
Monday, August 31, 2015

The Donald" 09.01.15

He and I have something in common! He was named after me, “The Donald”!
Yes I know his glasses are different from mine, you were supposed to be looking at the cap.
                Who will I vote for, I don’t know, but I do intend to wear the hat and I will see if I can stir up some conversations.
                I do like to conversate, and yes it is a word (a verb used without object).
May “The Donald”, be with you!
                I know, you didn’t get it, remember star wars, “May the Force be with you”, it was a play on words.
                Why do I try?
“The Donald”

Shelves and naps 08.31.15

I have too much stuff, and I had to make room. Before shelf.
I added a shelf. I still have too much stuff, but I have some room on the work bench in the shed and in the garage. After shelf.
On a totally different subject, we have two lazy cats. The problem is that they do not get along. Molly (the gray cat, a female, and we all know that females, of all species, have trouble getting along with the male of their species) came to the Ford Homestead first. Charlie adopted us last Thanksgiving. Charlie is a lap cat and Molly is not. They both have their way of staying comfortable (in different rooms).
Molly enjoying a nap on the roll top desk.
Charlie enjoying his nap on the back of Donna’s Chair.
I hope you are as comfortable, when you nap!
Don Ford

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It happened this way 08.26.15

                It was another one of those hot and dusty days that seems to always be present, during the month of August in Texas. The high temperature was predicted to reach a cool 97 degrees, but as usual the predictions were incorrect (flat out wrong)! Our high for the day turned out to be a mild 100 degrees with about the same amount of humidity. For a few moments I had flash backs, feeling as if I was back in, “Swamp East Missouri”.
                I had recently decided to see if it might be easier to finish the painting chores that I have been assigned, by using a paint spray gun.
Searching through my vast memory bank (that is my brain for that one person who might need to have things explained) I recalled having a paint spray gun. I even remember where it had been stored for the last 20 or so years.
I am thinking I should refer to the spray gun by some other name, since the homeland security is surely monitoring my emails. I referred to the secret service in Mondays posting, and today I am talking about spray guns. This could become an explosive situation. Now I have done it, I mentioned explosive in this email. Heck the only thing I haven’t mentioned is a pressure cooker. Oh darn, I just wrote pressure cooker, now I know they will be knocking on my door.
What are you laughing about? This email is addressed to you so they will be coming to your house too!
I retrieved the paint spraying device and began to check it over. There was a little red paint left on the device from the last time it was used, which was probably 20 years ago. We had a swimming pool in the back yard and we had a wood privacy fence around the pool. As the fence aged it was decided to paint the fence a dark red color.
I took the device apart attempting to remember how the adjustments worked. Two situations quickly presented themselves.
First, I did not remember which knob controlled what, on the spray device.
Second, three of the gaskets had deteriorated over the years and broke when I disassembled the device. I was able to replace two of the gaskets and decided I could find or make a replacement for the third gasket if I could remember how the controls worked.
I decided to check the Harbor freight web site as they post manuals for almost everything they sell. Accessing the web site I entered the words, “paint sprayer” in the search window. The first thing I saw, was a new paint spraying device that cost $9.99. That was with in my price range and it came with instructions.
Being somewhat of an investigator I decided to read some of the reviews. I must say they were informative and offered some good advice. I decided that I could afford the $9.99 for the sprayer and of course I would get something free if I took a coupon.
It occurred to me, if I used the sprayer just one time and tossed it out, it would still be a good deal.  Before that one person asks, I got a free 7 function digital multi-meter. I have several of these, some I have used and others are still in the package, unopened. If it is free, I take it.
