We think it is a good morning, we were able to get out of bed, so, I assume that is a good morning. I am getting a late start this morning so I will stop and go get the grand kids and hopefully return to continue this posting.
Lest go over the big thing that happened yesterday, and I mean big. My favorite wife went to Wally world and to the HEB to purchase some groceries yesterday, when she returned home, we begin to unload the van and she noticed that she did not have her purse. Yep, she must have left the purse in the grocery cart sitting on the parking lot.
At this point panic was sitting in. I said let’s go back now and see if someone had turned your purse in to the lost and found, or, has it vanished. The drive back to the HEB seemed extremely slow even though traffic was moving at the normal pace. We got on the parking lot and drove past the area where she had parked, no carts with a purse were seen, so I dropped her off at the door and went to find a parking space. I said that I would park and come in as soon as I could. I made two rounds in the parking lot and could not find a spot fairly close to the door. Suddenly my phone rang and I looked at the display on the dash, it was a call from my favorite wife’s phone. As soon as I seen it was her phone, I knew she had her purse back.
They told my favorite wife that one of the employees who brings the carts from the parking lot back into the store, found her purse and turned it in. She wanted to offer a reward to the person that found her purse, but they told her they do not do that.
Varied topics: we did sit outside after returning from getting the purse, it was a pleasant time, for various reasons.
Earlier yesterday I came out of the house intending to replace a security camera. Somehow I became distracted (is it attention deficit disorder) and brought the table saw out of the garage and started cutting the scrap wood to make the pieces of a bird house. I want to have all the pieces cut to the correct size and angles, then I can use them as my pattern to cut more pieces. I may need to put these pieces together temporarily to be sure in my ole head that I have them to the correct size.
Now this ole person sometimes begins to think about things and this time I was thinking about the word, “ours”. I think it means things that belong to us. Then I thought why could one letter totally change the meaning of the word. If we place a “y” in front of the word we get the word “yours”. So, one letter takes our stuff away from us, and it becomes yours. How many hours (wow another letter changed things) did I sit around thinking about this?
Should I stop, maybe I should and let you get back to your daily routine. Please be safe in all you do and have a good day.
Word salad.
Senior ole person who needs to take a break, maybe have a cup and… Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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