited me with 40 years of service and I received $10 for each year I worked or $400.00.
It was a good meeting and we were able to visit with some retirees that we had not seen in several years.
Now allow me to alter the subject; yesterday I proceeded to remove decorations from the front yard, and placed them in the garage. In this process I decided to take the wooden manger and destroy it as it is in bad condition. Now in making this decision I determined I could take the boards apart and possibly use them to build bird houses. So, I took a couple photos of the ole manger and did some measuring, I even made a note of the dimensions and a quick drawing.
Later I decided to see if I could find the drawings and instructions for building a bird house, yes, I make notes of things I create. Scans to follow.
While I was looking for the drawings I went through several other notes and drawing I had made in the past such as the time I built the fort for the grand kids. One of the things that caught my attention was a short story I had written back in December of 2020, titled “The Watchers”. Now the story is only about 7 pages long and if you have read the bible, you may be aware that there is some info about The Watchers.
Now when I found this story I started reading it and even though I had written it 5 years ago, it was still interesting to me. How can someone as silly as me write something like that. Yes, I have written other stories too.
Today; it is wet outside due to some fog and drizzle, so I don’t have any outside activities planned other than maybe water the plants in the hot house. We are told that after this Sunday we will be in a period of cold weather, so I probably need to connect the heater in the hot house instead of using heat lamps.
Another ambition for the Don today is to look through more of my notes and see if I can find some of the other short stories I have written.
Well, I have bored you long enough, I will say good day and please be safe in all you do.
Note taker the Don.
Senior ole person who might go through some ole computer files today, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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