Monday morning before it was too hot I begin the project. I had decided to try my new sprayer and see how much I could get done on the addition, to the Ford Homestead.
First I needed to move all the supplies and equipment near the project. I pulled the air compressor out first, then I gathered up a 100 foot extension cord. I took the air hose and the sprayer along with the paint and a stir. I gathered up a paint filter and some clean water to use with the paint as a thinner.
Checking the time, I decided it was getting close to time for feeding the grandkids. I would go in and cool down a little before preparing their lunches. I also ate a light lunch and took a short nap so I would be sharp and focused when I began the spraying of paint.
Z Z Z Z Z Z 
Nap time over I was refreshed and ready to work. I filled a bucket with soapy water to use in the eventual clean up, and headed for the project site. 
First I decided to power up the compressor and run some air without paint through the sprayer.  The compressor would not start, it would not even turn over.
What to do? In my all-knowing way, I decided that it might be the 100 foot extension cord, could it be too light to handle the load. I pulled the heavy air compressor back to the garage and plugged it in, just to verify that it would work.
It did nothing, it was dead as a door nail! Why would the unit not start? Being almost a genius, it quickly came to me, there may be a circuit breaker on the compressor motor. I search for a few minutes but nothing was seen. 
There was only one thing left to do, I would need to access the service manual for the compressor. I have a box that I keep all my manuals in. I retrieved the box from the garage and went inside hoping to acclimate to the air conditioning (cool down) while I was searching for the manual.
I only had to go through about half of the box before I found the manual. Yep, there was a breaker, I went into the garage and pushed the button on the compressor. The compressor sprang to life! 
That problem solved, what was I going to do for power? I did not have a heavy extension cord that was long enough to reach the job site. Being on a fixed income I could not afford to purchase such a cord.
The only thing I could think of doing, required more work on my part. I would need to bring the generator from the shed to the job site. This unit weighs 100 pounds, it is on wheels and it is difficult for one properly aged citizen to get it out of the shed. Think getting it out is hard, try putting it back in the shed, it must go up the ramp!
A few strains in the almost overwhelming heat and I had the generator out of the shed and positioned near the jobsite. I checked the oil and added gas. This generator has an electric starter, which requires a 12 volt battery. I have one of those jumper devices that has its own battery inside. I walked to the garage and retrieved the unit carrying it to the generator. I connected the jumper unit to the generator and pushed the starter button. Yes, you are correct, it did not start.
Darn, I will now need to use the pull starter. This generator has a fairly large motor and I assumed, it would be very difficult for someone of advanced years, to pull start. I set the choke and made sure the gas was turned on. I grasped the handle on the rope, pulled it one time, the motor spring to life.  It seemed too easy.
Now the generator is running, the compressor was working, I connected the sprayer to the air hose, and sprayed some air. It made a nice cool breeze on my face.
I mixed the paint with water to thin it, I poured the paint through the strainer and now I was finally ready to see if I could paint. I filled the sprayer with paint that looks a lot like a chocolate frosty from Wendy’s. I like those frostys.
I squeezed the trigger and the air flowed. I pulled the trigger the rest of the way and amazingly, the paint sprayed. I began spraying all the unpainted wood. I painted for about 30 minutes refilling the sprayer several times.
During the work I was sweating profusely, I noticed that when I took my cap off to wipe the sweat, the bill of the cap was wet. I had perspired so much that the bill of the cap was completely wet, and sweat was literally dripping off the bill of the cap.
Work completed and the sprayer cleaned, everything had to be returned to its proper location. I will not continue this story, as the put away process was much more orderly than the afore mentioned process of getting it out. 
                $9.99 for the sprayer, was well worth it!
May all your work go as planned!
Don Ford

