August is here! Days are getting shorter! Someone has a birthday.
As I sat on the old rocker, which is located on my old drive way, enduring what seemed to be an endless drought, with temperatures of 100 plus, I looked up at the sky hoping for a sign from above, possibly indicating an end to the drought. As I observed a sky full of clouds, I began to wonder…
I have often wondered why clouds form. I am sure someone will be able to provide me with and answer. Please do not embarrass yourself by saying, “they are formed due to moister in the air”, everyone knows that!
What I want to know is why the moister does not spread evenly through the air, creating one cloud of an equal thickness? Why are there clouds of various size / thickness?
Please respond if you have the correct answer.
Fog is a cloud that is afraid to fly!
In the next photo we learn that they are still watching me. Do you think that I have some special intellect that they need to study, or could it be my unusually good looks for a senior retired citizen? If I were to guess I would believe it was both.
Most highly intelligent and ultra-observant people, can see the two eye holes, a nose hole, and what would be a large mouth in the cloud formation. This alien looks a lot like a skeleton’s head, and may have been surprised at what he was seeing, so his mouth was wide open.
If you have no idea what I am writing about, you should review the two postings dated 06/15/16 and 07/06/16 as they have additional info, about alien observations of yours truly.
For that one very observant reader, yes, there were at least two cloud aliens watching me in the first photo above.
May all your observers be, non-alien!
Don Ford
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