Monday, August 31, 2015
The Donald" 09.01.15
Shelves and naps 08.31.15
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
It happened this way 08.26.15
Monday, August 24, 2015
Barking dogs 08.24.15
Friday, August 21, 2015
Fog this morning 08.21.15
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Ford Homestead expansion 08.19.15
Monday, August 17, 2015
48 what? 08.17.15
Friday, August 14, 2015
Meditation by Ford 08.14.15
As with most mornings, I took my usual 30 minute stroll up and down the street. I have found that walking can be somewhat boring. It has also came to my attention that when something is boring, I don’t enjoy doing it. As I have stated in the past, during my walks I focus on an object at the end of the street.
Today I was walking and as usual I was focused on an object. I noticed I could hear my foot steps and as each foot would impact the pavement my shoe laces (which are kind of long) would also make a secondary small sound. As you may know, I do carry a walking stick or cane during my walks. The cane also makes a dull impact sound when it hits the pavement, then it bounces slightly and impacts the pavement a second time making a lesser sound.
I explain this to say, being totally focused on an object, listening to my own footsteps, shoe laces and a double cane sound, I was in either a state of meditation, a trance or just plain old day dreaming. I was approaching the end of the block where I would turn and start back up the street, when out of nowhere came a voice which said, “good morning”!
Very surprised, I looked to my left and about 20 feet away was my neighbor who lives at the end of the street. I replied with, “good morning”. I explained that I focus on an item when I am walking and often do not see anything on either side of the street (I didn’t want him to think I was ignoring him).
I understand that meditation is usually accomplished when a person is in a still position (which is probably more day dreaming, than meditation). I find, that my form of meditation, allows me to concentrate on a subject (being thankful for my many blessings, thinking about what I might do today, considering an idea for a blog posting) and, get my 30 minutes of exercise all at the same time. Walking in a state of meditation allows time to pass, and I am not bored.
I usually walk the same path (streets) and I believe the familiarity of the surroundings allows me to easily get into a meditation mode.
In the past, when I would walk various streets I would find myself being critical of almost every home owner. I would comment to myself about their lawns, trees, shrubs, their homes and even their vehicles. I know, you find it hard to believe that I would be critical of anyone for any reason, but I would.
Try it, you might be surprised how nice it is to exercise and meditate at the same time.
Totally different subject; a security camera went out and I can’t see the new expansion. That camera is one of two that has a view of the area where the kids play. So I will need to venture into town and attempt to purchase another camera today.
Different subject; I flew my drone yesterday and made a video of the new addition, even though it is not totally complete. I am still not a real good pilot of the drone, but I do like to fly it. It would be nice to have one of the expensive drones but, being on a fixed income, I must be satisfied with the less expensive model.
Hope you have a real nice day!
Don Ford
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Ford Homestead expansion 08.07.15
Monday, August 10, 2015
Breaking News! 08.10.15
Monday, August 3, 2015
What was it? 08.03.15
I find it hard to believe it is August but when the afternoon temperature hits 100 or higher, I find it less difficult to believe. We had rain every day for the month of June and then July comes along and not a drop of rain in July.
I have been asked how the new addition at The Ford Homestead is proceeding, it is getting close to completion. I have installed an emergency evacuation slide. What, you don’t know what an emergency evacuation slide is! Ok, I will try to explain.
In the olden days, some buildings that had several floors, also had an emergency evacuation slide. These slides were inside a tube and a person who needed to evacuate a building would get on the slide inside the tube. The tube went straight down, the slide was circular kind of like some of the kids slides today, and one would go in circles down to the bottom.
When I was in junior high school, they had this type of emergency evacuation device. The old school was 4 stories high and when they would let us know about a fire drill in advance, some of us boys would go to the fourth floor so we could ride the slide from the top to the bottom. It was kind of fun.
Back to the new addition, I am at the point of needing to paint the structure and then install the walls. I must say it has been some hot work that was also, if not fun, it is rewarding work!
As I was enjoying my early morning walk the other day, I noticed something small and white moving across the street, it was a, “what was that, moment”. I could not determine what it was, as it would move then stop and move again. In my all-knowing brain, I thought it might be a small white mouse. As I continued walking towards it, it would start and then stop. This creature finally stopped when it reached the curb. As I approached, I was surprised to see that it was a fluffy white feather. A light breeze would cause it to move then stop, and move again.
Another, “what was it moment”, occurred yesterday morning as I sat on the rocker near the garage door of the drive way. (Is it correct to say, “I sat on the rocker”, or, “I sat in the rocker”? I sit on it, and also, in the confines of it!)
It was almost 11:00am and the sun was bright, although I and the rocker, were in the shade. I was dressed and ready to go out for Sunday Brunch, while my spouse of 46 years was getting ready.
I was somewhat surprised when I observed a fairly large shadow, move quickly across the driveway. My first thought was a Hawk, but I had not heard any birds flying away, which always happens when a hawk is prowling the area. I looked up and there was nothing overhead, not even a dove.
As I pondered this, “what was it, moment” it occurred to me that it may have been an alien space ship shadow. Before you say I am wrong, let’s consider this. Alien space ships can cloak themselves (be invisible to the human eye) but even though we can’t see the space ship, it is still there, and it will leave a shadow.
I know, it is difficult for the untrained mind, to understand all the many marvelous thoughts that come from a highly trained, and might I say undefinable brain like mine! Just believe what I say and you will be better off.
Let me know if you have a, “what is it moment”, and I will be glad to research the event and explain in easy to understand terms what it was.
May all your, “what was it moments”, be interesting!
Don Ford