
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Rained again 08.30.16

            The days are getting shorter and the sun is moving south! You might ask how I know. That is easy, I am absorbent and observant too. Each afternoon there is more sun on my old rocker which is located on the drive way near the garage door at the south end of the house. If the sun was staying north, I would not be exposed to the injurious sun rays! (You didn’t know I even knew that word, let alone be able to spell it.)
            For the one person who is just dying to correct me, I will help relieve your stress by stating, I know the sun is not moving south, it is the earth that is tilting which makes the sun seem to be moving to the south. Get off my case!
            It did rain again yesterday after noon and into the night. All totaled we received about ½ inch of needed rain.

            On a different subject, the grounds keeper went to the doctor yesterday for his two week checkup. Our grounds keeper can begin to resume normal activities as long as he does them within reason. If it hurts or if he thinks it might hurt, don’t do it. Finally, I am going to get this lazy person out of my recliner!
             Click on photo to enlarge.
See what the rain caused! The Four O’clocks, middle photo are descendants of flowers that came from my sister’s home in Missouri several years ago. They seem to pop up in various places, we assume due to the birds eating and pooping the seeds.

May your days be bright and sunny,
And your nights be filled with sweet dreams,
May your prayers all be answered,
And may you be as happy as me!

I am not a poet and I know it!  Oh, wow, that rhymed!

Don Ford

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