
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hurten fer Certen 08/17/16

            The groundskeeper had his surgery yesterday and the doctor said it was successful. Our groundskeeper slept most of the night in a recliner. He did try to sleep in his bed but that did not work due to tremendous pain.
            When asked how he feels he said he was, “Hurten fer Certen”. We have been getting some rain the last few days which is good, it keeps the groundskeeper from wanting to go outside and work. As a matter of fact, the rain gage has 5 inches of rain in it, which has accumulated over the last six days, and they are predicting rain for the next 7 days. This rain has been slow and easy, kind of like one of those old Missouri rains, which just keeps coming but does not run off.
            My present wife is preparing lunch for the groundskeeper right now. She has been taking pretty good care of him, and has even been nice to him!

May your day be filled with ____!
                                                                                                                You can fill in the blank.

Don Ford

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