Monday, August 24, 2015

Barking dogs 08.24.15

                As I was walking this morning, I began pondering why, “when one dog barks all dog see a need to bark”.
                Some of our neighbors have dogs, and a couple of these dogs like to announce my presence, as I saunter past their fence. (Do you like that word saunter, it may be the first time I have keyed it into an article! Being from Missouri, I have mispronounced it all my life. I thought the word was sonder.)
                The first dog starts barking, obviously warning me that I should not attempt to enter their yard. Then every dog that is close enough to hear the first dog will begin to bark. Why do they do this?
                I have a theory about this phenomenon, it may be similar to what happens when one human type person smiles at another human type person. Surely, you have heard the statement, “you can’t give a smile away”!  Come on now, everyone should know that you can’t give a smile away!  When you see someone smiling, “like a possum eating briars”, you just can’t resist smiling back. 
                Think about it, if you walk up to someone and smile, they will smile back at you, thus, you can’t give a smile away.

Note: if you smile at someone and they don’t smile back, they are either secret service or terrorist, you should move away quickly.
Before you ask, yes I have encountered a secret service person in the past.

                Possibly, a dog barking is somewhat like giving someone a smile. You know, it is an involuntary reaction to the person’s smile when you return one, and it is probably an involuntary reaction to the first dogs bark, that the rest of the dogs start barking.
                What? You want to know when I encountered a secret service person! That is what you got out of this more than well written article?
I was on a business trip for DIB we were staying in a hotel in the Carolinas, President Bush (I believe it was the first one) arrived at the same hotel. There were secret service men in the elevators to make sure you didn’t get off on the wrong floor. They had dark glasses even though they were inside and they did not smile. 
Give someone a smile today, you will get one back!
Don Ford               

Friday, August 21, 2015

Fog this morning 08.21.15

                It is a little difficult to believe, that we had a fall day here in central Texas, yesterday. The day had everything one could want! It was cool and it rained off and on through the day. The rain was not a large amount, (somewhere between ½ to 1 inch depending on where you were), but it was very much appreciated. The temperature yesterday was in the high 70s, which was so nice, seeing the temp was 98 the day before and is predicted to be in the mid-90s today.
                One day of nice weather out of the entire summer!      
                Someone ask if I had done my rain dance in the nude, and did that bring the rain. I explained that I had done my rain danced in the nude. Then she asked, did you dance before it rained or during the rain?  I borrowed a presidential candidate’s comment, “What difference does it make!”
This morning, as I prepared for my morning walk, I was somewhat surprised to see that it was foggy as I exited the Ford Homestead. The fog was fairly dense. I knew that I should not be disappointed with this condition as it was due to the very nice rain we had received yesterday.
With all this fog, I was unable to see the end of our street, but being the adventurer that I am, I set forth. The dense fog did not keep me from my morning meditation. After my initial meditation (positive thoughts and being appreciative for another day) I understood the weather was influencing my thought process. Considering the fog, my vast memory began to unfold, as if a movie was being played in my head.
There I was, in my dad’s car, I believe it was a 1963 Mercury Comet. I was on my way to pick up my then girlfriend, who lived in McClure Illinois, I lived in Cape Girardeau Missouri.  I had to drive across the old Mississippi Bridge (which no longer exists) and then drive about 5 miles, through what was in those days, farm land. Yes there was a couple night clubs along the road as soon as you entered Illinois.
The road was straight for a few miles then there was an intersection. There was a stop sign before you would either turned north or south on Highway 3. I would turn north and drive another mile or so before arriving at McClure.
All that information was to help you understand the circumstances that were present, that night when I was returning the young lady to her home.
I am sure we had a typical night of driving up and down Broadway probably 5 or 6 times, stopping and talking with friends and possibly having a hamburger before returning the young lady to her home. 
The night had been normal until we started for home about 11:45pm, as she needed to be home at midnight. All was well as we crossed the Mississippi Bridge. You should understand the bridge was a tall bridge and as we began down the Illinois side we could see the fog.
I should have turned around and went back to Missouri, but being 17 years old and considering myself an expert driver, I continued on. The fog was so bad that I had rolled the window down and stuck my head out of the driver’s side window trying to see the road. There was a broken white line (white dashes of paint on the road) for the center line, and I could only see one white line ahead of me.
Naturally I had slowed down to a crawl and I was hoping that no one would run into the back of me. The road was totally flat, as this area was old recovered river bottom land flat as a flitter, (I use to hear people in Missouri say flat as a flitter but I don’t know if there is such a thing as a flitter).
We finally made it to highway 3 after what seemed to be an hour of driving without seeing much of anything. The stop sign popped up and we stopped. I could not see if there were any cars coming, I had to take a chance and pullout on Highway 3.
Feeling kind of happy that we had made it this far, we began what we thought was the last leg of this journey. We were driving 10 to 15 mph and could still see only one white line in front of us. We had driven for a few minutes and knew we should be getting close to our turn off into McClure.
We were surprised when we saw the yellow bug lights of a small motel that was on the other side of McClure. We had driven past both turn offs to McClure by about a mile. The yellow bug lights were kind of like fog lights on a big truck allowing us to see how to turn around.
On the way back we kept our eyes open watching the side of the road for any turn offs. There was a Bar with a lot of lights that was on Highway 3 near the second turn off and we almost did not see it.
We found the bar and found the turn off.
I got the young lady home safely.
Yes, I did drive home after mid night, alone, in the densest fog I have ever encountered.            
It was amazing as I begin to go over the Mississippi Bridge the fog totally disappeared.
My brain is back to normal, movie has stopped now.
May your day be bright and cheerful! 
Don Ford

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Ford Homestead expansion 08.19.15

