
Monday, August 31, 2015

Shelves and naps 08.31.15

I have too much stuff, and I had to make room. Before shelf.
I added a shelf. I still have too much stuff, but I have some room on the work bench in the shed and in the garage. After shelf.
On a totally different subject, we have two lazy cats. The problem is that they do not get along. Molly (the gray cat, a female, and we all know that females, of all species, have trouble getting along with the male of their species) came to the Ford Homestead first. Charlie adopted us last Thanksgiving. Charlie is a lap cat and Molly is not. They both have their way of staying comfortable (in different rooms).
Molly enjoying a nap on the roll top desk.
Charlie enjoying his nap on the back of Donna’s Chair.
I hope you are as comfortable, when you nap!
Don Ford

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