                                                 Chapter 2
                Hello, from the Fords of Hewitt. We are proud to say that the expansion is built but still needs some painting. In the photo below we can see the bare frame of the expansion during the early stage of construction. If you look to the right you should see the ladder / stairs to the old tree fort. Those stairs were moved and now enter the flyover (walkway from old to new). I should point out that the grand kids normally climb up the slide rather than use the stairs.
Below we can see the completed unit. The photo was taken from about the same location but with a different camera. No I did not purchase a new camera! Why do you see need to ask all these questions? It would not be anyone’s business other than mine, if I had a new camera.
Not that it is anyone’s business, but I did purchase a new smart phone. Before you ask, it isn’t an apple. Yes, I got it on sale. It is a windows 8 phone.
Another view of the expansion at the Ford Homestead can be seen below. You may be able to see the grandson inside the lower unit.
In the photo below, Alex and his pet Rattle Snake are enjoying the day.
                I still have a lot of touch up painting to do but the actual construction is complete for now. There has been requests for shelves, and coat hangers but that can be done if the weather ever cools down.
Have a nice day!
Don Ford

Monday, August 17, 2015

48 what? 08.17.15

            I know, it seems like a dumb title for an article that is written by me, the master of the word.  
I see that there is one person that has already jumped to the conclusion that my, “meaningful” yet challenging title, is referencing the number of States prior to the addition of Alaska and Hawaii.
It is true that when I was a children (yes I know I did not say child, when you have had as many personalities as I have, one should refer to me in the plural, children) there were only 48 states and they were contiguous, meaning they were connected. 
But, my title does not have to do with the number of states during my childhood.
I am of course, referring to the number of days without rain here at, “The Hewitt Triangle”, aka Central Texas.
Does it seem odd to you, that we had a month of rain (the month of June it rained every day, I thought I was back in the state of Washington) and now we have gone 48 days (assuming we make it through today without rain) without rain?
Believing we will have gone 48 days counting today, we will have broken the old record set back around 1918, for the longest period of consecutive days without rain.
Different subject; I have replaced the non-working security camera yesterday afternoon. It works and I got a thumbs up from my first spouse, noting that it had a good picture.
Different subject:
If you do not read this part of the article,
you may never understand why it happened to you. 
Yesterday, I used the power of positive thinking to disrupt, irritate, and aggravate myself. I have many thoughts about positive thinking, positive attitudes, believing in something and it can also be considered as faith.
Let us not consider this as a sermon, although it is, let’s just consider my remarks as an opportunity to learn. 
It is amazing to me, that I had not considered this subject, in this orientation, prior to yesterday.
My spouse of 46 years and I had ventured out for brunch, and on our return trip home we stopped at the, “local tea house”, Bushes Chicken for a couple teas. These are large 32 ounce drinks in a Styrofoam container that we procured at the drive through. Arriving home, my first wife entered the house ahead of me, I followed with several items in my hands, one of which was the ice tea. As I approached the door, hands full, I decided to balance the tea on top of another item I was caring. This balancing act allowed me to open the door.
In my mind I thought, “I will probably drop this tea”. I skillfully open the door and stepped inside, still thinking, “I will probably drop this tea”!  I dropped the tea.
Later in the day, when I was calm and no longer using words that were totally appropriate for the moment, but not for continued use, I decided to install the new security camera.
One of my first positive thoughts was, “I will probably have trouble running this wire”! I gathered the needed tools and step stool and began the work about one third of the way through the process I needed to walk back into the garage where I noticed that I had not directed the wire properly!  My positive thoughts were working, I had to remove the wire, pulling it all back to the beginning, and then start again.
I recognized that my positive thoughts, believing that I would do something wrong, were coming true. Starting from the beginning again, I ran the wire in the proper places. I was thinking about the day and I thought, “I will probably drop a tool or a screw into the flowers below. I did, again my positive thoughts were working, not for me but against me.
I marked the three locations for the holes needed for the anchors use to hold the camera in place. I decided to double check the locations before drilling the holes. The marks were correct, I thought, something will probably go wrong with this too.
I drilled the holes, inserted the anchors and began to insert the screws through the camera base into each anchor. Yep, you got it right, the last anchor was off center.
All I needed to do now was to get some wire ties and secure the wire to other wires and call it quits. I walked into the garage and reached for an open package of black 11 inch wire ties. The entire contents of the package spilled on the floor and in between some items making it difficult to get to all the wire ties.
It was at this point that I just began to laugh. I was no longer upset, I was now thinking that I had cause all these mishaps, with my positive thoughts.

The moral to this story is:
Use positive thoughts to believe you can’t, and you won’t!
Use positive thoughts to believe you can, and you will!

Consider your thoughts, they will have an effect! 
Don Ford

If you are hard core you can use the word negative instead of positive.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Meditation by Ford 08.14.15


                As with most mornings, I took my usual 30 minute stroll up and down the street. I have found that walking can be somewhat boring. It has also came to my attention that when something is boring, I don’t enjoy doing it. As I have stated in the past, during my walks I focus on an object at the end of the street.

                Today I was walking and as usual I was focused on an object. I noticed I could hear my foot steps and as each foot would impact the pavement my shoe laces (which are kind of long) would also make a secondary small sound. As you may know, I do carry a walking stick or cane during my walks. The cane also makes a dull impact sound when it hits the pavement, then it bounces slightly and impacts the pavement a second time making a lesser sound.

                I explain this to say, being totally focused on an object, listening to my own footsteps, shoe laces and a double cane sound, I was in either a state of meditation, a trance or just plain old day dreaming. I was approaching the end of the block where I would turn and start back up the street, when out of nowhere came a voice which said, “good morning”!

                Very surprised, I looked to my left and about 20 feet away was my neighbor who lives at the end of the street. I replied with, “good morning”.  I explained that I focus on an item when I am walking and often do not see anything on either side of the street (I didn’t want him to think I was ignoring him).

                I understand that meditation is usually accomplished when a person is in a still position (which is probably more day dreaming, than meditation). I find, that my form of meditation, allows me to concentrate on a subject (being thankful for my many blessings, thinking about what I might do today, considering an idea for a blog posting) and, get my 30 minutes of exercise all at the same time.  Walking in a state of meditation allows time to pass, and I am not bored.

                I usually walk the same path (streets) and I believe the familiarity of the surroundings allows me to easily get into a meditation mode.

In the past, when I would walk various streets I would find myself being critical of almost every home owner. I would comment to myself about their lawns, trees, shrubs, their homes and even their vehicles. I know, you find it hard to believe that I would be critical of anyone for any reason, but I would.

Try it, you might be surprised how nice it is to exercise and meditate at the same time.


Totally different subject; a security camera went out and I can’t see the new expansion. That camera is one of two that has a view of the area where the kids play. So I will need to venture into town and attempt to purchase another camera today.

Different subject; I flew my drone yesterday and made a video of the new addition, even though it is not totally complete. I am still not a real good pilot of the drone, but I do like to fly it. It would be nice to have one of the expensive drones but, being on a fixed income, I must be satisfied with the less expensive model.


Hope you have a real nice day!


Don Ford 


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ford Homestead expansion 08.07.15

                                                   Chapter 1
It all started in the Garden of Eden, or, maybe it was in the garden of the Ford Homestead.                   Instead of eating an apple from the tree of life, I, “the master wood butcher”, cut down the tree from the back yard.
The butchering of the tree, left a somewhat open spot in the yard near the grandkids fort, tree house, or whatever it was called that day. There have been times when it was a ship and pirates were all around us, then there was the time it was a space ship, (Alex has an imagination even greater than mine).
The grand kids liked to climb on the old stump, so I decided to try an build a tree house around the old stump. I hoped that they would be able to play in the tree house and also be able to climb on what was left of the tree stump.
First, I would need to make a drawing (plans) to determine what it could look like. Initial plans seemed to be easy to do, I had no idea that it would cost so much, or involve so much work. I should explain that most of the work has been in sweltering temperatures, often exceeding 100 degrees.  Before that one person asks why I was working in the heat of the day, I would like to answer that question. There is more shade during the afternoon, I don’t like to work in the direct sun light.

Well, that is how it all started, more to come.
Don Ford

Monday, August 10, 2015

Breaking News! 08.10.15

As I get older, (no, I am not forewarning you of my upcoming birthday) I have a tendency to watch more so called news. One reason for this is, I get up earlier than most people, I have my coffee or maybe two cups, while I sit around and kinda try to think of what I might be going to do that day.
Again I would like to point out that this breaking news article, has nothing to do with the fact that I am going to have a birthday August 14th. This breaking news article is simply about the, “so called news reporting on TV”.
I have noticed, and I am sure you have also, that everything seems to be considered, “breaking news”. Example: it is 6:00am and the news person is saying, breaking news, there was a fire last night at…          It was breaking news last night, not this morning.
The term breaking news is being used for anything and everything, they are hoping to get your attention, somewhat like the politicians do when they use the word transparency or transparent.
          The breaking news story is the same at 6:00, 6:30, 7:00 and 7:30, how can it continue to be, breaking news.
Non-Breaking news from the Ford homestead, I am at the point now of painting the new addition. I started painting on Saturday. It would be easy if it were a wall to be painted but this addition has hundreds of individual boards, possibly thousands of corners and cracks that must also be painted. This Painting project will take considerable time as I am becoming older (birthday soon) and due to the fact the addition is two stories tall.
I didn’t get to work on the addition yesterday, I helped David trim more trees. We put 6 hours into this project starting about 7:30am. It was either 104 or 105 Sunday, and I want you to know it is difficult for a person who will be having a “birthday on August 14th“ to work in that exhausting summer heat.      
          I painted a little this morning, Gabi along with Alex offered to help paint.
We are getting new windows for the homestead at what I consider a very high price, (I know it is petty cash for you, but not for us retired people on a fixed income). My spouse of 46 years will need to work the highways twice as often, and twice as long, picking up the aluminum cans as she has in the past.
I want to ask those of you who live in this area to please start littering the roads with your cans, we need litter bugs!
There are a couple roads that she works which also offer the opportunity of road kill, she will need to be even more vigilant than in the past.
Kinda Breaking News from “The Ford Homestead”. I just spilt a full glass of milk here on my desk. Why was the milk on the desk?  I was attempting to eat lunch and put this article together at the same time.
May your day be cool and rainy!
                        Maybe I want the cool and rain, and maybe I don’t care if you get any or not!
Don Ford

Monday, August 3, 2015

What was it? 08.03.15

                I find it hard to believe it is August but when the afternoon temperature hits 100 or higher, I find it less difficult to believe.  We had rain every day for the month of June and then July comes along and not a drop of rain in July.


                I have been asked how the new addition at The Ford Homestead is proceeding, it is getting close to completion. I have installed an emergency evacuation slide. What, you don’t know what an emergency evacuation slide is!                 Ok, I will try to explain.

                In the olden days, some buildings that had several floors, also had an emergency evacuation slide. These slides were inside a tube and a person who needed to evacuate a building would get on the slide inside the tube. The tube went straight down, the slide was circular kind of like some of the kids slides today, and one would go in circles down to the bottom. 

                When I was in junior high school, they had this type of emergency evacuation device. The old school was 4 stories high and when they would let us know about a fire drill in advance, some of us boys would go to the fourth floor so we could ride the slide from the top to the bottom. It was kind of fun.

                Back to the new addition, I am at the point of needing to paint the structure and then install the walls. I must say it has been some hot work that was also, if not fun, it is rewarding work!


                As I was enjoying my early morning walk the other day, I noticed something small and white moving across the street, it was a, “what was that, moment”. I could not determine what it was, as it would move then stop and move again. In my all-knowing brain, I thought it might be a small white mouse. As I continued walking towards it, it would start and then stop. This creature finally stopped when it reached the curb. As I approached, I was surprised to see that it was a fluffy white feather. A light breeze would cause it to move then stop, and move again.


                Another, “what was it moment”, occurred yesterday morning as I sat on the rocker near the garage door of the drive way. (Is it correct to say, “I sat on the rocker”, or, “I sat in the rocker”? I sit on it, and also, in the confines of it!)

It was almost 11:00am and the sun was bright, although I and the rocker, were in the shade. I was dressed and ready to go out for Sunday Brunch, while my spouse of 46 years was getting ready.

I was somewhat surprised when I observed a fairly large shadow, move quickly across the driveway. My first thought was a Hawk, but I had not heard any birds flying away, which always happens when a hawk is prowling the area. I looked up and there was nothing overhead, not even a dove.

As I pondered this, “what was it, moment” it occurred to me that it may have been an alien space ship shadow. Before you say I am wrong, let’s consider this. Alien space ships can cloak themselves (be invisible to the human eye) but even though we can’t see the space ship, it is still there, and it will leave a shadow.

I know, it is difficult for the untrained mind, to understand all the many marvelous thoughts that come from a highly trained, and might I say undefinable brain like mine! Just believe what I say and you will be better off.


Let me know if you have a, “what is it moment”, and I will be glad to research the event and explain in easy to understand terms what it was.


May all your, “what was it moments”, be interesting!


Don Ford